Weight watchers vs. MFP?!!

I was wondering which is better...I have been stuck at a 7 lb loss on MFP for 4 weeks now. I would understand if I was close to my goal, but I still have about 40 lbs to lose. Anyway, I put in all the food that I have eaten so far today, and weight watchers tells me that I have 1 point left for the day, and MFP says that I have 500 calories left. That is a big difference. Not sure what I am doing wrong, or why I am stuck, but I am frustrated and not sure if I should switch plans. What is your take on this?


  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    Does weight watchers include exercise calories?
  • mbull
    mbull Posts: 8
    Maybe you are not eating enough and so your body thinks it is starving. Stick with it
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    The way I look at it, everything here on MFP is free. There is no hidden charges and definitely plenty of motivation. Sometimes you have to put yourself out there and take what people say, but it's far worth it.
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member
    From the little I understand about weight watchers the points are based on the types of food and not the actual calories in them so maybe what it's telling you is that you need to look at what you're eating not nessicarily how much you're eating... just a thought :smile:
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193
    I posted this on an earlier thread, so this is just copied and pasted!

    I'm actually (kind of) doing both now.

    I have been doing WW online since December. I lost pretty rapidly in the beginning because I was really following the plan perfectly. After a few months, I started gaining just because I wasn't motivated anymore. I would stop tracking for a few days at a time, then halfway track what I felt like tracking. In total, I lost about 30lbs on WW. As you lose weight, your target point goal gets significantly smaller, and it's pretty small to begin with. I got back to seriously doing WW in May, but found that I wasn't losing any weight anymore while tracking everything and staying below my point goal. I lost maybe 1lb the entire month, and was constantly hungry and cranky. I'm not much fun to be around when I'm hungry and cranky! Especially in a NC summer where it's hot!! :]

    I found MFP on my cell phone and started to do it a few weeks ago. Since then, I've lost 6lbs. I started out tracking with both WW and MFP just to see the difference, and I was always WAY over in my WW points, but under in my MFP calories. This week I've decided not to track with WW during the week, and instead just go by MFP. I find when I track with both, I would always pay more attention to WW... so if I were over in points, I would stop eating, regardless of how many calories I had left on MFP. At the end of the week, I'll track everything on WW to see what my point total was. I weighed myself this morning, and I've already lost 2lbs since Sunday morning's weigh in solely using MFP.

    So: why I think MFP is a better program -
    1)Tracking food: the MFP food catalog is FULL of brands, restaurants, etc. where the WW food catalog is much, much smaller. This also accounted for my lack of motivation to track some foods. If you eat at a restaurant, when you use WW, you have to figure out all the nutritional values yourself and add them in manually (which is REALLY more of a pain than it seems considering a lot of restaurants don't even put their nutritional info where it's easy to find). But I've yet to run into a restaurant that I've eaten at that I can't find in the MFP food catalog.
    2)Hungry (all.the.time): I realized, while doing both WW and MFP that WW severely limits your caloric intake, so if you exercise on top of eating your small allotment of points, your body is severely malnourished. Which just leads to me being cranky!
    3)Convenience: I love the MFP phone app. I have an android phone, and the WW app was just released for android. It's slow and buggy still, making it a pain to actually need to be on your computer to track most foods. MFP's android app is good for tracking... although I wish that it did more than JUST track (but that's for another post!).
    4)Cost: When I signed up for WW, I got some deal with some months free or something (I can't remember that long ago). I just saw on my credit card statement that now, my monthly fee is less than $20. I don't remember the exact amount, maybe $16-17? That's only for online access... to a tracker, blogs, recipes, etc. but no face-to-face meetings. It's not too bad of a deal, but why pay when MFP is free!?! :]

    Anyway, I didn't intend on writing a book here, sorry! I can update you with my total weight loss using MFP after I compare the WW points this week if anyone would like to hear the difference. I might actually cancel my WW membership after this week if I end up losing a lot only using MFP (which looks like it might be the case).

    Good luck!

    And to whoever asked, yes, you can include exercise on WW, but I've found that exercising doesn't give you too many extra points to use.
  • mmensah
    mmensah Posts: 42 Member
    are you excersicing with your diet?
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    From the little I understand about weight watchers the points are based on the types of food and not the actual calories in them so maybe what it's telling you is that you need to look at what you're eating not nessicarily how much you're eating... just a thought :smile:

    I agree. And after much debate with my own plans, I've decided that MFP knows best, plus it's free!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    I've done WW several times and always gained it back. I think the straight-up knowledge of the calories you are consuming and burning is a lot better than converting to points for long-term weight loss.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    If you ate another 600 calories in fruits and veggies mfp would be telling you that you're over by 100 calories and WW would still be telling you that you have 1 more point. I think calories are more accurate than the WW point system for this reason.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi i can't see your diary Are you eating to enough?



    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Also this might be helpful http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/00trayn/view/how-to-bust-a-3-month-plateau-87677


    Good luck on your journey
  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    MFP alllllllllllllllllllllll the way i have to say ive lost 40lbs in 61/2 months....never lost that much om WW....so the proof is in the pudding ..as the saying goes...keep at it tho and lots of excersise imust stress!!:drinker:
  • tristajanelle
    I just recently switched from WW to MFP. I was not losing with WW. I felt that they were allowing me too many calories a day with the fruit having become a ''free'' food. I think that a new start anywhere though is always a good thing. Just do what feels right. And you can always switch back to MFP if you find WW not working for you.
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    Hi, yes I am exercising...on the average 4 days a week doing kettleworx and zumba. I have been eating fairly healthy, especially from what I used to eat. Is there a way to make my food diary public? I know I have it set for friends to see it. And, I appreciate all of your opinions and criticisms...I really want this to work, and I know that you are all here to help :) Thank you!!!!
  • phgk
    phgk Posts: 29
    I figured out how to make my diary public...here is the link

  • SenorToenails
    SenorToenails Posts: 23 Member
    The idea behind WW giving people free fruit and veggies is to encourage responsible eating. Instead of debating over a 100 calorie apple and a 100 calorie pack of cookies, WW would rather you eat the apple...so it costs 0 points. And to whoever asked, yes WW has a system for exercise. And to the other person who said you can binge on fruits and vegetables on WW...well, that's not really the right attitude and no, you aren't supposed to. The idea is to avoid the late night cookie binge and instead have an apple or banana.

    My girlfriend is on WW and it's working fantastically for her. You just need to stick to the program, eat your points, and try to make healthy choices (which is no different from MFP...), except WW is easier for some to keep track of and if you have meetings, then it's like a support group.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Until you accept the fact that you have to watch what you eat and drink *FOREVER* your weight loss will never be permanent. Very few healthy weight people count calories at all but generally they are very healthy people who know what a serving is. I keep track of what i eat but its not an exact science in calorie counting of 100 percent accurate either. It's close enough. The difference with me now is i make smarter eating choices all the time.

    When i want a fast food burger i instinctively want the 1/2 lb double. But i get a normal sandwich that is a kids burger which is generally a 1/8th lb hamburger. That choice in itself cuts my meal calories in half. We have to think about weight loss LONG TERM and not just as a loss goal Ketchup has like 60 cals a TBSP where Mustard has none. Just making that change in a year of consumption is pounds of weight in calories.

    Diet refers to what we eat not. Eat natural and eat normal sized portions and you will reach your goal. No Ice cream is not a food made by mother nature or are Hershey chocolates ;)
  • loosingit3
    loosingit3 Posts: 27
    I used to do weight watchers and i found that I lost more weight that way. Now that they have switched to the "points plus" I dont really like it. That is why I am here. But on MFP I am stuck at a 7 lb weight loss and I know that in weight watchers I always lost at least 2 lbs a week. I can't afford weight watchers any more though. I will have to really watch what I eat now if I want to loose more weight. Its frustrating.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I lost 43lbs on WW. I have maintained that loss for almost 3 years now. No matter what diet you choose to follow it is all about healthy lifestyle changes. I don't eat any different today than when I was in the throws of weight loss. My exercise routine is almost the same.

    So whether you choose to track calories or points, it does make a difference where those calories come from. WW theory on 0 point foods is to help you make healthier choices. One serving of fruit is 0 point, but it does change as you over eat.

    Keep tracking, measure portions, make healthy choices, exercise, and you will be successful.
  • rlnjones
    rlnjones Posts: 3 Member
    Don't forget about your flex points (49 for the week) on WW. If you eat the flex points evenly throughout the week, that is 7 points per day (49/7 = 7). So, really, your 1 point left over + 7 flex points = 8 left over points, which is pretty comparable to 500 calories.

    I have been a WW lifetime member since 2002 and the plan really works. I am using MFP because it is new and lets me change things up a bit, but I still fully believe in the WW program.
  • rlnjones
    rlnjones Posts: 3 Member
    And to the other person who said you can binge on fruits and vegetables on WW...well, that's not really the right attitude and no, you aren't supposed to.

    I agree that is not the right attitude. But let me just put it a little more blunt...How many people are here because they ate way too many fruits and vegetables and got fat? I would bet that would be NO ONE! Trust me, binging on fruits and veggies is not the problem.