Will I ever lose weight????

mon3011 Posts: 20
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone of you eat pizza .cake or any other kind of junk food while on this program?
I work hard the whole week and 1 day of eating these things,I gain back the weight I lost during that week.
Is this going to continue for ever?
Will I be ever able to lose weight??


  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    Have you tried having a cheat meal opposed to a cheat day? :)
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I eat all of those things. The Key is to learn to control the Portion Size, or at least to control how often you eat it.
    The other Key is CONSISTANT exercise. You must MOVE every Day, even on days when you don't feel "Motivated". When you start moving, your Motivation will find YOU.
    :flowerforyou: Good Luck!! And Welcome to MFP!!!
  • pretzels113
    pretzels113 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat pizza, cookies and all kinds of "bad" things... I eat these things when i want to reward myself but i make sure to skip juice at breakfast or leave a quarter of my sandwich at lunch. It is all about moderation. I have to eat this stuff occasionally or i will be missing it so much that i will eat too much of it.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I eat crazy every weekend. The scale goes up on Mondays but is down by Wednesday after drinking extra water. Crazy weekend foods=crazy increase in sodium=increased weight (water retention).
  • mollygirl61
    mollygirl61 Posts: 23
    I love pizza and cake too and its hard to stay away from them. I took a really good look at myself this morning and thought how disqusting I look to myself. This will keep me from eating that crap and if I do it will be a thin crust pizza with veggies and a salad on the side to fill me up. Veggies and salad are the answer no matter what and we can make sure that we have chicken breast on the pizza instead and make it mutigrain. I am going to succeed no matter what this time around and you can too. Positive thinking and take a good hard look at your body image and your mind will be made up for you. :flowerforyou:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    The bottom line is, if you 'indulge' too often, your weight loss will be much slower. I do slip up and indulge about once a week and the scale goes up the next day. It takes a few more days to go down. The above poster is right on- you have to exercise every day.

    Good luck.... and you can do it!
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    Portion size, and also logging everything helps. And I'll maybe have pizza OR cake... not generally both. Or if I do really want both, I'll have a slice of pizza, and a very small piece of cake, and then do some extra exercise.

    If you are really having a craving for the flavours, you can always do better alternatives, like a pita pizza, or a slice of angel food cake with some sliced strawberries and maybe a bit of 95% fat free cool whip. That said, I will have a piece of chocolate cake, but I have a small one, and have small bites to really savour it.

    Just my two cents.
  • mrsgsnow
    mrsgsnow Posts: 7 Member
    I love pizza! I love burgers! When I KNOW I'm gonna eat that - I plan my other meals 'lightly' ... However, many times the idea for pizza or burgers gets thrown out there and I saw 'yes' :\ I eat the salad when I have pizza (also try to stick to 1 slice) and I skip the fries when there are burgers (I eat the kid size burger). Then the next day (or two) I make adjustments to my meals.

    "Cheat meal" is a great idea!
  • Geekydee
    Geekydee Posts: 7
    I still eat pizza and ice cream! (sort of)

    The only difference from then to now is that we make our own pizza's on a smaller base with healthier toppings rather than munching a large, greasy 8-12 slice pizza from a take away and for the ice cream we started to eat frozen yoghurt instead - still yummy but lower in calories :o)
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I allow myself treats quite often: pizza, cupcake, chocolate, hamburgers... but I adjust my calorie intake for the day so I don't go over my allotted calories either by doing a combination of extra cardio and eating less the rest of the day. If I do go over, I try to keep it under 200 calories over if at all possible. Also, I give myself one "cheat" item at a meal. If I'm going to eat Pizza, I don't have soda or beer with it. If I have a hamburger, I don't have french fries. If I have a frozen custard, I walk the 1 mile up to the custard stand to get a "small". It takes willpower, but if you're committed to the plan you will succeed.
  • Colfiii
    Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
    I eat sometimes 'junk food' - I love McDonads I love the KFC chicken wings and I love other junk too.
    If I eat some of it I ll hit the gym and loose the calories of if I know I ll do it I ll go to the gym before and then enjoy my deadly meal in peace. However, I don't do it too often because I feel is bad for me - I feel it - these are foods that give you no nutrition but mostly bare calories. I know it doesn't help but I also know that if I keep on eating those foods very soon I feel powerles, I m lethargic and I just need to eat more and more while eating other stuff helps me and keeps me healthy and energic.
    If your 're fine and u fell well with eating that then just control the portion sizes ( although is hard to get the nutrition u need from a fast food without going over the calories) and also go to gym to balance the meals . U ll loose weight but if u plan loosing it by eating fast food then u ll have to work in the gym 3 4 times harder.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Oh another thing.... when I crave pizza, this is what i eat.

    1 whole wheat middle-eastern sytle pita
    2 tb tomato sauce or bbq sauce
    1 chicken breast, cooked and diced
    any other pizza type toppings, for example green onions, red peppers, chopped up broccoli, mushrooms
    30 grams reduced fat cheese, grated.
    sprinkle of dried herbs (any itlaian seasoning is good)

    Assemble like a pizza :)

    Broil in your oven.

    The last time I did this I used smoky bbq sauce, chicken, green onion, cilantro and cheddar cheese.... OMG so good! And i think it was about 500 calories... so one meal (for me anyway)

  • Binging a whole day on junk food will set you back. Like others have suggested, just try binging on one meal rather than a whole day's worth. Changing your eating habits and diet are a part of this program. It's definitely hard to break out of but once you have you'll look and feel amazing. :)
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I eat that stuff too - every Saturday night is our pizza night! I just keep the portions under control, drink plenty of water, and try not to worry too much about the extra pound that is always there the next day due to the sodium water weight. it is gone again by Tuesday. This is one reason why I still weigh every day - makes it easier to understand the fluctuations from different foods. Log everything, and stay on goal, you'll lose weight!
  • I didn't, for over three years. Since CC and eating back my exercise calories I've had crisps, chocolate, chinese rice, chippy chips, puddings.....and lost 6lbs in 4 weeks!
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    Sodium = water.
    Water = 1 lb per pint.
    Eat Pizza gain weight, mostly water.

    When I cheat its epic, scratch that, its Biblical, and it is only one meal.
    It was 2 years before I had a pizza. I remember it was about 2 months ago....It was a friday, and it was a Calzone. A 16" 5lb beast of a calzone they call the long board at Santa Monica Pizza Co...

    It was good, I think that night I drank a gallon of water. I'll cut to the end. Next day gained 8 lbs, from 212 to 220. Felt horrible, so ate very low carb for the next 2 days, Drank a lot of water. By Tuesday I was 208. The calzone had broken my plateau!

    However, Now I'm plateaued at 208....
  • Yes! It's not what you eat, it's how much you eat, and workout. Eating I think is the easy part. Getting a workout routine that makes you sweat and barring through the pain, is the hard part. The pain will subside, but that nagging infliction is just telling you that what your doing is right. If it's unbearable, maybe tone it down a bit. If you can workout for 30 to 60+ minutes per day, non stop, I'm sure you can loose the weight. If you eat little portions every few hours, you wont get hungry. Eating a huge breakfast, about a 1000 calories, then workout for 30 minutes afterwards. The fat you eat can't develop. Then eat a lite lunch, about 200 calories. Walk, walk, walk. Dinner should be 3/4 of the calories you eat for breakfast. If you seem to be doing what I suggest, then maybe you should get a check up with your doctor. Everyone metabolic state is different and needs to be attack in their own way that works. GL! Keep me posted! Oh, drink water! At least 8 cups a day, and not all at once. Not soda or juice. Those liquids should not be counted as a water source. Water is separate. Don't confuse oz. with cups. It's 8oz. of water to 1 cup.
  • lockeml
    lockeml Posts: 2
    It's ok to eat the junk every now and then. Actually u should try to go over ur calorie allowance by a couple hundred calories at least once a week. On the contrary u could go sightly under ur calorie allowance once a week too. If u stay at the same reduced caloric intake every day, your body will adapt to the lower intake and u will stop losing wght. As long as u r around the same calorie intake/wk u should continue to lose.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Any "junk" that I crave i either make a lighter substitute or build it into my meal plan for the day. For example, home made pizza with a whole grain crust, less cheese (2% instead of whole fat), more sauce and toppings, richer fresher herbs, and voila my craving is gone in half the calories and I've managed to load up on veggies while I'm at it. For a sweet snack I do fat free sugar free home made pudding pops made with skim milk . . . they're like 16 calories for a half cup and take a good long time to eat. If I want a cup cake I eat a damn cupcake, I just don't do it every day (and I usually only do that on days where I burn 1000 calories in exercise so that it fits into the count). The trick is to eat smarter, and still have what you want by building it in or making it healthier.
  • flgirlsteph
    flgirlsteph Posts: 125 Member
    Nope because I know if I cheat I will continue to do so. I just try to replace my sweet craving or whatever craving for a healthier solution such as fruit.
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