Best workout/Food combo for Speedy weight loss?



  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    Don't resort to them at all!!![/quote]

    lol, I won't! ;)

  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    To the OP--nobody is being snarky. People gave advice and told you why realistically crash dieting is not such a good idea.

    And they are right.

    Welcome to MFP--this is not where people sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya. This is where you will get tough love from people who succeeded. To me I would rather want tough love than get flowery posts about unicorns and rainbows that will not help me in my journey.

    You want tips and tricks on basically crash dieting before a vacation...there are no tips and tricks that are healthy for you and your body. Sorry, but I'm not a big "rainbows and unicorns" person when delivering a point.

    Does anyone have the link to the "Dear Mean People of MFP" post? I think the OP would benefit reading it. I was the same as you OP thinking people were rude...but that thread changed my entire perception.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Nose to the grindstone, I'm sure you will look amazing in due time. Have fun!
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2016
    To the OP--nobody is being snarky. People gave advice and told you why realistically crash dieting is not such a good idea.

    And they are right.

    Welcome to MFP--this is not where people sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya. This is where you will get tough love from people who succeeded. To me I would rather want tough love than get flowery posts about unicorns and rainbows that will not help me in my journey.

    You want tips and tricks on basically crash dieting before a vacation...there are no tips and tricks that are healthy for you and your body. Sorry, but I'm not a big "rainbows and unicorns" person when delivering a point.

    Does anyone have the link to the "Dear Mean People of MFP" post? I think the OP would benefit reading it. I was the same as you OP thinking people were rude...but that thread changed my entire perception.

    I apologize for being a little sensitive after that first post. It was hard for me to post at all and then to have the first response to be a snarky one (do you disagree?) was a little disheartening. I didn't expect rainbows and unicorns, just some advice for someone desperately trying to figure out this weight loss puzzle. I honestly didn't think I was asking for advice on crash dieting. This is why I came here to learn what is and isn't reasonable. Thank you SO much to all of you who posted kind and honest responses!
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Nose to the grindstone, I'm sure you will look amazing in due time. Have fun!

    Thank you so much. :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Aim for a 3-5 lb lots and then if you lose more it's just a bonus! Be very very tight with the logging, become best friends with your food scale. I'd eat out as little as possible so you have more control over knowing exactly what you're eating. Use accurate entries and the recipe builder. Have a fabulous time on your trip!
  • HG93022
    HG93022 Posts: 80 Member
    OP, what is your current height and current weight?
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    Oh no I can see how--trust me my first few times on the page here I was like why is everyone so short?

    Then I realized it's some fun stuff :)
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    HG93022 wrote: »
    OP, what is your current height and current weight?

    I am 5'5" 168(ish)
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    Aim for a 3-5 lb lots and then if you lose more it's just a bonus! Be very very tight with the logging, become best friends with your food scale. I'd eat out as little as possible so you have more control over knowing exactly what you're eating. Use accurate entries and the recipe builder. Have a fabulous time on your trip!

    THANK YOU! :) Reigning in the eating out is good advice~ along with the scale...Maybe I haven't been as close to my calorie goal as I thought...? :neutral:
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    So, okay, in all seriousness, if I had 5 weeks and wanted to shift some serious weight... what would I do?

    I would be really hot on my weighing & logging, making sure my calorie deficit from food is "real". Then I would increase my deficit by doing some interval-based cardio like spin classes or such (rather than just steady walking, but keep on doing that anyway), as well as weight training. If you're just walking then pick up the pace to 3.5-4mph and power walk for like an hour a day. With a moderate deficit from food and an extra 300-500 cals from exercise you should see some improvement before your holiday.
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh no I can see how--trust me my first few times on the page here I was like why is everyone so short?

    Then I realized it's some fun stuff :)

    You're right...there is way more good stuff than bad! I need to work on a thicker skin too. hehe
  • jamierosenblum
    jamierosenblum Posts: 9 Member
    To help you out, perhaps, set MFP to 1200 calories which is safe, if you haven't already. It's possible that more muscle would help. You can play around with other physical activity in MFP and see how many calories it thinks you will burn in the amount of time you have to work out. If you aren't currently at 1200 calories/day, I've found it much easier to hit when I get to eat back about 300 calories from exercise (so I'm eating closer to 1500 calories per day). If you are at 1200 calories per day and getting 300 calories from exercise then you probably are losing at a reasonable rate.

    One other idea is to add weight training and interval cardio training if you aren't already doing it already. That will increase how many calories you burn at rest.
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    CollieFit wrote: »
    So, okay, in all seriousness, if I had 5 weeks and wanted to shift some serious weight... what would I do?

    I would be really hot on my weighing & logging, making sure my calorie deficit from food is "real". Then I would increase my deficit by doing some interval-based cardio like spin classes or such (rather than just steady walking, but keep on doing that anyway), as well as weight training. If you're just walking then pick up the pace to 3.5-4mph and power walk for like an hour a day. With a moderate deficit from food and an extra 300-500 cals from exercise you should see some improvement before your holiday.

    THANK YOU!!!!!! This is great advice!!!! I will up my walking~ I walk outside and include lots of hills and varying heart rates, so I feel pretty good about that, but I will up the time. Your response also leads me to a question about the accuracy of the info on the MFP food info. Are the items with the green check as accurate as possible? Vs. the ones without? I try to use these ones as much as possible, but is it safe to trust the other items that aren't checked? Thank you again.
  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    To help you out, perhaps, set MFP to 1200 calories which is safe, if you haven't already. It's possible that more muscle would help. You can play around with other physical activity in MFP and see how many calories it thinks you will burn in the amount of time you have to work out. If you aren't currently at 1200 calories/day, I've found it much easier to hit when I get to eat back about 300 calories from exercise (so I'm eating closer to 1500 calories per day). If you are at 1200 calories per day and getting 300 calories from exercise then you probably are losing at a reasonable rate.

    One other idea is to add weight training and interval cardio training if you aren't already doing it already. That will increase how many calories you burn at rest.

    Thank you! I will make sure my goal is 1200 calories. Currently I am set at about 1400...and I have been trying to not eat back the extra calories that I am allotted for exercise...Is this a bad idea? Should I be eating these?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    mollieb76 wrote: »
    To help you out, perhaps, set MFP to 1200 calories which is safe, if you haven't already. It's possible that more muscle would help. You can play around with other physical activity in MFP and see how many calories it thinks you will burn in the amount of time you have to work out. If you aren't currently at 1200 calories/day, I've found it much easier to hit when I get to eat back about 300 calories from exercise (so I'm eating closer to 1500 calories per day). If you are at 1200 calories per day and getting 300 calories from exercise then you probably are losing at a reasonable rate.

    One other idea is to add weight training and interval cardio training if you aren't already doing it already. That will increase how many calories you burn at rest.

    Thank you! I will make sure my goal is 1200 calories. Currently I am set at about 1400...and I have been trying to not eat back the extra calories that I am allotted for exercise...Is this a bad idea? Should I be eating these?

  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    First, nobody is being mean, nasty, or snarky. You may think they are, but they're not.

    Second, to answer your question, the best food an workout combo is something that is sustainable and healthy. What you're looking for is probably neither. You could do things the unhealthy way and probably drop more weight than you should in a short amount of time, but you'll actually be doing yourself more harm than good all for the sake of looking "better" in a bikini. What most people fail to realize when crash dieting before a big event is that they're making themselves look worse. You lose your healthy glow, you look tired and haggard, you cannibalize your LBM, you may even at that point lose some hair, and you may end up sick because your immune system has been lowered. That's why crash dieting and vlcd is against MFP guidelines. Because doing those things is a quick ticket to being admitted to the hospital for malnutrition and/or exhaustion.

    So in short, your best bet is to just stick with the "slow and steady".

    Thank you so much. I appreciate your help! I am defininitely not trying to go the unhealthy route. I am just so new to all of this I have no idea what I can "get away with" (ie. not eating back my extra exercise calories etc). I would much rather be a little fluffy with a healthy glow than haggard and sickly in a smaller size! ;) Thank you again!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    edited March 2016
    mollieb76 wrote: »
    Hardcore dieting before a vacation is a recipe for disaster. If you've been over restricting pre vacation you are more than likely to overindulge and gain back all the weight you lost and even more.
    Maybe I need to clarify my goal. I just would like to lose 15 lbs in the next 6 weeks. Maybe I am wrong, but this doesn't seem too extreme, does it? I just wondered the best way to maximize my weight loss between now and then. I appreciate the food scale suggestion. And I am glad to hear I am on track with the cardio and resistance. I just see how successful members are and thought there might be some extra tips of the trade to help maximize the lb. droppage. :)
    That's 2.5 lbs a week. Quite unrealistic for someone your weight. Here's the math:
    Your BMR based on stats is about 1500. Let's just say your normal day to day activity (non exercise) is 300 calories. And you exercise is another 400 calories. That's 2200 calories. So the deficit to achieve what you want is 1500 calories. Subtracting this from your 2100 calories allowable, leaves you 700 calories to eat TOTAL in a day.
    Does that make sense?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • mollieb76
    mollieb76 Posts: 20 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    mollieb76 wrote: »
    Hardcore dieting before a vacation is a recipe for disaster. If you've been over restricting pre vacation you are more than likely to overindulge and gain back all the weight you lost and even more.
    Maybe I need to clarify my goal. I just would like to lose 15 lbs in the next 6 weeks. Maybe I am wrong, but this doesn't seem too extreme, does it? I just wondered the best way to maximize my weight loss between now and then. I appreciate the food scale suggestion. And I am glad to hear I am on track with the cardio and resistance. I just see how successful members are and thought there might be some extra tips of the trade to help maximize the lb. droppage. :)
    That's 2.5 lbs a week. Quite unrealistic for someone your weight. Here's the math:
    Your BMR based on stats is about 1500. Let's just say your normal day to day activity (non exercise) is 300 calories. And you exercise is another 400 calories. That's 2200 calories. So the deficit to achieve what you want is 1500 calories. Subtracting this from your 2100 calories allowable, leaves you 700 calories to eat TOTAL in a day.
    Does that make sense?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Oh wow, thank you so much for explaining this! I think I understand... So this is the math on how many calories someone my size would have to eat per day to attain a 2.5lb/wk weight loss? Yikesabee! Currently my MFP allowance is around 1400 calories. I have been earning around 200 calories per day in exercise but have been trying not to eat these... Is this going to derail my weight loss if I am not eating enough? Or is it ok to not eat these and in turn lose a little faster?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    mollieb76 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    mollieb76 wrote: »
    Hardcore dieting before a vacation is a recipe for disaster. If you've been over restricting pre vacation you are more than likely to overindulge and gain back all the weight you lost and even more.
    Maybe I need to clarify my goal. I just would like to lose 15 lbs in the next 6 weeks. Maybe I am wrong, but this doesn't seem too extreme, does it? I just wondered the best way to maximize my weight loss between now and then. I appreciate the food scale suggestion. And I am glad to hear I am on track with the cardio and resistance. I just see how successful members are and thought there might be some extra tips of the trade to help maximize the lb. droppage. :)
    That's 2.5 lbs a week. Quite unrealistic for someone your weight. Here's the math:
    Your BMR based on stats is about 1500. Let's just say your normal day to day activity (non exercise) is 300 calories. And you exercise is another 400 calories. That's 2200 calories. So the deficit to achieve what you want is 1500 calories. Subtracting this from your 2100 calories allowable, leaves you 700 calories to eat TOTAL in a day.
    Does that make sense?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Oh wow, thank you so much for explaining this! I think I understand... So this is the math on how many calories someone my size would have to eat per day to attain a 2.5lb/wk weight loss? Yikesabee! Currently my MFP allowance is around 1400 calories. I have been earning around 200 calories per day in exercise but have been trying not to eat these... Is this going to derail my weight loss if I am not eating enough? Or is it ok to not eat these and in turn lose a little faster?
    It's only 200 calories and I see no danger in not eating them back if you don't want to.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
