New friends - Please add me! (50 - 75 lbs to lose!)

dearhungry Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, :blush:

I'm an 'Endomorph, Kapha, Qi deficient' (apparently), 29 year old female, and I'd love for new friends to join me on my journey.

Currently 190 lbs (86 kgs) - 5"7.

I live on the beach in Australia and made an Instagram account for my journey - 'DearHungry' So please follow me, and I'll follow you back!

I stupidly tried to gain a bit of weight, just to see if I could lose it; as a ridiculous health concept - (i'm in the health field, and researching about it), now I'm 60 lbs more in weight and developed a binge eating disorder.. FML.

I suffer from OCD, a plethora of new 'weight-gain-induced-issues' like: Anxiety, depression etc, and I make a lot of excuses for myself and do that whole 'I'll start again on Monday', bull-*kitten*.
But now, I'm determined more than ever, because I turn 30 in 3 months, plus, being in the health field, it makes me look ridiculous. :neutral:

I'm aiming to get closer to my original weight in that time-frame. I can't be obese (BMI of 30 now - Sigh!) in my 30's. I have around 35% body fat and hips that just won't quit. (I literally have to pull skirts and dresses down over my head because that's the crazy hip measurements I've got now!

I love Pinterest for meal cheats - Cooking is a thing I love to do. I will be swimming, walking, doing resistance training, etc.

I'm utilising a Ketosis-like diet with Intermittent fasting windows for the afternoon/night.

That's all about me! Please add me and let's get healthy together! :smiley:


  • Penguin2222
    Penguin2222 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Dearhungry,
    I understand to some extent what you are going through. I also suffer from an eating disorder, mine is EDNOS. And I have said time and time again I'll start next week, but then mess up and have to start all over.
    I was obsessed with weighing myself I would do it 3X a day and the numbers would scare me, I would stand on the scale for a while unit I was brave enough to look at it. Also I would like to tell you but you probably already know this being in the health field, so please don't take offense to me telling. But BMI isn't necessarily the best way to measure health. It is simply a weight to height ratio but it dosent take into account what of that weight is bone, muscle, or water mass, rather than fat. Alot of buff athletes find themselves in the obese catigory because thier muscle mass is so great.
    I wish you all the best on your journey. I'll be your friend is you would like:)

  • RaveMoon
    RaveMoon Posts: 3 Member
    I'm headed toward the big 3-0 in August! I really don't want to enter the 30's being overweight any more. Blah! I'd love to join you on your healthy journey :)
  • Becomingme_elly
    Becomingme_elly Posts: 12 Member
    30yrs old
    Total emotional eater
    HW:195 (was not pregnant at the time)

    4 kids (including twin girls)
    I have a cruise in September that I am trying to get confident for. I NEED to lose this weight once and for all. When I hot the big 3-0 I my BMI put me at obese I couldn't believe what I had done to myself. But now is my chance to change it.
  • pamc210
    pamc210 Posts: 6 Member
    Twins! Wow, they must keep you busy. I just started yesterday, and I could use all the help and support I can get. We'll make sure you lose for your cruise