I am not alone

Just wanted to say thank you to the numerous positive responses I received from my "Food to me is like alchohol to an alcoholic" blog, although I should have worded the title a little differently. It made me feel like every day is a new day. I am not alone. You are not alone. We all have these daily struggles we face. I was given good advise from books to read, to trigger foods to avoid, and best of all, I have come in contact with amazing people who wish to take this journey together. So once again, thanks to you for showing your support and we can do this, one day at a time. Remeber, today is a new day. :)


  • icspicthia
    icspicthia Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for being honest and vulnerable - your courage and openness will help others too. One day at a time. :smile:
  • Jzuba75
    Jzuba75 Posts: 23 Member