Random Thoughts. Enjoy!

WWhitaker Posts: 309
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm going to preface this "topic" by apologizing for the language. I'm feeling fiesty. ;-)

Back when I didn't drink soda (trying to get there again), I thought I drank a lot of water. Now that I'm conciously recording my behavior, I'm realizing it's incredibly difficult to get down 64 oz.!!! Not to mention if you're supposed to divide your weight in half and drink that number in ounces. I enjoy water and sometimes like to spice it up adding flavors or fruit to it, but I mostly get irritated having to run to the ladies room 20 times a day while I'm working!

Why do some people only eat egg whites? Eggs are natural and are good for you, so why screw it up? Is it just to lessen the amount of calories? I've always wondered that. Anytime I see a recipe or over hear someone talking about it, I just think they're being pretty *****y about eggs. And frankly, it's a waste of food. :-P

Does it not just piss you off when you see a really skinny person stuffing their face with fried goodness? Or that friend of yours who can eat whatever they want, never exercise and still maintain a healthy weight? Weight skips a generation in my mom's family with the ladies. She, my aunt (her sister), and great-grandmother have all been very petite...seldomly have they struggled with weight. My great-great grandmother, my grandma and myself have all struggled with our weight. How far back this goes, I don't know...but it's bull****! Not to mention, my father's side is German. They're very tall, big boned people who most have become very overweight. I think more studies need to be done to figure out why some people can eat without restrictions and others can't. There's gotta be something there. Why can't they make leptin shots or vitamins for people with abnormally slow metabolisms?

I try to not deprive myself and allow myself certain foods that I'm used to eating but generally would like to stay away from now. I'm finding though, that even by allowing myself to have a little bit of said food, makes me crave it more frequently. I'm considering swearing off all those foods, but I don't want to give myself a complex because I know I enjoy them. Hmm...

I have a difficult time eating well on the weekends. I know what I need to do, it's just a matter of doing it. I think in order to keep yourself sane while on this journey to a new lifestyle; you need to have days where you don't have any food restrictions. How often would you think would be acceptable to do this? Once a week? Once a month? Once every couple months?

For you, emotional/stress eaters: What are some helpful tips you've taught yourself or learned to help you stray away from food when you feel under pressure? How do you cut the emotional attachment to how you think food will make you feel? What do you do when you're bored and start feeling hungry, but you're stuck at the office?

Best of luck to everybody!!! xoxo


  • SenorToenails
    SenorToenails Posts: 23 Member
    I eat egg whites mostly because they have a lot of the protein with far fewer calories overall. 1 egg + 3 whites just about every morning!

    Where does this "It's natural so it must be good for you" idea come from? All mushrooms are natural...but are all of them good for you?
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Really - eggs aren't that good for you. They are a cheap source of protein but there are better...
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    Your body will get used to the increase in water intake. Give it a couple more days.
  • I just want to say your post made me laugh! Thanks!

    I don't like eggs so I can't say why people don't eat all parts of them but I believe it has to do with calories and cholesterol. I agree it totally sucks when others can eat like crap and still stay skinny. I drink tons of water and all I can say is that eventually your body will get used to it and you won't have t use the washroom so much.

    Hope you have a great day!
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    Im really not a fan of eggs at all and i cant imagine eating only the whites lol My family is really the same... My dads side is German and my moms is italian so the big bones runs in my dads side and the love of food (carbs in particular) is on my moms side lol But not Im engaged to a true southern boy and his family eats BARBEQUE and let me tell you this... I LOVE BBQ but by buttcheeks don't. I completely agree with the water part.... I do not like water but I have had to force myself to drink the "required" amount everyday, and i hate havin to pee every 20 minutes. Sounds like we have the same issues! I noticed the other night I was STARVING but I was waiting to go out for dinner.... but on top of that I was PISSED at my fiance for something which made me want to eat sooo bad! Instead of gorging out i went for a walk and it really helped... maybe try to distract yourself with exercise when you want to emotionally eat. :) Good luck!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Not a big fan of the yellow part of the egg unless I am eating scrambled, but I love the texture of the white egg when cooked and the fact that it is lower in cholesterol and calories works for me. Sorry I waste the yellows 99% of the time but if you want I can ship them to ya...;)

    Have a good day, enjoyed your rant...
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    Haha, nice post! I enjoyed it!
    Why do some people only eat egg whites? Eggs are natural and are good for you, so why screw it up? Is it just to lessen the amount of calories? I've always wondered that. Anytime I see a recipe or over hear someone talking about it, I just think they're being pretty *****y about eggs. And frankly, it's a waste of food. :-P

    For me personally, I sometimes throw out the yolk to help meet my daily macros.

    As an example, I generally eat 2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites when I decide to eat eggs. That would equate to 28 grams of protein.

    However, if I were to eat the caloric equivalent in whole eggs, I would only be getting 17 grams of protein.

    To give you a more extreme example, 6 egg whites would equate to 24 grams of protein and the whole egg equivalent would be 7.5 grams.
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    Great feedback, everybody! This was all for entertainment. I didn't mean harm or to offend anyone. I appreciate the knowledge and laughs. :))
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    To me the smell of Egg Beaters cooking in a microwave smells like urine that has been sitting in a toilet for days!!! GROSSS!!!!!!!

    Pass me an Egglands!!!!
  • I am still awaiting the time that my body will adjust to all the water! I pee all day long here at work and at home! I drink about 6-8 cups of water and 2-3 cups of green tea everyday and it makes my skin glow and my body go! Thats just the way of it. I am also surrounded by people that ''appear'' toe at whatever they want and stay at a healthy weight. But remember dear, that they may be eating all that food in front of you and then nothing else the whole day! That is what alot of my friends do. So they probably end up eating about the same amount of calories as I do but Im a much more enjoyable person to be around as I am not hungry all day! lol
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