Weight loss

Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone I'm Elaina I have always deleted and uploaded this app until I became kinda consistent. I have been struggling with my weight since the 5/6 grade I'm in college now and I'm 20 I have been on my journey changing the way I eat for almost a year because I ate big portions of food like pasta that I loveeee. But over the last months I can't hold food the way I use to so I can't eat as much anymore. So with that I decided to start taking care of my myself more because I'm always worried about others. I was 334 a around October and I got a weigh in last week and that was 360 :(. I was so sad I just started crying because no young girl should weigh that much a 5'4 or at all. I really want to live my life and learn to have a good relationship with food and my body. So I started working out at my gym and joined a workout program with all women 2 times a week and I go to the gym for a hour 5 days a week and walk the treadmill. My over all goal is to lose 210 pounds so my weight goal is 150!!! I want to be a healthy nurse after I graduate and meet more people that wants to see me do well in life. I want to fall in love with some guy that just loves me for my personality and heart and get married and have children and be happy one day!! I would really like it if you guys would add me so we can keep each other motivated or if you need help getting motivated or just talk about goals!!


  • Dwd25
    Dwd25 Posts: 3 Member
    Just stick with it. I have fought obesity my whole life as well. At one point I was 365 pounds. Actually that was Christmas time 2010. I had just met Jill, and she loved me as I was. I fell in love with her right away. In March of 2011, I decided to try out MFP, to see if it would work for me. I started to see results right away. In August of 2011 I asked Jill to Marry me. By the shear grace of God, she actually said yes! At that point, I thought to myself, "if she loves me at my worse, she deserves my best". By March of 2012, my anniversary of being on MFP, I lost a total of 104 pounds. Before, we married on May 26th of that year. I lost a total of 140 pounds. I learned along the way, that my weight does not define me or my self worth. I know how it feels when you're all alone, and you feel hopeless, helpless and invisible. I'm not going to lie to you, you have a terrific journey ahead of you. That is a LOT of weight to lose. However, let's keep things in perspective so you don't get overwhelmed. You didn't get fat over night. YOU WILL NOT GET SKINNY OVER NIGHT!!!! There is no shortcut to a place worth going to. Keep this in mind. You got fat, one spoonful at a time. That's the exact way YOU WILL lose your weight. It's scary changing up habits and our lifestyle. However, living a lifestyle that makes you feel run down, worthless, miserable, is not a lifestyle you want to live anyway. You've already came a long way. You made the first step. That's huge! I won't *kitten* you, it's work. The exercise is the easy part. It's the change in you're diet that will take some work. If you give yourself just a week of following your calories honestly, (don't omit something you ate, the app doesn't care, your body does), I promise you'll see a weight loss. Then do it again the next week, then the next! You will be self motivated, you'll surprise yourself at what you can achieve! You can do this. You're young, you're smart, you're beautiful, YOU'RE WORTH IT!!! There are a lot of people on here, and they all have opinions and suggestions and tips. Find your groove, and stick with what is working. If at some point you're not seeing the results you were once getting, you'll have to change something up. Everything takes time. You can treat yourself on an occasion. There is nothing wrong with it. In fact it's good for your body and your mind to have a cheat meal. This really isn't rocket science, but it does take time and patience. You can add me if you'd like to. I'd request you, but I don't know how. I'm not great at tech stuff. But I can manage this app. Lol. Take a picture of yourself today in just your underclothes and keep it for yourself. Then every month take that same picture. You are going to look amazing! By the way, my name is David.
  • healthynewme67
    healthynewme67 Posts: 18 Member
    @Dwd25, I love your response to Elaina. So spot on! Elaina, you CAN do this. and no, it won't be easy. But you're definitely on the right track. You're on MFP and you're going to the gym. That's wonderful. You're young and it's probably not realistic to say you're never going to have pasta again (by the way, I too looovvveee pasta, lol) or dessert or whatever. So, the key (at least for me) is to eat healthy more than you eat not healthy. Have active days more than couch potato days. lol. (yeah, I also looooveee pajama day, where you do nothing and stay in jammies all day) Getting healthy is a journey and there is no quick fix. You have a lot of weight to lose. It may help to break up your ultimate goal into smaller mini goals. I want to lose xx amount of pounds by this time next month or whatever. You get the idea. That way the overall goal doesn't seem so overwhelming and so far away. When you meet the right man, he will love you no matter what number the scale says. He will love you for you. Don't settle for anything less! Add me if you'd like. I've been on a couple months, now. I've found that it was easier to change habits by focusing on one small thing at a time. I logged everything I ate. (everything that went into my mouth!) for a while, without making any other changes. Then I started focusing on portion control. I bought a small food scale and started weighing and measuring my food. Then I started with adding in the activity. (I'm still working on that part). This is all a little jumbled and random, sorry. lol. Bottom line is YOU ARE WORTH IT. Just like David says. :) Good luck.
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you so much this means the world knowing people care and want to motivate others it's going to be a great journey I love working out I added you!
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you so much, @healthynewme67 and @Dwd25 your words are so kind and helpful I added you both. I was so nervous to introduce myself but I'm feeling better. I have had a lot on my plate past these years physically and mentally lol but I'm learning portion control and that being healthy isn't all about salad it's about building a healthy relationship with food. I have been getting my heart broken back to back because it always come down to my weight or something like that. I never liked being a big girl it wasn't just because people said rude things to me it was because I use to love seeing cute clothes and I was so sad that there was none in my size I have skinny people in my family so being fit is something I always wanted. I want to live long God willing!! And I know relationships come and go but what 20 year old girl does not want to be in love and I'm happy you guys understand!!! Please follow me and watch my journey let's motivate each other. Also I did break down my goal it's 25 pounds at a time 25x4 =100 then I want to lose 61 and I know I have to work hard I'm in a boot camp and fit foundations class and I have a good team at the gym and when I'm not doing that I'm on a treadmill for a hour so i have it set up in my brain that it can be done then I'll reach my goal of 199 pounds. But thank you guys so much.
  • Dwd25
    Dwd25 Posts: 3 Member
    Rock on Sister! You've got the right attitude! Let's do this!
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you David!!
  • iairbrushu2
    iairbrushu2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Elaina.
    Wow I am very proud of you girl!!
    The others who've posted said everything I could. Its a journey and we can take it together.
    I have always been a bigger person. Both towering over people and in weight. I understand your struggles. Sure Ive heard the words, she has such a pretty face.... And you know what, Im beautiful inside too! Its frustrating how everyone glorifies thinness.
    I have set my goal for 165. But to be honest I have (in the past) made it to 150 and I still wasnt "thin" or bikini ready...
    I, like you want to be healthy. I have a 13 year old and a fiancé. I want to be healthy for myself and to enjoy life with them.

    This is my second post to community, and I too havent mastered making/adding friends. But please add me. I would love to follow you and encourage each other along our journey.

    Best of luck
    You can do it!!!
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi @iairbrushu2 thank you so much for your sweet words I just added you on here feel free to talk to me anytime I could give you all of my support and I would love to have yours good luck in your journey I'm sure you will be amazing message me anytime xx
  • healthynewme67
    healthynewme67 Posts: 18 Member
    Elaina, you have the best attitude! I love it. You see this as us supporting and motivating you, but honestly, with your positive attitude and focus on being healthy YOU are motivating ME. I hope you have many many people in your life that support and motivate you. I'm so glad that you broke down your goal into smaller goals. Remember not to reward yourself with food for reaching goals. And always celebrate your non scale victories (nsv's) like having the willpower to pass on desserts or fast food. Or your gym victories. Celebrating those things will help you keep moving forward and you'll find yourself reaching your end goal in no time. :)
  • imhisqueen
    imhisqueen Posts: 7 Member
    Elaina, you are well on your way...and there is no doubt that you will achieve the goals you have set. Acknowledging the issues is the difficult part. You seem motivated and I will continue to encourage you to press forward with your new found group of friends. We all have struggles and an encouraging word means so much when you are going through...stay positive and you will make it.
  • zoomybird
    zoomybird Posts: 5 Member
    I just love how kind and supportive people are on here! :) It's really great!
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    I want to think all of you guys for your love and support. I know we are all on a journey to health and I appreciate everyone on here; I love the support and motivation. some of you are my friends now on MFP and we have a great relationship supporting each other every day. thank you @healthynewme67 for your support and motivation and pep talks I highly appreciate it ❤️ and @imhisqueen thank you so much I hope you all reach all your goals!! Don't give up!
  • JW_Reece
    JW_Reece Posts: 40 Member
    Regardless of where we all start we are in this together. Some of us have further to go than others and some of us have different motivators to lose weight or get healthy. The one thing we all have in common is we all chose this app and community to help us out and you should use it to help find like minded people to help you along your journey. The fact that you are still trying means it isn't over yet
  • Journeyfrom381
    Journeyfrom381 Posts: 46 Member
    That's so true @Atom_Dominic thanks for that
  • siabonner
    siabonner Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone seems very encouraging. Something I need at this time. I didn't get to read all comments yet, but I like David's response. I'm not new to MFP, I'm just returning, hopefully I can get some better results this time, maybe just sticking to it. I need to do this for my health. I'm a diabetic that has not had my diabetes under control since 2012. Really tired of feeling the way I feel. So, I'm going to try harder this time and hope I can get some encouragement , as well as be of some encouragement.