Breakfast Overload??



  • Protien,Protien,Protien.....egg whites, greek yogurt.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    egg can have soo many just throw some onion garlic ham in them. or top it with salsa and green onion
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I usually mix a high fiber cereal with Greek yogurt and fruit. Yum!
  • MamaKarrot
    MamaKarrot Posts: 15 Member
    I've eaten those big original shredded wheat biscuits with skim milk and (sometimes) with a side of fruit most of the week, and usually by 10am I'm starving, but on this breakfast I am held over until lunch. That and it has no sugar and no sodium. Can't beat it!
  • soxmandan
    soxmandan Posts: 26
    Try a wheat bagel!
  • vthomeschoolmom
    vthomeschoolmom Posts: 18 Member
    MINI bagel and a boiled egg works for me.
  • vannie18
    vannie18 Posts: 55
    What works for me is oatmeal, eggs, toast and coffee. That keeps me going for a long time.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I'm getting soo many calories from what I eat and drink in the morning, almost half of what i need for the day! I'm a bagel and coffee person, and I've tried those thin bagels but to me they taste like paper...any advice on feeling filled up in the mornings without using up so many colories?
    when I used to work at dunkin donuts a few years back, we used to get bagels and donuts for free so for my break Id eat a bagel and coffee every day, I started scooping out the inside of the bagel so it made like a shell and eating that after a coworker suggested it, I lost 20 pounds just doing that! Its still yummy too,
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I eat the thin bagels - but I have tomato, cucumber, sprouts, avocado and dijon mustard (instead of cream cheese) so the bagel is pretty much just there to hold the veg together ;-)

    I eat it with a low-sodium V8 for a super-veg breakfast for 283 calories.

    That's not breakfast, that's.. well I dunno what it is, but it ain't breakfast.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    half of a regular bagel with peanut butter.