Misfit Flash?

So, I've never owned a fitness tracker before, but have always wanted one. I'm also a college student, i.e. low on money.
The price of the Misfit Flash is really, really appealing ($30?!), but I have found a bunch of mixed reviews ranging from the product dies to it falls out of the band, to the band itself snaps.
I'm wondering if anyone here has ever used the Flash and what your thoughts are on it? I also have a Galaxy S6, so I have a pedometer and if that's all the Flash is really good for in the long-run, then I may just save up for a more expensive tracker...
For my usual activities, I do yoga daily and some form of cardio (running, treadmill, elliptical, bike) 3x/week. My campus is also fairly large so I get in quite a bit of walking.


  • stronginhimalone
    stronginhimalone Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! I can't help you about the flash. Although I wouldn't suggest debt to anyone. I'm pretty low on dough myself, but I just put a Garmin vivosmart on credit. I'm looking for inspiring college students as friends on here. I'm having a time managing my first week spreading my focus on studies and staying fit! Sounds like an excuse. :( I'd just like to find some accountability partners. I wish you well with your tracker inquiry.
  • kayleegean
    kayleegean Posts: 6 Member
    No worries, I appreciate the honesty! Yeah, it's a bit difficult at first; I find that I study better at night so I found 3 days a week where I either had a few hours between classes or finished classes and work early enough that I could work out without it really affecting my study habits. I also do yoga every day for about 20-30 minutes, which can lead to me staying up later than I would like sometimes, but it slowly starts to balance out. Definitely start slow! I started with yoga first because: 1. I used to practice every day so I knew I could do it, and 2. It doesn't require that much extra from me (I don't have to go outside or go to the gym for it, I can practice in my dorm without a problem). Once I got that routine sorta down (after about 2 weeks), I started exploring different cardio options. Don't get discouraged if you can't do 50 different things at once, you'll burn yourself out if you try to do it all immediately.
    If you want, feel free to add or message me!
  • jenopie130
    jenopie130 Posts: 3 Member
    I just got my Misfit Flash this weekend so I can't day much about its longevity but I can speak on it features. It counts steps and gives you points (basically 1 point per 10 steps). You can use the app to show what activity you were doing (running, for instance gives you more points. If you cycle they expect you to use the clip accessory to put the tracker on your shoe. Yoga an option too, along with basketball, soccer, tennis, swimming and dancing.) I did basic calisthenics the other day and had to put it as dancing - I guess that's the closest.

    It is also a clock (an odd analog clock that uses 12 lights and rounds up to the nearest 5 min. If the hands are at the same time, I'm clueless as to what it says.) And it tracks how deeply you sleep through the night. (Last night apparently I was sleeping lightly while lying in bed watching Netflix, so it isn't perfect but I was able to edit my sleep time to reflect a more accurate count).

    I haven't had an issue with it falling out yet but I don't do a lot of hard workouts.

    Right now Best Buy is selling a 2 pack for the price of one so share one with a friend or challenge one of your parents. You can see how many points your friends earn on the app.

    You can change what different button presses do with a separate app called Link and If by IFTTT. I have mine set to show the clock with 1 press, call my cellphone with 3 presses in case I lose it, and track workout times with a long press. I haven't decided what double pressing should do. I also have If email me my stats (steps tracked, calories burned, estimated miles walked) to my mom and I, notify me if I haven't met my step goal for the day and automatically post a celebratory Facebook post if I do meet my goal. All those IF things can be done with most fitness trackers.

    hope this helps
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    I bought that very same Misfit Flash and I find it perfect. Of course, you get what you pay for so it's pretty straightforward. The app is incredibly simple. I haven't had any trouble with the tracker falling off, but I only use the clip, which hold perfectly in place (I play soccer with it).

    The only thing that I don't like is the fact there is only 9 possible activities (soccer, running, walking, yoga, dancing, basketball, swimming, tennis) so if you do something else, you have to find the closest activity. The calories burns are also a little overexagerrated. But overall, I like the product. Incredibly simple, but it surely doesn't compare to this 200$+ trackers. But then, not all those trackers can be kept at belt level with a clip.

    I like it, and I like its price :)
  • jenopie130
    jenopie130 Posts: 3 Member
    I bought that very same Misfit Flash and I find it perfect. Of course, you get what you pay for so it's pretty straightforward. The app is incredibly simple. I haven't had any trouble with the tracker falling off, but I only use the clip, which hold perfectly in place (I play soccer with it).

    The only thing that I don't like is the fact there is only 9 possible activities (soccer, running, walking, yoga, dancing, basketball, swimming, tennis) so if you do something else, you have to find the closest activity. The calories burns are also a little overexagerrated. But overall, I like the product. Incredibly simple, but it surely doesn't compare to this 200$+ trackers. But then, not all those trackers can be kept at belt level with a clip.

    I like it, and I like its price :)

    I noticed the calorie count was really high too. I just looked it up and Misfit adds your Basal Metabolic Rate to your active calorie burn. That makes more sense as to why Misfit said I currently have burned 1200+ calories and myfitnesspal is only giving me credit for 83. It is counting the calories burned just for basic living and breathing before muscle movement is even factored in.
  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    i have the shine . absolutely love it . better than the fitbit by far - got rid of that rubbish last year . point-system is great, gives credit where credit is due - as i play tennis a lot, it bumps my points up like mad . i ignore the calories since i'm using MFP . just wish we could compete or communicate with our 'friends' .
  • DessaLyn327
    DessaLyn327 Posts: 3 Member
    Kiddo and I both have misfit flashes. Other than having no idea what time it actually is, I really like mine. The price was reasonable, getting it to sync with my galaxy was super easy. I can wear it on my waist, ankle or wrist which is nice.
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    I got one a couple of weeks ago, easy to use though I wasn't keen on the fact it hasn't got a screen displaying stats off putting (I don't tend to carry phone with me all time). However it stopped working after two days. Turned out the battery had corroded, possibly due to having shower the evening before, even though it's supposed to be water resistant to 30m.
    Got refund and now have vivofit . Actually like the tracker better but find the application harder to use.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have the Flash and love it!

  • kayleegean
    kayleegean Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys all so much! I'm really relieved to hear more positive reviews; I was hoping it wouldn't be junk. I'm anticipating getting the Flash tomorrow! Maybe I can get ahold of that two-for deal, my mom has been working on improving her fitness...I saw they're also having a sale online, so maybe I can get a few friends in on it as well :open_mouth:

    If anyone else has more advice, please let me know! Also, if anyone's bought a different band for the Flash, what did you get and where from? I've seen a ton of customization options for the Shine, but very few for the Flash.