FREE - friend / kick up the butt when needed

I'm not new to mfp
I've tried a few times and life took over and I quit
Not sure if this has happened to anyone else but this time it's seems different like I'm ready to change !!

Looking for friends to join the journey to change our lifestyles for the better !


  • cworple
    cworple Posts: 2 Member
    Hey girl!! I'm the same way, life takes over and you get busy!!! I've learned that you have to make time to take care of yourself, eat right and make time for the gym, even its a simple 30 minute walk. Don't be focused on the number on the scale, that's my problem. I have recently dropped 2 dress sizes with only losing a few pounds. I have lose many more inches then pounds, but that means more muscle!!

    You can do this girl, we can do it together!!! Good luck in the future!!! :)
  • I have been on and off mfp for a few years now. The first time I dropped 40lbs and loved it, but gained it all back. All the times after that its been more difficult. Hopefully I can lose it and keep it off this time.
  • CravenBrittney
    CravenBrittney Posts: 18 Member
    Same here. I was very successful the first go round, and did well keeping it off for 3 years but I can tell its slowly creeping back. I also have a hysterectomy at the end of this month so I am trying to get into the healthy mindset from here on out! :)
    I kind of wish I had a personal trainer to yell at me and kick my butt into gear sometimes...