Eating out


Kind of new to this! Just wondering how people log their calories if eating out at a restaurant/cafe etc..

I tend to eat out a lot because of my busy lifestyle and try to go for the lightest meal I can find but portion sizes and calories are hardly ever stated! Finding this difficult at the moment to keep track of what calories I'm consuming!

Any help is massively appreciated!



  • Lexi507
    Lexi507 Posts: 79 Member
    Many restaurants have their calories on their website. If not, Google the dish and the restaurant and there's a good chance a calorie estimate will come up. This site is pretty good about having restaurant dishes in the database and so are a few of the others.
  • michaelgooch123
    michaelgooch123 Posts: 2 Member
    I do find that most restaurant menus nowadays have calorie counts next to the food. Like Lexi says though, do a quick Google as well as looking it up in the MFP database. It should give you a good estimate.
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    Also, try packing some fruit and protein bars so you don't have to do it as often and to save money.
  • kristen_wino
    kristen_wino Posts: 67 Member
    edited March 2016
    If I go to a nice restsurant, or fastfood. I'll check to see if it's listed 1st on My fitness pal. If it's not, I'll build my diary meal myself. If I had a grilled chkn wrap, I'll search a basic whole wheat large flour wrap, a grilled chkn breast, veggies,ect..I put it together piece by piece. I'll account for oils and butters. Sure the nutritional information may be off, but I'll have a basic idea. For the odd time I do go out to eat.
  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    I've had good luck with the MFP database.
  • petersonma
    petersonma Posts: 30 Member
    It helps to eat at chain resturants. I've discovered a lot of the local places around me don't keep calorie counts and I'll have to guess at meals. However I can find most chains on the Web easily enough. Added benefit is that I can often see the images of making changes to my meals.
  • GingeyFloss
    GingeyFloss Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you guys! This is all really helpful! Going to try not eat out so much but Google when I do!

    Fruit and protein bars it is!!

    Thanks again!