Hi everyone!

Just started really using this app! I'd love to follow all of you for motivation. Add me


  • Wolverine_76
    Wolverine_76 Posts: 4,482 Member
  • azjoanna
    azjoanna Posts: 16 Member
    I'm returning to MFP, I had great success in 2012/2013 and lost 50 lbs, then the usual story, I quit paying attention to my eating plan and I gained it back. So.....I'm determined to renew my commitment and this time once I lose these excess lbs to keep them off.
  • dragonfire12601
    dragonfire12601 Posts: 166 Member
    Anyone can add me
  • chris_thrice
    chris_thrice Posts: 24 Member
    Done and done
    Welcome to the family!
    Kepp grinding
  • chris_thrice
    chris_thrice Posts: 24 Member
    Done and done
    Welcome to the family!
    Keep grinding

  • lseib6994
    lseib6994 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone I'm new here and hope to lose weight and keep it off. Please feel free to add me I would like to share motivation with everyone.
    I'm really hoping to stay motivated.
    I always start but end up giving up because u feel like nothing was working.

    Good luck to everyone and look forward to meeting everyone.
  • MRSLJ1975
    MRSLJ1975 Posts: 309 Member
    Hi :smile: