Am I losing too much too fast?

I am 5'7 and started at 177 pounds. I have been dieting for about 5 days. I used to eat non stop fast food and soda along with candy and cookies. I never ate good or anything. I completely cut everything and just eat in a normal day
1. 2 eggs and one piece of toast
2. A yogurt at around 11:30am
3. Lunch around 12:30-1 turkey sandwich on wheat bread
4. Granola bar around 4
5. Dinner , 4 oz of steak with half a potato and some greens
6. Fruit at around 8

I have just weighed myself and I am down 5 pounds... Is that too much?


  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    First week is usually a big "woosh". If you've set your MFP weekly loss goal and you are meeting the recommended calorie intake you should be alright. Weight loss is not linear though so don't be surprised if next week you don't lose anything. Over the long run it will average out.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    make sure your calories intake is at least 1200 a day.

    What is your goal weight?
  • momo_t90
    momo_t90 Posts: 288 Member
    edited March 2016
    Drinking soda and eating anything with a lot of sodium causes water retention. Also a quick Google search about water retention shows that sweets/carbs also cause water retention. There was proabably a lot of sodium in that fast food on top of the soda, and plenty of carbs from the fast food, candy, and cookies. This would mean a drastic drop in sodium and carb intake would cause a drastic drop in water retention. Plus, 1 or 2 of those pounds might have been fat. I don't think you're eating too little with what food you described.

    I'm no expert. I just did a little googling and made logical conclusions from there. I could be way off.
  • dawnellemom
    dawnellemom Posts: 76 Member
    I'm about the same start weight and similar habits. I'll add you as a friend!
  • rose_frye
    rose_frye Posts: 7 Member
    My goal weight is 145-150. I'd love 145. But 150 is okay with me.!
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    It's also important to weigh yourself at the same time every day. After the washroom before breakfast is a very consistent weight.

    ad some more veggies to your diet. They really are good for you.

    and give it another 7 days to see trend.
    Depending on your bone structure your goal weigh may be a bit low.
  • mel_the_shell
    mel_the_shell Posts: 48 Member
    Girl I wish I had that problem lol
  • laurenjennifer1987mfp
    I dropped 6lbs in my first week, following the mfp recommended calories as a starting point. I upped my calories a bit from there and I've lost 1lb this week.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    rose_frye wrote: »
    I am 5'7 and started at 177 pounds. I have been dieting for about 5 days. I used to eat non stop fast food and soda along with candy and cookies. I never ate good or anything. I completely cut everything and just eat in a normal day
    1. 2 eggs and one piece of toast
    2. A yogurt at around 11:30am
    3. Lunch around 12:30-1 turkey sandwich on wheat bread
    4. Granola bar around 4
    5. Dinner , 4 oz of steak with half a potato and some greens
    6. Fruit at around 8

    I have just weighed myself and I am down 5 pounds... Is that too much?

    It's impossible to say with the little info you have posted. We can't know how many calories etc that food was. Your height and activity level will also be handy to know.

    Losing 5lb a week in your first week isn't a problem as we lose a lot of water weight at first. It slows down by week 2-3.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    It's all really dependent on how many calories you're eating.

    That 5 pounds was most likely mostly water weight, due to the changes to your diet. With so little weight to lose, you should expect to lose no more than 1 pound per week. If you continue to lose more quickly than that, you need to eat more.
  • raindawg
    raindawg Posts: 348 Member
    In my experience having been through this a few times, the first week is the biggest drop then sets in right around the MFP goal amount.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    Try eating more vegetables and fewer processed foods. Baby carrots with hummus is a great substitute for the protein bar.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    Initial loss is usually fast. Then levels out. You are eating healthy. Experts recommend no more than 2 pounds per week loss.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    rose_frye wrote: »
    I am 5'7 and started at 177 pounds. I have been dieting for about 5 days. I used to eat non stop fast food and soda along with candy and cookies. I never ate good or anything. I completely cut everything and just eat in a normal day
    1. 2 eggs and one piece of toast
    2. A yogurt at around 11:30am
    3. Lunch around 12:30-1 turkey sandwich on wheat bread
    4. Granola bar around 4
    5. Dinner , 4 oz of steak with half a potato and some greens
    6. Fruit at around 8

    I have just weighed myself and I am down 5 pounds... Is that too much?

    It's impossible to say with the little info you have posted. We can't know how many calories etc that food was. Your height and activity level will also be handy to know.

    Losing 5lb a week in your first week isn't a problem as we lose a lot of water weight at first. It slows down by week 2-3.

    Agreed with everything, and it would be nice to know the bolded.

    Just a guestamate from what's listed for food, if you're doing any exercise at all you might be cutting at a pretty steep deficit.