How do you manage when it's that time of the month ladies?



  • amclain93
    amclain93 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm always the odd one out because i dont want to eat at all when it's lady time. I have to force myself to eat the week of and the week before. My sister does though, and the key is moderation, not denial. Have one chocolate before you want them so much you eat the whole bag, you know? You'll be satisfied and one chcolate is a lot easier to work off then a whole bagful, lol!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    If I deny myself anything I seriously overcompensate, so if I crave salt, I eat salty pretzles (and then more water). If I crave chocolate, I choose dark chocolate and enjoy every bite. I ignore the scale completely.
  • VSXEdition
    VSXEdition Posts: 2 Member
    Just for today, I'll fit in some squats before bed - because my buns have gotten tired. Ha!
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    edited March 2016
    I try to exercise and try to eat smaller meals so that I can fit in snacks I wouldn't normally eat (chocolate or chips for the win)! If I'm really feeling crappy or hungrier than usual, I just try to be nice to myself and may go past my calorie goal. I figure that one almost-maintenance day won't kill me, and as long as I'm not gaining, I'm doing better than before. I also refuse to weigh myself that week. I know the scale will show a gain, but I so don't need to see that if I'm already feeling a bit off!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I indulge a bit and consider myself a success if I get through without gaining 10 lbs or stabbing anyone.
  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    So struggling with that this month. Sometimes it's easy, but then there are months like this, where it's chocolate AND salty stuff. If it's nice outside I can go for a long walk, but winter still has us in its grip. :s
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It isn't that much of an issue for me, especially if I stay active, but you could just try eating at maintenance instead of a deficit during that time. That way, you'll get to eat more, but you won't be reversing your weight loss, just taking a brief pause. :)
  • shiloheurydice
    shiloheurydice Posts: 8 Member
    I go on as normal but I live by 4 words. STAY. OFF. THE. SCALES. I wont go near them unless my period is long gone.
  • Sweetnsimpleblond
    Sweetnsimpleblond Posts: 43 Member
    Protein bars and dark chocolate.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited March 2016
    I prelog my food and try to stick to what I had planned.
    Weigh and measure foods and drinks.
    Get enough protein.
    Watch sodium.
    Drink water.
    Drink hot tea.
    Have some dark chocolate.
    Eat at maintenance level for a day or two.
    Chew gum.
    Take vitamins. Magnesium, B vitamins or just a multivitamin could help.
    Use a pain reliever.
    Get enough sleep.

    Coming to the end of my period right now and weighed in today with a 1.5 lb loss.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    well, yesterday i wanted to eat all day,i felt like i was dying of, i went to bed early. today i feel so bloated that i haven't even managed to eat all my calories.who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow :smiley: mostly i just remind myself my goal, and complain to my bf about how crappy i feel. that helps a lot too :smile:
  • wobchunk
    wobchunk Posts: 47 Member
    Well ladies so far I've been drinking lots of tea, I pigged out yesterday but back on track now, will jump on the bike in a bit, I don't feel bloated today, just trying to take things easy for the rest of my evening, have a shower then go to bed.

    Once again thank you ladies, my weigh in day is on Friday and I'm looking forward to it, if I maintained it's good, if I lose thumbs up and if I gain well its my fault lol.