Still No weight loss - WEEK 6 (SUGGESTIONS PLEASEEE)

:sad: :sad: I don't GET IT!! Week 6 (closer to 7) and NO weight loss. I'm working out (5x week), eating 1200 calories a day. Maybe my thyroid is stalling my loss. The only thing keeping me pressing is PRAYER and my clothes are fitting a tad bit better. Any suggestions :explode:


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I know this will seem strange, but eat more. You are probably in starvation mode. Increase your calories to 1400 and eat your exercise calories back. Give it 2 weeks and I bet you start seeing the scale move again.
  • florory
    florory Posts: 6 Member
    No carbs, I have lost 12 lb in two weeks. Worth a try!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Maybe you arent eating enough? That seems to do the trick for a lot on here. If you are working out a lot maybe you need to up the calories some or eat back your exercise calories.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    You need to eat more calories..I know strange. But you body may not be getting enough for the amount of exercise you are doing.

    Good luck!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Up your calories... and do eat some carbs. Watch your sodium levels and drink water water warer. Good luck. If you don't want to up your calories AT THE LEAST make sure you are eating your exercise calories.
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    It's a bizarre kind of science, but I just went through a period of not losing for nearly a month. I increased my calories by 300 per day and started losing right away. It seems really strange but it really does seem to help. It's worth a try. Good luck!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I sent you a private message.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member

    It's hard to offer advice without knowing what you're eating and your basic data. If you could make your food diary public people could help evaluate your diet. It would also be helpful if you could provide your height and current weight.

    That being said, I'd offer the general advice that you need to be patient; that weight-loss is a process not an event and that it is more about what you eat and how much you eat than it is about exercise (some folks use the equation that it's 80% diet and 20% exercise).

    good luck in you efforts!
  • shannie1228
    shannie1228 Posts: 11 Member
    You have to trick your body sometimes...if u do the same thing over and over...your body gets accustomed to that....some days eat a bit more calories and rest no workout...and then on days when u up your calories workout ...try to change it up so your body doesn't know what its going to get each day!! IT works!!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    You're probably not eating enough calories. You're body may be in starvation mode and preserving what it has. Eat back some of your exercise cals and do some strength training to keep your metabolism going. Good luck!
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    I have had 4 weeks without the scale moving, and I am getting frustrated too. I have been staying on track have a lot of weight still to lose and nothing! So, I feel your frustration...and 1200 calories, if you are not eating your exercise calories does not seem like enough. Try to eat calories that would give you a 1/2 pound a week weight loss...see if it works.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Have you tried interval training? I noticed that helped me. Up the cardio a bit and do intense cardio every few minutes. This has helped me ont he tread mill. I noticed a difference right away. Also you might want to eat some of your exercise calories back.
    Hope this helps...
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member
    I've just logged in for the 80th day in a row and have only lost 1 lb, so i know how you're feeling (x3). I started seeing a nutritionist and she showed me her metabolic calculator and it said for my weight, height, age and activity level, I should be eating 1800-2000 calories to lose weight (2500 to maintain). I had only been eating 1500, so I'm giving it a try. She also had me trying to walk 10,000 steps with my pedometer each day, and has now urged me to try to get to 15,000. I think you need to eat A LOT more, but make good decisions - lean proteins, nuts, veggies, etc. Good luck!
    TWEETIE19 Posts: 54
    I was in the exact same boat, and all of a sudden it just started dropping off. Hang in there and don't give up....You can do. :smile:
  • sophianova
    sophianova Posts: 4 Member
    Is your net intake of calories 1200, or is it less than 1200 because of your workouts? If it is less than 1200, your body is in starvation mode. I would suggest perhaps bumping your net caloric intake up to at least 1300 (just to be safe). Once your body stops perceiving your weight loss efforts as a threat, it will start becoming your best ally as opposed to your worst enemy :) Also, I'm not sure what your workouts schedule looks like, but if you have been doing the exact same routine for 6 weeks, maybe you could try switching it up, to keep your body guessing (muscle confusion). Maybe try a new activity that works a different set of muscles, if you have previously been focusing on specific areas of your body. Just some ideas to try, and most importantly, GOOD LUCK! :D
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I would say eat back your exercise calories. You don't have a lot to lose and your body isn't going to give up those calories easily. if you are working out 5x's a week your net is probably well below 1200 cal.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    are your clothes fitting better???
  • ceeceew
    ceeceew Posts: 21
    You're living my story, lady. It BLOWS. I'm so terrified to eat MORE food and see the scale go up instead of down. Though, it's not going anywhere at this point. Boo.
  • Paintbynumb3rs
    Paintbynumb3rs Posts: 13 Member
    Even though you aren't seeing the results on the scale, you're seeing a difference in yourself. You are probably losing fat and gaining muscle. Try a bmi scale if you absolutley have to see the difference. Great job on the workouts though! Keep it up
  • melindalamb
    No junk food and no sweets.