The thing about scales

Here's the thing about scales.

I think they're great if being used with common sense and a grain of salt. I used to weigh myself every day and would be pissed when the weight fluctuated up! It took a long time to learn that the numbers on a scale are only truly good for gauging a starting point and for tracking overall success. But daily weighing will just drive a person crazy! I weigh myself once a week and while the numbers are fairly consistent (maintaining), the fluctuations just don't matter when it's within a pound and a few ounces or so. Last year when I was at my thinnest I weighed 113 LBS, had no muscle at all, skin and bones. The number on the scale meant everything to me but when I look back on photo's now, I looked horrible! I looked like a sick skeleton! Since then I've worked hard on dialing in my macro's, incorporating weight training, eating more nutrient dense foods and even some foods higher in calories. I still don't have it right but I can say for sure that even though the number on scale went up, I look a million times better. I am more sculpted now than I was back then and very lean. I maintain my current weight around 120 LBS, which is still considered underweight for me, but it works for me. By looking at me, people guess that I am around 110 LBS. In the long run I don't care how people perceive me, it's about how I feel. And I feel healthier. I still admit that many times I still over exercise and under eat but... baby steps. I am starting to buy into the whole "strong is the new skinny" thing and it feels ok.

I'm posting this because I hope it helps someone today that might be struggling with scale obsession and physical appearance in terms of a number on a scale.

Thanks for reading.


  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Thumbs up, pal.

    At the height of my self-loathing, I once threw a pair of scales down the stairs and it was so cathartic...

    Since then, I got a grip and bought a new set recently to keep me maintaining properly.. I got this great set that measure your BF% and Hydrations %.

    Now, I know for a fact that it is probably actually hugely inaccurate BUT if I step on the scales and my weight is up, a couple lbs from the day before, it's guaranteed that my hydration is at least 5-10% higher too.

    IDK. It's a small and inaccurate thing, but having it in front of me that my 3lb one day weight gain is in fact water and PMS and not the fact that I'd fancied a chocolate donut the night before.
  • Kelceybyers
    Kelceybyers Posts: 56 Member
    Great reminder that a number on a scale is just a number if we are doing everything right!