Looking for some advice (and a mentor/helpful friend, if there are any volunteering!)

fitby24_ Posts: 3 Member
Hi all.

I'm a 22 (almost 23) year old woman, with a desk job and zero energy. I really want to shape up a bit before the summer, because my boyfriend wants to go away and I don't want to be constantly hiding from the camera. When I started college when I was 18, I was 12st, and got down to 9st 7lbs by the end of my first year- but over the course of exams (and, frankly, bad eating habits) I'm back up to 13st7. I don't really care about the lbs any more- I'm more concerned about the bf% and the inches.

I went onto IIFYM.com and did the calculator, and have put myself at 1550 cals for weight loss (I'm 5ft5.5, desk job). I've also started working out daily- at minimum 30 mins, sometimes up to 60. Mix of resistance and cardio.

I'm just a bit concerned about the best way to approach this. Should I go low carb or low calorie or something else? I lost all the weight in 1st year college because I walked in 30 mins each way every day uphill, and because tbh, I just didn't eat. Some days I'd have 2 yogurts- total. Then I tried low carb and did really well on it- but I'm scared now that since I've gained so much, I won't lose it. I just never seem to see the numbers go down any more. I've been on/off dieting for 2 years now and the scales just never co-operates even on great weeks.

Anyone have any advice?

Thanks a million.


  • mstuck08
    mstuck08 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey add me as a friend
  • JenZoe13
    JenZoe13 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning! I have been where you are. Message me and I would love to help you!!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    I ran your stats using: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1668
    Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2002
    Daily calories to loose at 25% - 1501
    Daily calories to loose at 20% = 1601
    Daily calories to loose at 15% = 1702

    You have your setting to loose weight way too aggressive IMHO. I say go with the 15% to 20% and do not worry about the low carb thing.

    Just setup MFP to loose 1.5 pounds per week and starting using a Food Scale. The food scale will be the most important thing you do at this point to keep you in track with all of your food consumption.

    A lot of people have tried low carb, moderate carb or just eating MFP's recommendations on daily carbs and all still loose weight. This type of diet structure is a personal choice (doing a low carb diet) and IMHO is totally not necessary to loose weight.

    The key is keeping your deficit each day consistently to loose the X number of pounds you have selected MFP to say you need to loose weight. GET THE FOOD SCALE, it will be a game changer.

    OP, there are 1000 examples though the forums of people's success in the MFP community that use a food scale and eat carbs and still loose weight. I am one of them.
  • fitby24_
    fitby24_ Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi @gia07 :) thanks for the advice.
    I weigh all of my food at the moment. I just tried setting MFP to 1.5lbs a week and it said to eat 1,250- is this very low?

    Your post says to set it to 1.5 but also that 1550 is aggressive so maybe I need to set it to more cals?