P90X vs. Insanity?

mel0215 Posts: 5
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm planning to start P90X on Monday, and am pretty excited to get it going. But... I keep hearing about this Insanity workout. Would anyone recommend one over the other?? Has anyone tried both? Just curious..


  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I'd like to know too!
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    Both are great for different things. Get both and do both. Mix Insanity and p90x for an awesome program!
  • shantler
    shantler Posts: 1
    Put simply Insanity is more cadio oriented with no weights. P90X has more strengthening and does use some weights, pull ups, ....
  • NewBeginning11
    NewBeginning11 Posts: 12 Member
    I just bought P90X...plan on starting it next week as well. I'm thinking they are both kinda the same. I looked through my P90 stuff and it seems mostly about the diet and exercise combo. The three different stages of the meals over the 90 days. We'll see!:smooched:
  • libra1721
    libra1721 Posts: 3 Member
    Insanity is just as the name states INSANE. You have to already be a decent shape to get through that work out. I can barely get through the fit test DVD. I would say do P90X first and once you complete that training exercise then move UP to Insanity. Both workout will definately challenge you and take your body to places never seen before but my true feeling is that Insanity is a step up/harder than P90X. Good luck and enjoy your work out
  • aabyrer
    aabyrer Posts: 57
    I personally have Insanity and I absolutely love it! I've done it twice last year and lost only a few pounds, but lots of inches!! I like Insanity because you don't need to have any equipment and can do it with limited space. My fiance has P90X and it works well for him, but you need all that equipment and that can be expensive if you don't already own it. They are both great programs!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Insanity is almost pure cardio. P90x is a mix of cardio and resistance training. Both are fantastic. There are even hybrid schedules mixing the two.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm planning to start P90X on Monday, and am pretty excited to get it going. But... I keep hearing about this Insanity workout. Would anyone recommend one over the other?? Has anyone tried both? Just curious..

    I would suggest completing P90X before taking on Insanity. However they are very different programs. Insanity is more cardio based, while P90X is more strength training. Both are great programs though!! Any questions please feel free to message me.

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  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I think they both great programs! There is a hybrid schedule in which you can mix them both! I think, since you already have p90x go ahead and do it and then try Insanity afterwards! For me p90x just bulked me up but I didn't have luck loosing weight with it! With Insanity I lost a few pounds but I several inches! Of course everyone will have different results! Good Luck on your fitness journey!
  • amcgowan10
    amcgowan10 Posts: 17
    I've done p90x and you have to buy some equipment for it to really get the benefit. From what I've heard about Insanity you don't need weights, bands, pull up bars etc.

    I haven't lost much weight with p90x yet, I'm only 2 weeks in, but I have become more toned. For me the toning and overall health benefits are more important than the number on the scale.
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    I just bought P90X...plan on starting it next week as well. I'm thinking they are both kinda the same. I looked through my P90 stuff and it seems mostly about the diet and exercise combo. The three different stages of the meals over the 90 days. We'll see!:smooched:

    These programs are soooo not the same! Both are crazy intense, the most of all the Beachbody fitness programs. The key differences are Insanity does NOT require any equipment whatsoever. You use your own muscle resistance to gain muscle tone. Insanity is also intense cardio 5 days a week. One day is a CARDIO recovery (meaning no cardio, but it is still a hell of a workout) and one day is rest.

    P90X requires equipment. From the responses I've read, not many understand what P90X offers. P90X can easily be tailored to ones personal fitness level & goals. It has 3 difference programs within itself: lean , classic, doubles. Lean is more cardio based with only a couple of days using weights. Classic is an equal mix of cardio and weight training. Doubles is the classic version with additional cardio 3 days per week (this means 3 days each week had 2 workouts). P90X is also slower-paced, in comparison to Insanity.

    Both programs are accompanied with amazing nutrition plans that are easy to follow and essential to getting max results. Both programs will burn a crazy amount of fat, resulting in lots of lost inches. Both programs will get you ripped.

    It is strongly advised that anyone considering Insanity should either be able to complete P90X or already be in decent physical shape. If you are more than 40-50 lbs overweight, Insanity may be far too difficult & even dangerous as your heart rate would peak too easily.

    I have done both programs (have come to prefer Insanity because I'm a cardio junkie). I love both programs. I am a Beachbody coach, so I know these programs well!
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    I've done p90x and you have to buy some equipment for it to really get the benefit. From what I've heard about Insanity you don't need weights, bands, pull up bars etc.

    I haven't lost much weight with p90x yet, I'm only 2 weeks in, but I have become more toned. For me the toning and overall health benefits are more important than the number on the scale.

    You will see the most dramatic weight loss in the 3rd month. The first two months are conditioning and building your muscles & making you stronger.
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I'm planning to start P90X on Monday, and am pretty excited to get it going. But... I keep hearing about this Insanity workout. Would anyone recommend one over the other?? Has anyone tried both? Just curious..

    I would suggest completing P90X before taking on Insanity. However they are very different programs. Insanity is more cardio based, while P90X is more strength training. Both are great programs though!! Any questions please feel free to message me.

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    I did Insanity first it is a crazy cardio program and helped me build up endurance it does not take as much of your time as P90X does, so really depneds on your life style can you fit an hour half work out in? If so then maybe P90X is a good starter it is just not for me at all, love Turbo Fire and Turbo Jam!
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I've also heard that one isn't really better than the other, it just depends on what you're looking to get out of the program. My cousin is getting Insanity soon and I already have P90X and was thinking about combining to two. I've seen a few hybrid schedules out there and really want to give it a try. I also like challenging myself too lol.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Even though I have had great success with P90X, Day 72 lost 33 pounds, I wish I would have started with Insanity. Insanity would burn off a lot of the goo and then do a round of P90X to build you back up with lean muscle.

    I started to not get the workout I wanted from kenpo and yoga around day 45 with the addition of wrist weights for kenpo, still nothing. I substituted Insanity workouts for them during the week to get the workout I was looking for. I still do Yoga but I moved it to my Sunday workout instead of resting. This way I still get the good stretch in and I feel great the rest of the day.
  • amcgowan10
    amcgowan10 Posts: 17
    I'm doing the lean program for P90x. Will I still need to be patient and get to the 3rd month to see a big difference?
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I've used both and others.

    Insanity - If you are not concerned about building strength and back muscles. High interval training really gets your heart rate up there. You'll sweat bullets and gasping for air.

    P90X - Rounded exercise program that touch on just about everything. Builds strength and endurance.

    P90X+ - Like P90X but more geared towards cardio.

    P90X is still my favorite. After trying all the others, I'm back to P90X. This is my 7th round. Just an example, I was able to do 12-15 pull ups when I started P90X. Now I can do 45-50 pull ups. Thanks to P90X and it's pull up craze program.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm doing the lean program for P90x. Will I still need to be patient and get to the 3rd month to see a big difference?

  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    I'm doing the lean program for P90x. Will I still need to be patient and get to the 3rd month to see a big difference?

    The most drastic changes happen in the 3rd month, no matter which version you do. Stick to the nutrition plan & the workout schedule & you will see results every week!

    I found the different versions of P90X effect different people in different ways. I wasn't getting the results I wanted from the Classic version. I was getting stronger & my muscles were bulking up, but I wasn't seeing much of a weight/inch loss like I wanted. I tried the Lean version & saw much more dramatic results. My body requires a lot of cardio to keep the fat burned off. For some (including women), the stronger the muscle & the more it grows, the more it burns off the fat over the cardio.

    My suggestion is to stick to the plan you are doing. If, by the end of this 90 day round, you don't achieve the results for which you were hoping, try another round but do the Classic version. This will give you a better idea of how your body works & reacts to the various activities.

    Everyone who has ever been or is currently overweight knows we didn't just wake up one morning overweight. The weight came on gradually, over time...several months or even years. Therefore, it isn't realistic to expect the weight to come off entirely in one, two, or even three months.

    No matter what, as long as you are getting at least 30 minutes of physcial activity 3-6 days per week & practicing proper nutrition with some moderation on the less healthy options, you will lose weight & build lean muscle. Try not to get so wrapped up in the ifs, ands, & buts of the process. Instead, just focus on making fitness & nutrition a lifestyle...something you do as a normal part of your daily routine, as you would in getting up each morning, brushing your teeth, showering, getting dressed, etc. Don't overthink it...just do it. You won't be stressed & in a few short months you will have the body you want.

    I wish everyone all the best & great success in meeting your goals. Remember, it is a way of life, not a diet or a workout, etc.
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I'm doing the lean program for P90x. Will I still need to be patient and get to the 3rd month to see a big difference?

    I think in phase 2 when I start noticing a difference. Just keep at it and push harder if you can.
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