Re-start Button?

katbass Posts: 351 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So here I am again...wishing I had stuck with what worked when it was working. When I re-committed to MFP back in January, I proved to myself that I could lose 10 lbs in 6 weeks by logging my food and working out. I was re-energized and excited and proud of myself for once again sticking with my plan and seeing this as a healthy LIFESTYLE and not a diet or short-term solution.
And then it happened. Again. Life got hectic, we spent a week on a tropical island, my daughter had her 2nd birthday, and then Mother's Day and my husband's birthday and blah blah blah. Life got in the way of my lifestyle change!
So...Im back. Im looking through my MFP diaries from January and February, when this lifestyle was truly a lifestyle for me...when it was WORKING. Im trying to find those foods I loved that kept me full and those workouts and runs that made me feel better about myself.
Tell me, oh wise MFP friends....what keeps you motivated? I know that I work best/hardest when I am working towards a date (a vacation or a wedding or an event), but (surprisingly) we dont have too much planned the second half of this year, and really, I need to learn how to do this forEVER and not just "until the wedding" or "until we go to the beach".
What keeps you going? Motivated? On track? Inspire me :) Please? I could use a kick in the butt or an eye-opener today :) Yell at me! Remind me! Tell me how much it is worth it! Hold me accountable :)


  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    All I have to do is look in the mirror or do laundry & see how big my clothing is. I have a LOT of weight to lose though, so if you don't that may not work for you. I think just telling yourself repeatedly that you want to be healthy & treating your calories as though it were money might help. Definitely helps me!

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  • Rix06
    Rix06 Posts: 25
    I have a photo of myself a few years ago at the weight that i want to be. i just look at that
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I also dont have a "goal" in mind....I just know that I want to be comfortable. Since being pregnant, I always felt sloppy in my clothes, like I was trying to hide something....I dont feel that way anymore. I feel good in my clothes and I dot feel like I need to hide myself in clothes that cover up my trouble spots....I just got rid of now the best motivation is to never feel that way again!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    What keeps me motivated is the potential of actually being able to wear a two piece bathing suit. Its now within my reach and not that far fetch. I am trying my hardest to stay focus. I used to weigh 254 and now I'm down to 179 wait 181 cause of my pms lol. Still I know I can get there. Keep it up you look great! Good luck.
  • lilbit71
    lilbit71 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there!

    I am recommitting myself today as well. I had been doing so well between eating and exercising (I do Turbo Jam and Shakeology) and somehow fell of the wagon. I'm only up 6 lbs or so, but it's enough to have to lose without losing those same 6 lbs again!!!. So one thing I am doing is starting a challenge among some FB friends and see if that type of motivation works for me. I usually do better when I have to "answer" to somebody or can beat someone at a competition :) I guess as I got older, I got competitive because I never used to be that way before.

    So I say to you, it is absolutely worth it, to lose that weight and gain your health, fitness, self respect and self esteem back (or for me, for the 1st time in my adult life). I am also thinking about setting an example for my children, I want to lead by example, do by "Do as I say, not as I do!" I want to run and jump and play with them (they are 3 and 5). I want to help them learn to play football and baseball and soccer. I want to play in the pool with them and I simply can't do those things right now and that to me, makes it all worthwhile.

    I'll be a weight loss buddy for you if you would like one. I give you the weekly kick in the pants, if that's what you need. I'll help you make heathly choices. Because in order for me to keep it, I HAVE to give it away. That's what makes my program work. So message me, reply to this, find me on FB whatever works for you. I'm happy to help in any way I can. None of us are in the journey alone...

    Take care and be well,

  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks everyone! I read something on someone's profile that said, "There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines." It has really been resonating in my head the last two days, and while all of my choices havent been 100% perfect, I am learning. I am not going to set myself up for failure again. I think I will focus on starting 2012 with a new body. I have always given myself less than 3 months to get weight off, and while Ive been moderately successful, I have never really reached my goal in the "specified" time frame. I am realizing that, if this is truly going to be a LIFESTYLE, then there is NO deadline. There is not end date. I need to wrap my head around it and recognize that the weight didnt appear overnight, and its not going to disappear overnight. I dont have "a lot" to lose in the grand scheme of things, but its not about losing weight as much as it is about being healthier, setting a good example, and feeling good about myself. I am a social person, and Im noticing myself sitting inside on beautiful days or not allowing myself in new situations to meet new friends because Im just not comfortable with myself. I dont want to put myself out there when Im not feeling like myself.
    I am not going to make drastic, sweeping changes overnight. Of course, I will throw out the bad foods in the house and focus on the healthy stuff I like to eat. I can easily stop drinking sodas and go back to drinking water only. There are certain changes that are easy to make immediately, while others will have to be trial and error. (ie, we have birthday parties this weekend....that will be a test!)
    I really appreciate this support and the opportunity to come here and vent and remind myself that I am not alone and tht others have felt/do feel this same way. And that it gets better. :)

    Off to plan meals and get a plan of attack for working out this week....and Im excited about it!
  • Mazzy17
    Mazzy17 Posts: 4
    Hi, I have recently properly started MFP. I knew i had to lose weight but yesterday i have a kick up thebackside when i went to have my wedding dress fitted and they couldnt do it up! (i doesnt help that my bridesmaids are 5ft 10 blond and gorgeous!)

    I have actually planned out what im going to eat and signed up for the local gym (induction tomorrow!) so im planning on going to flab to fab.

  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Good luck, Mazzy!
    I had a wake-up call two days ago when my father in law posted a pic on Facebook, and my arms and face and b00bs were suddenly gigantic! Eye-opening!!!
    When is your wedding? Youll be surprised at how easy MFP makes weight loss...if you have self-descipline and motivation, you will be FAB and your bridesmaids will be jealous :)
  • Mazzy17
    Mazzy17 Posts: 4
    I have always had big b00bs but the rest of my body has decided to catch up :laugh:

    Wedding is in 3 months time yikes!
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