Still have nagging hunger

My goal right now is to lose 6lbs (I'm 131 and want to be 125)...I have no trouble filling up my calories and I usually hit the macros within a reasonable guideline, but at the end of the day I find myself with a nagging hunger feeling. At the moment I'm in that boat and I have 3 calories left for the day. Is there anything I can do? And how much is a reasonable amount to go over the calories (if there even is a reasonable amount...I'm thinking 5-10 wouldn't make much difference)


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Eat a little something and plan a little better tomorrow. It will be ok.
  • jennifernapier22
    jennifernapier22 Posts: 22 Member
    Tomorrow is Pilates + Cardio day
  • jennifernapier22
    jennifernapier22 Posts: 22 Member
    Well, it cut off my comment. I added on the end "which means more calories!!!"
  • clutchitalian
    clutchitalian Posts: 39 Member
    Ya you'll be ok ur body is used to your maintaince calories just have a couple spoonfuls of natty peanut butter or something....
  • Sweetnsimpleblond
    Sweetnsimpleblond Posts: 43 Member
    When I get that hunger I eat cucumbers! Gives the crunch and satisfies the nagging hunger. In fact I'm eating some as I type this lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    When I'm in a tricky deficit and trying to lose the last few pounds, I know I'm going to need something to fill me up at night. I will usually pre-log the ingredients for protein fluff. You can make a very basic one for less than 200 calories and trust me, you will not want to eat anything else after you finish a bowl of that. I can also eat 350-400 grams of cucumber (1.5-2 cucumbers) with chipotle sauce. That's about 50-60 calories and can fill me up. Yellow peppers with chili paste...Just think of some things around 100 calories that you can get decent volume from.
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    happywifeb wrote: »
    When I get that hunger I eat cucumbers! Gives the crunch and satisfies the nagging hunger. In fact I'm eating some as I type this lol

    This is an excellent choice. You can eat alot of cucumbers and even carrots for low calorie amount. Have some tea or water with this.
  • jennifernapier22
    jennifernapier22 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, guys! I gave in last night and ate a 90 calorie bar. Today I've focused more on eating filling foods (and not wasting calories)...hopefully it works out better!