Trying to quit drinking pop

Just starting this app and I'm a big pop drinker any suggestions on how to quit or cut back


  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Just stop .... drink more water.. it is HARD. I did it a year ago. You may have headaches.. you may feel hangry.. you may be really grumpy and feel like you have less energy.

    All normal.

    I don't drink dark soda anymore. I may have a ginger ale now and then if I can calculate it into my day.

    There is no EASY way to stop drinking pop other than to just stop and deal with the cravings etc. Took me a month before I really got over it.

    Good luck!
  • HStheBusyBee
    HStheBusyBee Posts: 1,366 Member
    I used to drink a ton of diet coke everyday. I started cutting down by only drinking it on weekdays, then I cut it down to 1 can every weekday and then 1 can every other day and so on until I had given up needing/wanting it.

    I also drink as much water as I can in the morning to stop me feeling thirsty.
  • Irishsugar
    Irishsugar Posts: 117 Member
    Push the water. Pop is so bad for you.. Even diet. I used to drink 6-8 cans a day. Like up til 2 months ago. Now I maybe drink 1 can a day and honestly don't even finish it. I still love it don't get me wrong... But if it is hindering my goals it's got to GO!! Maybe just have a can of pop with meals only to start then only with lunch then every other day... And keep cutting down from there

    You can do it!!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,976 Member
    I would start slow. If you are drinking caffeinated sodas then you could have caffeine withdrawals. Unsweetened ice tea can be a good substitute. And water is always good Try infusing it with fruit if you get bored of plain water. You don't have to completely cut it out if you can fit it into your calorie goal, but if you want to cut it out I think it is better to wean yourself off rather than just going cold turkey. For me anytime I tell myself I can never have something it backfires on me.
  • kat00_ca
    kat00_ca Posts: 39 Member
    I started off by switching pop (coke to ginger ale) then cutting back just a little bit every week. So, first week, I only filled my glass 75% full. Next week, about 50% full then following week 25% full. There were a few times when I just couldn't cut back so I kept it the same for another week then keep cutting back. I also brought a bottle of water everywhere. It works.

    Now, if I even drink pop, it's no more than 4 oz once a week. Everything in moderation, right?
  • sgonsuron
    sgonsuron Posts: 5 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but I find it easier to drink water through a straw. I have a large thermos with a built-in straw, and I have to finish all water in it by the end of the day. Works well.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I was on 4 a day. One day I decided to drink 3. Nothing bad happened. I kept drinking 3 for a while (2-3 weeks), then I decided to try 2. So I drank 2 a day. Nothing bad happened. I kept this up until I was only drinking 1 every other day, then I brought in caffienated tea to deal with the little headache I'd get in the morning.

    I've been soda-free for 2 years. Watching the grocery bill go down substantially was a huge motivator for me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Cut down to 1 per day and log it, transition to diet soda.
  • shannie018
    shannie018 Posts: 57 Member
    I had to quit cold turkey. I'm on day 36 with pop. I tried to wean myself off, but I found it I drank one pop, then all I would do is drink pop the rest of the day, so cold turkey was best for me.
  • shannie018
    shannie018 Posts: 57 Member
    I have to add that I drink coffee and tea, so I don't have any caffeine headaches.
  • curraheu
    curraheu Posts: 3 Member
    majigurl wrote: »
    Just stop .... drink more water.. it is HARD. I did it a year ago. You may have headaches.. you may feel hangry.. you may be really grumpy and feel like you have less energy.

    All normal.

    I don't drink dark soda anymore. I may have a ginger ale now and then if I can calculate it into my day.

    There is no EASY way to stop drinking pop other than to just stop and deal with the cravings etc. Took me a month before I really got over it.

    Good luck!

  • curraheu
    curraheu Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everybody for the advice
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Swap it out for something else that you like. I swapped it out for unsweet tea with Equal, which helped me cut a lot of my normal day! I still drink it, just in smaller amounts and not every day.

    Saying 'drink more water' doesn't help if you don't like the taste of water. For me, there has to be a flavor I like in what I drink, but there's lots of low/no calorie stuff that does, so I drink those.
  • freakymistkd
    freakymistkd Posts: 586 Member
    Softdrinks (that's what we call them in Australia) used to be just about all I drank. That along with ciders ;-). When I started logging my drinks on here it scared me to see how many calories they are worth. Especially after a whole day of just drinking softdrinks. I realised that if I cut them out I wouldn't have to decrease my food by so much. For the alcohol I started by cutting out on day a week, so at first I didn't drink on Mondays and when that became normal I cut out Wednesday and so on. Only leaving the weekend and eventually I got sick of seeing my calorie count being sooo high on the weekends when it was great for the rest of the week that I just stopped putting them in the fridge and now I only drink if we have a celebration going on.
    For softdrinks, at first I switched to soda water with cordial. So I was still getting the fizz and yes I know that cordial is still full of sugar but it's alot less then soft drink anyway I gradually stopped that aswell because I decided I'd rather treat myself to a peice of chocolate then a drink of cordial if I was going to have a treat. Now I've started the "drink 8 cups of water a day for 30 days challenge" on here and other then , when I was at a party, I have only drunk water (and my one coffee in the morning) for this month do far.

    Sorry if I've rambled alot.
    Good luck on your journey :smiley:
  • jperry_abc
    jperry_abc Posts: 3 Member
    I wish there was a fast forward button to prove this to you - but as you as you cut off the pop for a few months and then eventually longer - not only will you not crave it, but it will LITERALLY TASTE TERRIBLE! Lol I always had coke in my fridge during college 10 years ago and when cut cold turkey shortly after graduating every time i have a sip it just tastes like a chemical *kitten* storm. :)

    Think about how the pop makes you feel when you drink it. Then replace it with something that doesn't make you feel like you're drinking canned poison.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    I would quit it cold turkey. But if you're not consuming caffeine in other places you'll need to deal with the withdrawal and that'll be rough for the first few days. You can make it though!

    Drink water and add in lemon, berries, lime, cucumber, etc. to flavor it. If you crave carbonation then have some sparkling water. (I say splurge on some good stuff and make that a once-a-day treat.)
  • bragaj17
    bragaj17 Posts: 27 Member
    I quit soda completely, but now I'm drinking about a 1/2 gallon of Crystal Light a day because I don't like plain water. I do however, make a gallon from one 1/2 gallon packet, so it's not as strong/sweet. I'm not so sure it's any better health wise, though!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I had to stop cold turkey. I thought I could have it in moderation and it turns out, I can't! I had one sip after not having any for months and it tasted awful to me. It's been at least two years for me. Water with ice and lemon helped a lot!
  • erinjochene
    erinjochene Posts: 9 Member
    I love La Croix, such a better alternative. It is hard but worth it.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I quit cold turkey. I only drink water and protein drinks now.