Pizza - Why did I do it.

Right. Need help. I just ate 1300 cals worth of pizza for tea. 9I never usually even eat pizza, but I was just craving it and gave in) I feel bloody awful now. I am absolutely exhausted from work and feeling really fed up. I have loads of marking and planning to do before tomorrow.

Anyway. It is done. But what shall I do now? Any tips and help for damage limitation both mentally and physically? Pep talk needed people!


  • BastaConLaPasta
    right, chica. It's all good. Longest night of the year tonight. Get yourself out there and have a good long walk. I am not saying pound the pavements or work up a massive sweat. But an hour of moderate walking should rid you of about 400kcals, soothe your mind, ease your conscience and help you sleep. If you can psyche yourself up to a jog, so much the better.

    Do not, DO NOT make it worse by slumping on the sofa and feeling ****e.

    Tomorrow - have a no carbs day. Two serves of low-sugar fruit (like berries) BEFORE 2pm, the rest of the day just protein and veg. If you really want to blitz it have a dukan attack day of protein only (no cal limit but literally no fruit or veg - just lean protein)

    do carb curfew (ie no carbs at dinner) from now until weekend.

    Drink loads of dandelion tea, it flushes everything out and gives you a nice flat tummy. Do not weigh in until Saturday,

    Job done.
  • labette31
    labette31 Posts: 10
    Make like an etch-a-sketch. Shake and erase the day and start fresh tomorrow :)
  • icsracer
    icsracer Posts: 29 Member
    You are probably not as bad off as you think. My best results from exercise came the day after eating too many colories. For example the day after a cookout. Go for a long workout, if it helps you clear you head and get rid of the guilt. Sometimes you need theses days to help keep you motivated.
  • Kristy085
    Kristy085 Posts: 65 Member
    Do a good workout for the day! That's what I do after I have a food lapse! Keep you head up...just look at the big picture!
  • BastaConLaPasta
    you will mark and plan more effectively with a head clear after the stimulating effects of exercise honest. Carb coma not conducive to good clear head.
  • tanikabland
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Just maintain for the rest of the day and do better on tomorrow :-)

    I had a battle with Cheesesticks on lastweek lol
  • illinoishoosier
    Stop worrying about it., You can't uneat it. I plowed through a medium pizza on Friday, looked at the box, went "Oh *kitten*" then shrugged my shoulders.:bigsmile:

    Slips will happen. Be comfortable with that and you will be just fine.:smile:
  • bigredhearts
    bigredhearts Posts: 428
    I say, whats done is done. No need to feel bad for something thats happened in the past, the best that you can do is try to be stronger willed and make better decisions for the future! i personally dont feel like the every now and again indulgence is bad for a person if you MEANT to... but feeling like you did something horrible is not healthy for you mentally or physically. stress is a killer. so dont worry, like i said, you'll do better next time, tomorrows a new day! :flowerforyou:
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    First, the mental part. Screw it. It's done. Move on. Get back on the wagon, as it were. We all slip up from time to time.

    As far as physically, I would suggest some additional exercise that you typically wouldn't have done. Maybe go for a walk/run/bicycle ride for an hour. Or pop in an exercise DVD that's been gathering dust. I don't know what your exercise level is, but if it is low, maybe the pizza will kick you into a whole new gear with exercise! (That happened to me over Christmas one year, damn Christmas cookies!)

    Finally, I would suggest that you stop trying to eliminate things that you want completely. If you want pizza, eat pizza. Just limit what you eat. Everything in moderation to satisfy the craving without going overboard.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Pizza is awesome, that's why you did it. I found the Di Gornio (SP) makes a pizza slice for 200 calories. You get two in a box so if you ate both its only 400. Did I mention pizza is my FAVORITE food. And these taste pretty good too. So if you want to splurge these will not make you feel as bad :)
  • paacr
    paacr Posts: 2
    I did the same thing about a week ago, pizza is my weakness, it set me back a few days but it happens every now and again. Just get back on track and continue to exercise and eat right and it should correct itself shortly. Don't let it get you down, just stay the course. Best of luck!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    take a deep breath! go for a nice walk this evening, and have a light dinner. Everything will be ok. whatever you do, don't weigh yourself, and have a few extra cups of water.

    Pizza is yummy, sometimes you just have to do it :)
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Right dudes, I hear ya.

    Going to go for the zero (or as close as damn it) carbs day tomorrow and light carbs on wednesday. I am going to go for an hours walk now with the iphone. Then I am going to remember how **** I feel at this moment and never have pizza again - its bloody awful stuff. xxx
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I wouldn't do a crazy work out the day of eating pizza- It will probably make you sick (it would me, anyway!). If I were you, I would not stress it, take a nice long walk, do a killer work out tomorrow, and not even worry about it! Also, my nutritionist always tells me that it is your calorie intake for a whole week, not just one day, that makes you or break you. Make up for it by skipping that little treat here and there for the next few days and don't sweat it. You can still even lose weight this week if you focus. Yesterday I totally overate (and decided to screw logging because I knew it was wayyy over) and this morning woke up, worked out with a trainer who kicked my butt, and pre-planned out my entire day to make sure I stay under my calories. Hope this helps!
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I think MFP just censored my naughty words! hehehehehehe
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    OH and another tip, try z-pizza next time. You can get much healthier alternatives such as the vegan pizza (and wow its delicious) for surprisingly little calories and the slices are extremely filling and actually relatively nutritious. I can't eat more than two of the XL slices and I believe calories are only about 400 for both giant slices... and you are so full!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    You are probably not as bad off as you think. My best results from exercise came the day after eating too many colories. For example the day after a cookout. Go for a long workout, if it helps you clear you head and get rid of the guilt. Sometimes you need theses days to help keep you motivated.

    I completely love this! Yes, sometimes we do need those horrible meals/deals to get us refocused so that we can better understand why we're here and what we're working for.

    Remember how you feel now!! Think about that the next time you want to binge. That bloated tummy, the horrible guilt - turn them into motivators. When I wasn't totally serious about getting healthy, I would say that I would start tomorrow, then tomorrow, then tomorrow and so on. Since I've been getting healthy, I've had some slip ups - they're normal. But, now, I don't say that I'll never slip up again - I'm only human. Just don't let this slip up meal turn into a slip up day or slip up week. Look how far you've come and where you want to be. Go you!
  • AngieRevised
    Onward and Forward, my friend. =)
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Aw hun, slip ups happen. Dont beat yourself up! Go for a walk and start afresh tomorrow!! Plan out your day now so you know what your having, I always find that helps!?
    Here is you wanna meet up in person one day, seeing as we do live in the same town n all!! :flowerforyou:
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    Hee Hee

    Took my lovely friend's advice and walked 90 mins cross country from Ditchling Beacon to Black Cap 5.5 miles in total in 90 mins.

    Made a bit of a dent in the pizza, and mentally feeling much better.

    Cheers guys xxxx