Starting my journey over!

I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2012. After losing 80lbs I got pregnant and then after having my first baby 6 mos later I got pregnant again. He is now 9 mos old and it is time to get my self back on track. I have this amazing tool and I feel as if I am wasting it. Wouldn't mind some buddies to help me along. Good luck everyone!


  • RottieFurMomma
    RottieFurMomma Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Amanda! Sounds like you have already accomplished so much. I too struggle with taking advantage of this tool and maybe we can help each other? Want to see if we can lend support to each other?

    Take care,

  • Jennifer10229
    Jennifer10229 Posts: 10 Member
    I also am attempting to get back on track. In 2014 I lost 55lbs. Since my wedding in January of 2015, I gained 30 back! The raw food diet really worked last time and I'm praying it will this time too! Just need some motivation. Good luck!!