Weigh In day?

I was wondering how often people on this site are weighing in? I know that on WW I weighed in weekly. I am still thinking about sticking with that too. I often peek during the week to see that things are going in the right direction, but only post my results once a week. Any thoughts?? My weigh in days are normally Fridays.....


  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I too am a formet WW member and I stuck with the weekly weigh in. Seems to work for me. Somethime I will sneak a peak during the week, but don't want to discourage myself if I see too much fluctuation.
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    I'm the same - my "official" weigh in day (first thing in the morning) is Friday and that's the only weight I record on MFP....but I'm a slave to the scale and usually peek at least once a day (usually first thing in the morning so it's somewhat consistent). I know I shouldn't but I can't help it - ha!
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    I also weigh in once a week on Sunday but can't stop myself from peeking during the week, trying to limit it to only one peek mid week :)
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only record it on Saturdays. It helps me understand what extra calories or extra salt does to my weight and gives me a daily reminder to stay on track. I don't really get obsessed with it, but I just like to know what is going on!
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    I'mm also ex WW. Stuck to weekly weigh in.Try my best not to peek through week but sometimes can't help it.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    sorry double post.:laugh:
  • sd688
    sd688 Posts: 7
    I have been peeking everyday and realized it wasn't such a good idea for me. I am starting to weigh myself every week now.
  • tristajanelle
    Ok looks like once a week weigh in with a few ''can't help it'' peeks is what I am going to stick with here too! Thanks girls!
  • taurus39
    taurus39 Posts: 26
    I have to look daily.LOL I can't wait all week and it is a good thing for me cause I knew I over did it last nite when I sat down for supper I was starving. And today the scale is exactly 1 lb. over. I also didn't do much exercising either. Today will be better though. I got a good nite's sleep so I am ready for the day.
  • nicole716
    nicole716 Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh myself only on Fridays because if i mess up on the weekend, i have a whole week to eat better and exercise. and anyways, if i lose a lot of weight on friday, i get more motivated, which causes me to eat healthy foods on the weekends :smile:
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I weigh myself every single day (but in the morning when I wake up and AFTER I've done my business in the ladies room) but I only log it on Fridays.

    I weigh everyday to see the fluctuations and so I can hold mysef accountable. It doesn't drive me crazy bc I know if I go up a .5 or even a 1lb or more it is usually water weight and I know to just workout a little harder and eat a little better.

    I have never once had a gain on Fridays.. always a loss from the previous Friday - even just a .5 sometimes but still. I know a lot of people think it is toxic to weigh yourself daily but I have only found it helps me and keeps me at a stable mindset about my weight. :)
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 303 Member
    I weigh 2x everyday morning and night. But here's where I get kinda odd. I only count my night weigh-in. The way I see it if I have to for some freak reason be weighed let's say in the middle of the day. I don't want to have to explain that;if it were morning and if I had just gone (ya know what I mean), and if I weren't fully dressed, then I would weigh less. I know freaky and odd, but it keeps me honest.

    If I maintain the weight for more than 3 days I count it and update my numbers. Hope I am not the only one with an odd habit!
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    i weigh in with my fitness coach every monday and friday. Friday's are good to see how i've done through the week, and monday's are good to keep me accountable for what i do over the weekends ... keeps me from "well, it's the weekend, and i have all next week to work it off" and harmful thoughts like that ... I find it works great for me!