Need Support

Im new to this site im diabetic and tired of being big and want to take control of my body back so im not sure how this works but some input and friends would be great my page keeps saying dont diet alone lol well its a struggle for me i love to eat lol im doing good and want to keep doing good :happy: :


  • Chrissy2627
    I also am new to this site. I'm not one that has ever talked with my friends/family about dieting, or gone to support groups or anything, but I am finding that I really enjoy the online community on here. The people are very supportive, and it is fun to get ideas from others. You can add me if you would like. Good luck!
  • tangshengyee
    i hear you lizabee! wishing you success and here's to eating right. :)

    i have a family history of diabetes and i want to get pregnant but my doctor says losing weight may help increase my chances so i'm trying hard! i just bought a scale today. yikes!
  • Lola0422
    Lola0422 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome!! I know the pain :( I hope to help you on your journey!!
  • lizabee2011
    thanks you guys your my first 3 friends
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I wil add you for extra support/encouragment. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. It will take time, but keep determined and you will get there.
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    WE're all here for ya! feel free to add me!
  • Brittany1414
    The support is great here!!
    You can do it!!!
    Ive lost 15 pounds in a month and a half!!!
    Nothing is impossible!!!
  • wdayton
    wdayton Posts: 18
    I just started yesterday but have been walking for about a trouble is with the food. Yesterday it said I didn't eat enough?! And I need to buy a scale as I don't have one. Hope I can do it!!
  • Martin1946
    Martin1946 Posts: 22

    I just started with nutritionist to learn about food

    has given me tools so I do not overeat or have any cravings and lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks

    A nutritionist is maybe something you may want to think about instead of all those diet companies