Looking for friends

Hi everyone, my name is Angela. I am 26 years old and a mother of 3 little girls under the age of 6. I just had my 3rd baby 10 months ago and this time I am having a super hard time losing weight. I think the main reason is the I don't have a lot of motivation and I lose the interest super fast. I am looking for friends that are trying to do the same, lose weight and get in shape, to stay accountable together. I am also a beachbody coach, I am not sure were that will get me, I got the membership because I do like 2 of their shakes, to be honest the other flavors aren't great, at least to my taste. Anyways that is what I am doing as far as workout because I do not have time for the gym, I have Insanity, 21 day fix, Pliyo and Cize. I think it is super hard to start and keep going to do a program, any program to be honest. My eating it has been a nightmare as well I find myself eating anything that is available because I do not have time for meal prep and the shakes are helping because it is quick and easy but then when I see someone else eating then I just feel like I want to eat that too and then bye bye diet. That is where I am standing at right now if anyone will like to help me and do this together please send me a message, thank you.


  • happygoalgetter
    happygoalgetter Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! I'm looking for some motivation too :)
  • rboylan9
    rboylan9 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there! I'm a mom of three as well, just trying to get back to pre all baby weight once and for all! My last one is 18 months, so a little old for excuses now! Add me, maybe we can help each other keep on track!
  • ConnieBon789
    ConnieBon789 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Angela! Im definitely looking for motivation, and I'm starting Insanity too!
  • ericayoung17
    ericayoung17 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started CIZE today...add me!! Looking for motivation to eat healthy and see this program to the end!! :-)
  • AngelaAlegre
    AngelaAlegre Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all. I sent you guys friend requests. Let's do this! :) I am so ready to lose the weight. ConnieBon789 Insanity it's super intense and I love it after insanity the regular workouts will feel super boring you will always get back to Insanity. Ericayoung17 I love Cize too, it is super fun and as anything Shaun T does it is awesome and it will make you sweat a lot, you will ask yourself how the hell Shaun T keeps talking the whole time during the Crazy 8s workout!