Feeling BAD and dont know how to get back to feeling GOOD!!

Ok so i had a bad 2 weeks, I went to the Ocean on June 3rd trough the 5th..I didnt watch my diet but also didnt eat 3 meals a day, I ate pizza, Crabs and fried chicken and for those of you who are Ocean City fans i had the AWESOME boardwalk thrashers french fries but not a lot of these things other then the Crabs, Well My weekend went into the bad week because we are low on funds and i cant shop for all the healthy stuff other then the fit and active stuff from Aldi and the fruit, Well i also skipped the gym a lot and only did like a spin class and a body pump then another day just walking and the scale didnt budge it actually went from 258-260 and i was so mad at myself, Well my plan was to hit the gym hard BUT there was another plan for me, I got SICK and had some major health problems and couldnt get to the gym at all i missed a lot of work and just was down about everything so i ate bad things on friday i ate at TGI Fridays and went over my calories by 1,000.. I felt so donw about it but my emotions got the best of me and when that happens i EAT!!! well needless to say im still between 258-260.8 and i ate better not 100% better but improved from last week yesterday and i went to the gym, I plan on doing the same for the rest of the week... I just need some advice and help on what i could do to get over this hump? and get back on the wagon!!


  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You're not alone. Remind yourself that this is a journey, and you're not going to be perfect everyday. But what will get you to your goal is what you're doing right now--getting back to it right away and not giving up. Also, remember 3500 cals = 1lb. Again, that was 3500 so don't freak out about 1,000 over one day because it didn't make you gain 2.8lbs. My weight fluctuates A TON depending on my sodium intake. I end up not weighing in because it is unmotivating. As long as I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to, that is all that really matters. I hope you can feel the same.

    Think HEALTH, not WEIGHT.
  • maryd4love
    maryd4love Posts: 164 Member
    The best thing to do is just get right back on the eating right and exercising. There is no easy answer other than that. You had a few bad weeks and you are going to have those in life. Just don't let those bad days turn into several bad weeks, which turn into several bad months. Just start over fresh!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi, you know what to do, drink lots of water, log all your foods and exercise. You can do this, you just had a bit of a blip so go cold turkey from the junk for a coupla days, your body will complain but thats coz it is misinformed and it thinks junk is good and tasty but we know it is just full of toxic crap...... you CAN do this so hop on the wagon, there is a place for you!
  • nikkih_89
    nikkih_89 Posts: 27 Member
    Yes.. keep your head up. You know what it was that made you hi over so put that behind you and climb back on that horse and keep riding. We all have bad days. I once went about 150-200 calories over so I had my other half drop me off and I walked/jogged 1.5 mi home. If u can't make it to the gym walk around your block a few times. Make sure the calories you do burn your not eating them back. Be sure to drink plenty of water so u can flush all of that sodium out and get that water weight off. You could have gained si much more but it was only a little. Don't let it discourage you! :)
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I got two words for you: fudge. pops.
    These delectable frozen treats are only 40 calories each! Chocolate ice cream is a great emotional soother...

    On the serious tip though, give yourself a break! You had a good time at the ocean, had a night out at a restaurant, recovered from your illness and didn't QUIT on your health goals. There are thousands of folks logging in to MFP who eat clams, french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers and drink a margarita. You don't owe any of us an explanation or an apology. You only owe it to yourself to stay happy, balance and enjoy as many hours of every day as you possibly can.

    Hang in there, girl... you'll be alright :flowerforyou:
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    258 to 260 isn't bad! You didn't eat great but you didn't gain a lot. You were on vacation a should enjoy things you don't normally get to enjoy! It will prob only take you a week to take that back off, just get back into your routine and you will feel better soon. As for the fries.......I'm jealous! I lived in Pa. for four years when I was younger and now live in Ia. and I miss those fries. Believe me if I had gone to the board walk I would have eaten the same stuff. Don't be hard on yourself you enjoyed your vacation no get back to it!

    Good Luck!!
  • chrikoko12202007
    girl, ive done this too many times to count. i give myself a "break" for whatever reason, whether it be holiday, or vacation and after i mess up im so down on myself that i fall back into my old habits. Don't let one little mess up hold u back from your goal. Having weight issues is a lot like being addicted to a drug, it's a bad habit, it's tasty, and it makes u feel better. But u just have to remember y u started this in the 1st place. You wanna feel better about urself. You can do it, don't get down on yourself, everyone has their slip ups. Just get back to it and know YOU ARE NOT ALONE in this.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I've found there is no easy answer. You just have to force yourself back onto the straight and narrow. Don't get down about what's happened. Lapses will happen and regrets just don't burn enough calories to be worthwhile. Dust yourself off, go for a walk and remind yourself that exercise is a lot easier when you eat lighter. I learned that lesson last night biking home from work after having a mcdonald's dinner. I did it but I sure felt a lot more lethargic than I normally would.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    The best thing to do is just get right back on the eating right and exercising. There is no easy answer other than that. You had a few bad weeks and you are going to have those in life. Just don't let those bad days turn into several bad weeks, which turn into several bad months. Just start over fresh!

    I totally agree with this. Trust me I let it happen to me! I was down 25 pounds at one point and now I'm pretty much having to start over. You can do this!