It's just a number



  • ceeceew
    ceeceew Posts: 21
    whenever I say 162 or 161 people say, woah, you don't look like you way that much!! It always bothers me because I was feeling pretty good about how hard I worked to get to this weight and then after they say that, I feel like I am really heavy.

    I get the same thing. Right now at 152 people think I weigh 130 or so. Imagine if people were honest we might not have girls and women fixating on 110 and 105 as the perfect weight. Just from the tiny pic of your avatar you look like you are fit and have a rockin body so why can't we let people know that 160 can be gorgeous, you don't have to weigh 110?

    that's a big part of it... I don't FEEL like I weigh over 200lbs. I don't think I LOOK like I weigh over 200lbs. In fact, It makes no sense to me that I do. I'm kinda grossed out at myself.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Actually recently I've starting wondering if maybe the reason women have higher numbers of eating disorders might be related to the fact that they guess so much about who weights what instead of being able to freely talk about it. I agree with the intent about this that being more comfortable with talking about weight might really help...but hey I'm a guy what do I know...

    Not like anyone would really base weighting under a 100 pounds as an adult as a healthy goal...I mean unless they are like 3 feet tall, then that might make sense. No one likes a fat midget (just kidding, I'm not sure I even have an idea what a fat midget would look like or how they'd act).
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    Shizzman, do guys have this hangup with saying what they weigh? I just think it is counterproductive for women to compare themselves all the time and for a number to have so much power over your life. I am NEVER going to weigh 110 and I had to get over it. I find myself doing the same thing with pants sizes and I have to nip it in the bud frequently. If I try on a size 4 and it doesnt fit I have a fit. But I AM a size 4 I think and if that one doesn't fit I get down on myself and have all sorts of negative feelings and thoughts and it is just ridiculous to do that to yourself. You arent the number you weigh or the size pants you wear or any of the other superficial things we take so to heart and torture ourselves with.
  • mystiedragonfly
    mystiedragonfly Posts: 189 Member
    I don't share my actual weight number with people simply because *I* do not like the number. However, when they insist on knowing the number, I tell them that I squat almost double my body weight and in my world THAT is the number I am more interested in. However, people are obsessed with the number on the scales and not the over all health of a person's body.

    Since I began working out and eating right, I have only lost 30 pounds. In that, I have lost TEN pant sizes (I have gone from a size 26 to a size 16). It's the ten pant sizes *I* HAVE to focus on. Not seeing the scales go down when all my friends are dropping 20/30/80 pounds is frustrating and depressing. If I dwell too long on the fact that my scales are not going down, I get obsessed and depressed. I get frustrated to the point of giving up. Then I stop going to the gym to even lift weights.

    I have packed on a lot of muscle (on purpose). I am proud of THAT. However, muscle also has a denser weight to it. Packing on a pound of muscle and losing a pound of fat equals no change in the number of a weigh scale.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Shizzman, do guys have this hangup with saying what they weigh? I just think it is counterproductive for women to compare themselves all the time and for a number to have so much power over your life. I am NEVER going to weigh 110 and I had to get over it. I find myself doing the same thing with pants sizes and I have to nip it in the bud frequently. If I try on a size 4 and it doesnt fit I have a fit. But I AM a size 4 I think and if that one doesn't fit I get down on myself and have all sorts of negative feelings and thoughts and it is just ridiculous to do that to yourself. You arent the number you weigh or the size pants you wear or any of the other superficial things we take so to heart and torture ourselves with.

    We're all human so we all have our issues. Sometimes it might be more about what we can lift or if we carry too much fat or if we are too light or whatever. Sometimes it helps just to work on progressing in a healthy direction, eating better, making sure to exercise both towards strength and towards cardiovascular fitness....