tips for losing last 7 pregnancy lbs?

I'm having a hard time losing the last 7 lbs (son was born in Jan.) of pregnancy lbs. I gained a lot of weight with the pregnancy, and most came off really easily, but nothing I do seems to help with this last 7. I'm doing cardio, weights, and limiting calories to 1200 a day. Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions? I was 110 before pregnancy, and want to get back to that (I'm 5'3).


  • ElbeeMommy
    ElbeeMommy Posts: 2 Member
    I would say that maybe you should eat more calories. Maybe since you are working out and only eating 1200 your body is going into starvation mode and holding onto the last 7 pounds. Just try to eat the calories you work off. My son is almost 1 and I am 3 pounds from pre baby weight. Can't wait!!!

    Good luck!
  • researchgirl82
    researchgirl82 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't have any tips but just wanted to say I am in exactly the same boat. Baby girl was born in January and there are seven pounds remaining. Are you still nursing? My doctor said this may be way my body is being so stubborn. I feel your pain. So frustrating!!!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'm a big fan of saying "eat more"! If you're breastfeeding, you definitely need to be eating about 200-300 more calories a day. If not, you still might need to eat more. Without seeing your diary, it's hard to give tips on diet. Try more strength training to build lean muscle.
  • irishcrab
    irishcrab Posts: 3
    Hi there, I had to lose about 26 lbs from after my son was born (who just turned 5), and I was on the South Beach diet. It worked and I lost all the weight and a few more lbs on top of the 26 lbs! I just lost a baby boy last November and am trying to lose 11 more lbs from the pregnancy (I've already lost about 11 lbs). I lost the 11 lbs doing the South Beach diet, and for the last 11, I am doing a combo of low carb/low sugar, and hip hop abs and zumba! I'm loving it, but also making sure I reach my 1,200 calorie/day limit! I notice if I eat under the 1,200, the weight doesn't come off, but my abs are coming in again!
    I hope this helps!

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