Working Hard - still no weight loss

danacorl Posts: 4 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I've always lead a healthy lifestyle, I just ate poorly. Now that I'm aware of my eating habits, I feel like it's a great thing for me. I already have good work out habits and I'm starting to have better eating habits. I've been going strong for about 6 weeks of eating about 1300 calories a day and working out for about 60 mins 5 days a week. I have noticed that my clothes are starting to become a little baggy but I still haven't lost weight. What is going on? Is there something I should do? I'm just a little discouraged that I am not seeing the results I want. Any advice? Words of encouragement?


  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Keep pushing!! You will see the results. Make sure you take measurements! Sometimes we lose the inches but not the weight.
  • Perhaps, the fat weight is turning into muscle weight. You're losing inches (baggy clothes) but not losing weight as it's changing to lean muscle. I'm no pro, but I wouldn't get too worked up over it and keep it up!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    your fat is turning to muscle and it weighs the same!! Soon you will shred the excess... keep going, and don't lose hope!! GREAT JOB!!!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Height? age? weight? You may not be eating enough if you're really pushing the exercise for 60 minutes 5 days a week. I know it sounds counterintuitive but your body needs to have enough calories or it starts storing the all as fat because it thinks it may need them in the future.
  • If you are getting skinnier and not losing weight that means that you are just gaining muscle and losing fat! Especially since you are working out a whole lot. I'm no doctor, but I do know muscle weighs more than fat so that is why you haven't lost weight even though you are making progress. Don't get discouraged. The point is to be healthier. You are already seeing results in the way your clothes fit so that means keep doing what you are doing! I'm sure you didn't gain the weight over night and it will take some time to get it off as well. Be patient and don't give up!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    We are in the same boat. I have not been losing but, I think my inches are moving. Take your measurements.
  • Amandanoralynn
    Amandanoralynn Posts: 231 Member
    You are doing great changes. The best way to see the changes is by how your clothes fit and your body starts changing. I could see that in my stomach, but my weight did not want to go down. I have noticed generally when I start exercising I gain five pounds. I knew I felt better and I am taking care of me and now the scales are starting to budge. My Chiropracter said to get rid of those scales, they will not always read to your favor. You are doing a great job and keep at it! Your body will Thank you!
    Best of luck!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    If your clothes are saggy, you are shrinking. Don't worry so much about the scale.
  • susanm140
    susanm140 Posts: 1 Member
    But r u losing inches I am at a stand still but now I am on the inches lost..... Stay proud and keep on working hard:-)
  • aanaya56
    aanaya56 Posts: 136
    Loosing inches is more important... You are doing a great job.. Keep pushing PLAY! Dont let that unmotivate you.. Soon youll see the weight scale go down.
  • Compgirl
    Compgirl Posts: 1
    Being that you are working out your body is most likely "toning" up. Which is why your clothes feel baggy because yes indeed you are getting in better shape. Loosing the actual weight in pounds will take some time for some people. I know I went through the same thing, and it frustrated the heck out of me but when I actually stopped weighing myself and focused on pure fitness and eating healthy, it all worked out. Bodys are going to lose weight in the upper and lower part of the body first, and then your core last. What type of workouts are you doing? Thats another key to loosing the actual pounds and "leaning out". I suggest running, even if you cant run in strait periods, just do run-walk intervals. It really helps lean you out. Its all a huge roller coaster, and everyones bodies are different, but I suggest just not weighing yourself for awhile and focusing on what you are doing now, which is right. If you burn more calories then you eat every day your body will eventually lose weight! Keep your head up!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Are you doing the same routine?? Try changing it up to shock the body. Do something different each week, or rotate routines so your body doesnt get comfortable and you can get the max calorie burn. The same goes for food....change up the foods you eat and get a good variety.

    You are probably hitting a plataeu and your body just needs a SHOCK to get you out of it!

    you can do it, dont be discouraged!
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I was having the same problem, eating healthy, working out 7 days a week and doing calisthenics. I have been doing this for 3 weeks and only lost 2 lbs. However, when I stepped on the scale yesterday and today I lost 2 more pounds. I was excited since my weight since I started doing calisthenics hadn't budged for a week! But, already this week I can see the pounds shedding on the scale. Haven't logged my weight loss because I do it on Fridays which is the grand total for the week. You can do it, just keep it up!
  • truckie332
    truckie332 Posts: 11
    lunglady is correct, stay off the scales. its the worst measure of health around,.Pay attention to your clothes, and a tape measure. and keep a log of your progress.
  • by your own account you are making changes. your clothes are baggy. muscle weighs more than fat. you are probably changing the fat weight to muscle weight. 1300 calories of what? protein, fats, carbs., sugar. SUGAR is the enemy here. your doing great. how many calories are you burning in your workout? are you consuming more than you burn?
  • Muscle weighs more than fat sometimes there is no weight lost just toned up into muscle. Try playing around with your diet a touch, like uping protein and lowering carbs, or restricting calories a little more, Or change your work out routine around to something comepletely different than what you have been doing. Your body is very adaptive..
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I'm going go to against all these people and say you aren't eating enough. If you are doing that much and eating that little, your body is starving. At least eat back your exercise calories and you may even need to up your daily intake.

    At the beginning of the year I was eating 1700 and losing 1 lb a week. I increased to 2000 and lost 2 lbs a week. In both instances I ate back my exercise calories.
  • Horuke
    Horuke Posts: 11
    I've had this same problem happen to me; from what I’ve read about it. Aside from new muscle being created along with fat loss; it's also your body's store of glycogen increasing too. Since glycogen is made of mostly water it weighs a lot. Especially if it's only been a few weeks since you started exercising; as your body builds up it's energy supply for your workouts. Fat loss is offset by the increase in glycogen and then muscle, once those gains plateau your weight will start to drop.

    Though it could also be the scale you are using, if it’s old or defective. I used to use an old spring scale that I inherited from my parents that would always show around 250 no matter who stood on it. My wife got a digital scale and that has been pretty accurate. Try testing your scale with a dumbbell or something to gauge its accuracy.

    In any case your clothes fitting better, is an excellent sign of progress.
  • Texas_Nana
    Texas_Nana Posts: 92 Member
    Good thread. I like all the different theories, one of them (or all of them) must be right!

    My question is, " Are you overweight at all?" If you are near your goal weight then you probably won't see much of a weight loss on the scale.

    If you are overweight, maybe the same thing is going on with you that happened to me. When I first changed from eating horrible to eating healthy, it took nearly six weeks before I saw a an ouce of weight loss. I read several articles that explained how my body needed to reset its metabolism as I was probably insulin resistant and my body no longer knew how to burn calories for fuel due to the way I had been eating for years.

    I continued on my program and eventually started seeing a slow loss. Now I am losing consistantly.
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