80lbs to lose!

Klitt86 Posts: 24 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!! I am a stay at home mom of 4 kiddos!!! Although I enjoy it, it doesn't keep me very active. I'm usually doing housework or running errands so my weakness is unhealthy snacking! I am so upset with myself that I have 80 pounds to lose to get down to my recommended 154lbs. I want to cry.
I had an accident with my heart this past December and was told I can't do any strenuous exercise so my only method of exercise is walking. I love doing the Leslie Sansone DVD's at home. Here's the thing, I have been trying to lose weight for 2 weeks now and have actually gained 2 pounds.
I was on the antidepressant medicine Zoloft last year and from October to December I gained 20lbs. I spoke to the doctor who prescribed it and he was no help. I was 207 before I was on the medicine and when I noticed it, I had reached 227. Since January to now, I've gone up to 233 and I'm am becoming so depressed. Has anyone been on medicines that made you gain and found it hard to lose it? I have a docot or appointment with a new doctor so I'm hoping she will be able to help me. I'm 29 and at this point I'm considered obese.
I'd love to add friends who are moms or had issues with gaining weight while being on medicine but really I'd love anyone to add as a friend so we can support and motivate each other on this weight loss/health journey.



  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited March 2016
    OMG! i lost 100. so have many many people on MFP. you're not alone. Gotta weigh your food. Log everything. I strongly suggest a HRM for you workouts. There will always be some reason (dare i say excuse) as to why its harder to lose weight. Age, medicine, busy. yet many of us overcome those excuses and manage to lose weight.

    flagged cause i spoke the truth and didnt add calories by sugar coating it? pfft. whatever.
  • Jack_NYC
    Jack_NYC Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's a very supportive community.

    Logging my food and aiming to stay under my daily calories have really helped me focus on eating better. I am beginning to see results: down 11 lbs so far, one month into my 98 lb journey.

    I think my success so far starts at the grocery store. I make sure to buy healthy snacks (e.g., fruits and veggies) and I plan my meals ahead of time. I plan what I eat and stick to the plan. I know with kids around you'll probably have to also buy kryptonite, like cookies and ice cream, but if you keep yourself stocked with the healthy stuff, it's easier to deal with. Anyway they might as well eat better, too, like Mom.

    Good luck, start logging, and stay in touch.
  • Jack_NYC
    Jack_NYC Posts: 64 Member
    besaro wrote: »
    OMG! flagged cause i spoke the truth and didnt add calories by sugar coating it? pfft. whatever.

    Shame on whomever flagged Besaro's post as spam. That is not helpful.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom to two boys. I was on antidepressants for almost 12 years and peaked at 275 pounds. I am now off antidepressants and over the last 11 years have managed to whittle away 60 pounds. Getting on MFP, weighing and measuring my food and cutting down on my portion size and food choices helped me.
  • donnaw3kids
    donnaw3kids Posts: 130 Member
    Hi. Im a mom to 3 and wife of 21 yrs. Struggling with my weight and lack of motivation! Feel free to add me. Best of luck
  • dragonfire12601
    dragonfire12601 Posts: 166 Member
    A lot of medicines make you gain weight. It is possible for you to lose the weight but you have to be serious about it!!! Eating healthy, watching your calories and staying active. You came to the right place. This ride is always more fun with friends for motivation and support. Anyone can add me!
  • Optimistic1979
    Optimistic1979 Posts: 15 Member
    Im a mother of 5 and I do the same snacking all day on the go. But since I have been on MFP logging everything the last 22 days I lost 5 pounds! I still need 70 more for my goal so feel free to add me girl