Sedentary Lifestyle ?

KSnow78 Posts: 37 Member
edited March 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
When I first joined MFP 23 days ago I set myself to Sedentary. I was very sedentary at that time.
1350 calories per day and no exercise. Desk Job, 5000-6000 steps per day. TV Hog. I lost 11 lbs in 23 days from eating alone.

Recently.. the last week or so fitbit sync's about 500-700 calories. (10,000 to 13,000 steps per day) Treadmill 3x per week for 30 minutes 3.0mph. I still seem to eat around the 1400-1500 calories but then the 500-700 exercise calories brings my net down to below 1000. I can't seem to eat anymore... I still work a desk job and sit on my behind most of the day... my big blast of steps comes in the evening.

Should I change my sedentary lifestyle to lightly active ? Would this help ?


  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    Good question, bump.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    Would this help with what? What problem are you trying to fix? Hunger? Lack of energy? Losing too quickly or slowly? Or are you just trying to be more accurate.

    I would think you fit the description of 'lightly accurate'.
  • KSnow78
    KSnow78 Posts: 37 Member
    I guess my question would be... what would this do to my intake/output. Im trying to determine the right caloric input and output for my lifestyle. At what point does one make a change ? Or does everyone remain sedentary for the base number and eat back the calories
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If you change your lifestyle to "lightly active," you will receive more calories at the start of the day and will get less of an adjustment at the beginning of the day. If your problem is that you can't eat enough at the end of the day to adjust for your activity and you know you will be able to eat more earlier in the day, this may help.

    Or, if you know you consistently move more, you can go ahead and eat earlier in the day.

    Example: My lifestyle is set to "sedentary" and I get 1,460 calories each day. But I consistently move enough to actually earn about 1,950 calories. Since I know I consistently will be adjusted upward, I plan bigger breakfasts and lunches so I'll be straight at the end of the day. I don't wait until I earn them to plan my meals.
  • bragaj17
    bragaj17 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm sedentary too. Chained to my desk 8-10 hours/day for work.
    Started a month ago and gained weight on 1200 cal/day, so dropped to 1000 cal/day. Lost 6 pounds in 30 days.
    Got a loooong way to go, but I'll get there!