Would this version of 'slimfast' work?

So, firstly, thank you to everyone in my other post who made me realise the amount I was eating was very unhealthily and low - around 500 - 600 kcal net on a daily basis is NOT good for you.

But after seeing a post on here I got thinking, and I was looking for input.

Now, everyone knows the basic idea of slimfast is the 3 - 2 - 1 approach, 3 snacks, 2 shakes and one meal. Now, 3 100odd kcal snacks, 2 shakes around 220kcal and a 500 - 600 kcal meal a day adds up to somewhere near 1290kcal a day.

However, not being one to want to stick to an, almost, liquid diet as I fear I will never build confidence up in my own healthy eating regime afterwards, I am too scared to try slimfast.

This is where my idea struck me, would following the same principles, 3 - 2 - 1, as in 3 healthy snacks (like a piece of fruit etc.) along with 2 smaller meals (salad, cereal, eggs etc.) and one larger but healthy meal (stir fry etc.) in order to try up, and keep, my calories within the 1000 - 1200 range help me loose weight more efficiently and stay away from the 'starvation' part my body seems to be heading for? Along with regular, between 3 - 5 times a week, exercise?


  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    I think your plan would work well. Try to stay at 1200 minimum net. That is the standard for good nutrition.

    Good luck!
  • dancer_emt
    dancer_emt Posts: 31 Member
    I've looked into the slimfast diet...and tried it for about a week. Im with you on the whole "dont want a completely liquid diet". So I did exactly what you are talking about and eating my own meals and snacks but keeping within the 3-2-1 mindset. Its working well for me so far...I've lost about 1 lb/week.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    if you are scared to try slimfast, why don't you just eat real food?

    check out the Paleo Diet & Primal Blueprint. Both are all about eating whole foods and an unprocessed diet.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Dr Bork Bork, eating real food is what I am asking about. Instead of using shakes and bars with one meal aka slimfast, would the same results be obtainable with 2 small meals for breakfast and lunch, healthy snacks and a reasonable dinner?

    And thanks everyone :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    You don't have to drink your meals on Slimfast anymore; they have some pretty tasty meal bars. I did the 3-2-1 plan for about 4 months and lost about 20 pounds. Once I got off the program, it stuck in my head to keep snacks to about 100 calories each and to have two 200-300 calorie meals and one 500 calorie one. It's working well for me.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Oh I didn't know they done meal bars! They'd be handy to have for 'just in case' times, like I have a few slimfast premade shakes in the fridge in case I'm in a rush and don't have time for a meal - so I know I'm getting something.

    I don't think my local tesco does the meal bars though :( Only ever seen small snack bars and snacky things along with premade shakes or the big tins that look like baby formula lol
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    sorry, misunderstood.
    Still confused why anyone needs or would want to drink slimfast. I think it's blech.

    and yes to your original question. Eating at least 1200 cals & staying active will produce results. You don't need slim fast to do it though. Jus'sayin
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Oh I have tried some of the shakes before when we left early for things and I wouldn't get to eat until midday etc. and a few of them I loved! Only the premade shakes though, not the ones with a powder to milk ratio!

    I know I don't need slimfast to loose weight but the concept will help me, I think. I made another thread today about how I still have over 600 kcal left a day because I burn around 465 through exercise (without including my daily playing with my son/walking to and fro etc.) and only consume just over 1000. I eat my three meals and I'm not hungry again really. To me the structure of knowing small healthy meal, small healthy snack x 2 and then a main meal will help because I know I am allowed that healthy snack etc.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I remember I asked my mom to get me Slimfast when I was younger because I thought it would help me lose weight. I drank like 3 every night as a snack. Man kids are dumb.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I remember I asked my mom to get me Slimfast when I was younger because I thought it would help me lose weight. I drank like 3 every night as a snack. Man kids are dumb.
    Haha..at least your "snack" had vitamins.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    before i found mfp i was doing slimfast. the already made ones.... the cappuccino was actually very good. i found myself very hungry with the slimfast plan... then i started reading on here and learning more so you can eat healthy and lose weight and track your calories and it works... i have tried the snacks from slim fast and they are quite yummy, good luck to you on your journey :-)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I was on slimfast 6 yrs ago and lost around 20 kilos in maybe 6-7mths i didnt have any problems with it was the standard 1kg a week coming off...
    Im trying to lose weight the proper way this time and the weight is being very stubborn and not budging much at all (Though im losing in inches) It has been on my mind lately to start on it again...but yeah, im not sure yet.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Oh I have tried some of the shakes before when we left early for things and I wouldn't get to eat until midday etc. and a few of them I loved! Only the premade shakes though, not the ones with a powder to milk ratio!

    I know I don't need slimfast to loose weight but the concept will help me, I think. I made another thread today about how I still have over 600 kcal left a day because I burn around 465 through exercise (without including my daily playing with my son/walking to and fro etc.) and only consume just over 1000. I eat my three meals and I'm not hungry again really. To me the structure of knowing small healthy meal, small healthy snack x 2 and then a main meal will help because I know I am allowed that healthy snack etc.

    If you're not hungry don't eat. Follow your body's lead. When you are hungry, however, focus on eating nutritionally dense foods (foods that are healthy, but high cal-- avocados, Greek yogurt, steak, etc). You'll get to 1200 easily.

    Also, daily activity is already factored into your MFP when you signed up. If you're doing extracurricular stuff (going for long walks, lifting weights), then you get to count it as extra cals burned.
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    Oh I have tried some of the shakes before when we left early for things and I wouldn't get to eat until midday etc. and a few of them I loved! Only the premade shakes though, not the ones with a powder to milk ratio!

    I know I don't need slimfast to loose weight but the concept will help me, I think. I made another thread today about how I still have over 600 kcal left a day because I burn around 465 through exercise (without including my daily playing with my son/walking to and fro etc.) and only consume just over 1000. I eat my three meals and I'm not hungry again really. To me the structure of knowing small healthy meal, small healthy snack x 2 and then a main meal will help because I know I am allowed that healthy snack etc.

    If you're not hungry don't eat. Follow your body's lead. When you are hungry, however, focus on eating nutritionally dense foods (foods that are healthy, but high cal-- avocados, Greek yogurt, steak, etc). You'll get to 1200 easily.

    Also, daily activity is already factored into your MFP when you signed up. If you're doing extracurricular stuff (going for long walks, lifting weights), then you get to count it as extra cals burned.

    Yeah the playing with my son and wha not was the already fatored in stuff, I only put it in brackets because I know it's already counted somewhere but I just don't know exactly how much it adds up to but I do know how my extracurricular activities like the gym and swimming amount to :)