Still a nursing student trying to lose the weight

stampfam Posts: 6 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hello, everyone. I graduated in 2015 and began my nursing journey. I decided to get back on the education training and work to get my BSN. I'm looking for motivation from my community and other nurses and students. I am technically challenged and not a pro at all this app junk, but I will be posting regularly. I ask that you do the same and we will all help each other through this journey in health/healthcare


  • stampfam
    stampfam Posts: 6 Member
    Today I will share that I met my first small goal of getting under 170lbs! I am so excited! I am logging and only eating when I'm hungry and stopping before I'm full. What goals or plan do you have to help your weight loss?
  • andrewjbaker1984
    andrewjbaker1984 Posts: 33 Member
    Nice work. Congratulations!

    Logging is brilliant. I do mine a few days in advance, work out all my meals and so I know exactly where I am.

    I tend to go over on weekends but I'm not trying to lose a tremendous amount more and usually even if i go over on a Saturday and Sunday, I'm still under my goal for the week, especially with exercise.

    Well done again on your achievement