new to all this, help please!

This is my first time watching what I eat & exercising, help please? Dos and donts? Advice; anything helps, what have you done to reach your goal?

Thanks (:


  • AnnieFJ
    AnnieFJ Posts: 82 Member
    Do - move yourself - walking then maybe running

    Dont - Eat junk food

    Do - Eat plenty of freshly made home cooked food and fresh fruit and veg

    Dont - Eat junk food!

    Good luck!
  • warphoenix
    warphoenix Posts: 47
    DO: Eat healthy lean meats, Veggies, Nuts. Eat back at least 75% of your exercise calories back. Stay above 1200 Net Calories (Calories - exercise calories burned = Net Calories)

    DONT: Eat processed / fast foods. Not eat back your exercise calories or your metablism will slow down and you'll have sloth like energy levels. Overestimate how many calories you burned while exercising or you'll just be cheating yourself.

    Best of luck to you!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member

    Log EVERYTHING! Even if you've fell off the wagon momentarily, you learn from your mistakes when you can actually SEE them
    Get some exercise, starting slow and easy but getting progressively more intense
    Eat plenty of veggies and some fruit
    Learn to look at the nutritional values of foods when you do your grocery shopping, you'll be surprised by some so called healthy foods
    Remember that there are calories, etc in alcohol, so if you want a tipple you need to work for it
    Look to MFP for any support or motivation if you're lacking in it
    Clear out your cupboards of anything that may tempt you
    Make the right choices if you are eating out


    Please don't feel as though you're depriving yourself of the little treats. It's all about discipline, so if you want chocolate, have a square just to curb the craving then put the rest in the fridge.
    Overdo the exercise at the start
  • andyp10
    andyp10 Posts: 11
    How i done it!

    I was not overweight and was within my BMI. But there was a roll starting to form where muscles used to be!

    If you stick to the app, prepare your day in advance. I love sweets, so I needed to add these within my day.

    best thing to eat without doubt! Every morning, 4 egg whites in an omelet (only around 80 cals) add a few bits of chopped peppers and onions these only add to about 20 cals. Then go for lower cal bread and a slice of this. This gives a very filling breakfast for only 200 cals.

    Treats to Have
    - Curly Wurly only 115 cal's. Put in fridge, brake into 10 bits when hard and eat half when you need a treat
    - quavers Crisps only 88 cals per pack
    - Diet Coke 1 cal

    if you need a treat from a chip shop, battered cod is best option, 450 cal's one battered sausage is 450! I took a fish from chip shop once every 2 weeks!

    I had to cut out pure juices while I was dieting as each glass is about 100 cals.

    Also if you go over your daily limit every 20 mins of step ups on the house stairs will burn 100+ cals' (step up 2 steps then back to floor missing first step each time)

    The key is "time" Just think, 10 weeks time you could be 20 pounds lighter!

    Good luck

    PS Many more tips if you need them!
    Hope this helps!
  • gponter79
    gponter79 Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Firstly the good news, you've discovered the most inspirational place to help you lose weight. Nobody here judges you, everybody knows how you feel as we have all been there. Just hang out in the forums chat to people read the post, the success stories are great when your having a bad day.

    For me moving away from eating bad food is a psychological thing rather than physical. When I drive past McDonalds now I see it as 'the enemy' (so to speak) and If I go in I will be letting myself down. Set your self small realistic goals that you can achieve in relatively short time (2/3 months).

    Oh, and the best thing is when your friends and family comment on how good you look. When your confident enough post some pics on here and the comments you get really make you feel great!

    Good luck
  • ballinger2011
    Thanks so much everyone! (:
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