Add me: fitphillyesh

I need motivational people to help me through this weightloss journey and I want to be able to help other people. I'm in this alone and have no support system because no one believe I will see this through. They are wrong and watch me do it! Everyday I will post inspiring quotes so please add me so we can help each other. What are your names?


  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Welcome. I just posted this on someone else discussion and I will post to you as well! I log regularly so feel free to add me!

    I'm San. I became a member in Sept. 2012. I've been on and off for years. My highest weight about 220lbs I'm currently at 158. My lowest was 149 that was May 2014- So almost 2 years ago. Got away from this site got back up to 171 this past Novemeber so I'm back...
    So a few pieces of advice. There will be bad days, bad weekends and even bad months. The scale can be your friend and your enemy so don't focus on that alone, focus on NSVs (non scale victories) like your pants are as tight! You don't have to exercise like a madman, you will learn to make better choices and you gotta do this for the long haul. Be patient and remember this isn't a reality show, this is your reality. :)
  • fitphillyesh
    fitphillyesh Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for your reply. This was so needed. I'm definitely adding you. You seem like you would have amazing tips since you started where I am now. I was off this for a while but I had to get back on because of a health scare. I need to lose the weight and need people like you as motivation. Thanks for sharing that.
  • Optimistic1979
    Optimistic1979 Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Vanessa and Im on this weight loss journey, again. I don't have no support outside of MFP either. I'm on my 22 day streak and lost 5 pounds. Need about 70 more to reach my ideal weight. I requested you girl so let's do this