poor success rate but still feel positive - is this normal??

hi - i am on a journey with the goal of losing 20lbs in 20 weeks - i started 6 weeks ago and all was going well - then i went on holiday in february for a week and put on much of what i had lost - so i am now down a grand total of just 3.6lbs in the 6 weeks since i started - so not reaching my goal - yet, for some off reason, i am really positive that this is fine and i will get there - feels very odd to be so positive about this level of failure!!! is this normal??


  • annette_neves
    annette_neves Posts: 1 Member
    I hear you. I'm sort of in the same boat. I think it's that you know how hard you've worked, and you also know and accept that you went off the wagon a bit AND you've gotten back on! Accepting where you are and where you've been probably is helping with the positivity.

    I woke up today to an unfavorable weight, but I know I've generally made some good changes and moves and just need to keep it going! I keep in mind that my goal is long term (about a pound per month) and that bumps will happen.

    Nothing wrong with a positive attitude!!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Even in the most optimal circumstances, weight loss is usually not 100% linear (which is why I bite my tongue & silently leave those 'let's all lose 50 lbs in 25 weeks!' threads...)
    What you are describing sounds like resilience to me! And maybe you are even enjoying the process just a little? Both good traits that will help you not just lose weight but also keep it off.
  • tara2502
    tara2502 Posts: 20 Member
    thanks for responding guys - i think you've both hit the nail on the head - so i didnt lose my ideal but there was a good reason for it which i totally accept - and i'm back on the wagon since returning from holidays so i've every reason to believe i will continue to progress - yes, i think i am quite resilient - although not sure what you mean by enjoying the process(?) - if you mean the process of losing weight, absolutely don't mind denying myself treats if the reward is on the scale and in how i feel (particularly if i continue to feel as positive as i do right now!) - if you mean enjoying the process of being resilient - yes, being a bit of a control freak at the best of times means that i enjoy pushing to see how resilient and in control i can be.
    and finally, absolutely yes, nothing wrong with a positive attitude - long may it last!
    thanks so much for responding - i love it when someone comes back to tell me that it's ok or normal to be/feel the way i am.
    Y_U_NO_SKINNY Posts: 53 Member
    Yes, this is normal. You are probably eating more fruits and veggies and protein. These things have nutrients and components that aid in the production of serotonin, and that promotes happiness. Exercise releases endorphins, also contributing to positivity. Just keep doing what youre doing :)
  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    You didn't put 20 pounds ON in 20 weeks so it's good that you recognize (as Scolaris said; "weight loss is usually not 100% linear) that a lot of weight loss is "mindset." I wish the last ten pounds would come off as easily the first ten! The fact that you're doing something is the important thing!
  • stmokomoko
    stmokomoko Posts: 98 Member
    It's a billion times better than being depressed about it IMO, so just keep riding that feeling! :D

    I'm in the same situation though, just knowing I'm doing something positive for myself and my health keeps me motivated (although memories of sitting on the couch attacking a large pizza surface occasionally). And you know what? When my measurements actually show improvement, it's even better.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Why would losing 3.6 pounds ever be a failure? You lost 3.6 pounds, this is awesome! I think it's great that you're going at a slower more maintainable rate and focusing on making healthier choices. These two things will make it more likely that you're able to stick it out through the long haul
  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    scolaris wrote: »
    Even in the most optimal circumstances, weight loss is usually not 100% linear (which is why I bite my tongue & silently leave those 'let's all lose 50 lbs in 25 weeks!' threads...)


    And honestly 3.6 in 6 weeks is not bad if you're looking to lose only 20lbs. Really that's about .5lbs per week and that's a good loss rate either way. Make sure youre not too low of a calorie deficit and that you're watching those macros too! Protein is your friend and so is the very much overlooked fiber. And don't forget about busting out some kick *kitten* with your workouts. Cardio and heavy lifting are huuuuge helpers.

    Good luck and keep killing it! :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    tara2502 wrote: »
    hi - i am on a journey with the goal of losing 20lbs in 20 weeks - i started 6 weeks ago and all was going well - then i went on holiday in february for a week and put on much of what i had lost - so i am now down a grand total of just 3.6lbs in the 6 weeks since i started - so not reaching my goal - yet, for some off reason, i am really positive that this is fine and i will get there - feels very odd to be so positive about this level of failure!!! is this normal??

    20 pounds in 20 weeks is an arbitrary, perhaps unrealistic goal.

    My goal is to lose weight....period. I don't put it on a schedule, it's just a goal I work toward.

    You should feel positive, because you are losing weight. Losing weight IS progress.