not hungry

noely1974 Posts: 45 Member
i have just eaten peanut butter on brown toast after burning 600 cals on a run. Its getting late now and i still have 600 cals left. i don't want my body to go into starvation mode and store fat so should i push my self to eat even though i am not hungry?


  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    No. Don't listen to people on here about starvation mode. 99% of them don't know what they are talking about.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I think eating when you're not hungry is the sort of thing that leads to putting on weight!!!
  • fifrocks
    fifrocks Posts: 14
    I have heard that starvation mode is when you are under half the calories you need for the day. so if you are over there, i definitely wouldn't worry.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    how about a light, 300 calorie snack? I find that if I don't eat enough, I'm more prone to eat the wrong stuff later/the next day. I made myself a promise to eat a certain number of calories a day, at specific timed intervals, and I do it whether I'm hungry or not. I sure the heck didn't have a problem eating junk food when I wasn't hungry, so apparently eating while not hungry was never a problem for me, LOL
  • dHowe4406
    dHowe4406 Posts: 114
    if you are under 1200 cal for the day then you really do need to eat something. If you have more then that then you are fine. Don't force your self to eat more than you want.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I agree with cantwait, starvation mode is over hyped, if you're not hungry, don't eat, it won't kill ya, well,,,, unless you're not hungry for like two months in a row. :smile:
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Better question is... what kind of meal is peanut butter on toast? If you're talking two slices of bread that's a snack, not a meal.
  • noely1974
    noely1974 Posts: 45 Member
    i probably should of made myself something more substantial than peanut butter on toast , but when i came back from my run i just wanted something quick. I Thank you for all your advice i will not push myself to eat something i don't want but maybe get up a bit earlier tomorrow and boil some eggs .
  • Fenyx
    Fenyx Posts: 87 Member
    I would say eat if you're hungry. I eat some of my exercise calories back because it works for me on the scales. If you are over at least 1200 on your net calories I wouldn't worry about it. If you do feel the need to eat more back you can always eat healthy high calorie foods. Peanut butter is one of these. There are a vast number of other foods that fall into this category so you meet the calories you want without over-stuffing yourself. Nuts are also good for this, eat a small amount to get the calories, not fill up, and have the added protein bonus to aid your muscles after such a good workout. Starvation mode is a factual thing, but it really varies by person. Don't let not eating be a habit, but don't stuff yourself to discomfort simply to meet the "requirement". I personally believe in eating calories back as I have personally seen a difference in doing so, but again, it really is dependent on what your body works best with. Feel free to send me a mail if you ever need anything info or support wise here. I've been on long enough now to have hit many of the problems we deal with in weight loss and done enough research to at least be able to help someone else out (not a doctor of course, but experience now). Conclusion though is simply to do what works for you, and don't stress it if it doesn't happen that often. Doing great =D