Currently fighting through my depression and anxiety to remain healthy.

Sorry, I know that's not a very happy way to introduce myself, but it is the biggest struggle I am currently trying to overcome.

I am 5'1" and currently at 128 lbs. I would like to get down to 110 lbs. eventually.

Yet whenever I am doing good for about a month or several months (eating right, being more active and exercising) my mind decides to betray me again and I lose hope in everything.

Right now, my depression and anxiety has subsided and I feel more energized to get better.

If anyone is going through the same thing, it would be great to be friends on here so that we can motivate each other. It will also comfort me a little to know that someone else is going through the same thing.

Or just feel free to be my friend/follower! I wish everyone well and good luck in their journey.

It's nice meeting you all :)


  • aniani1234
    aniani1234 Posts: 3 Member
    I know what it's like I struggle with depression , my biggest thing that cause my depression is I lean on people entirely too much and than when they're not there I fall apart I let people be my happiness , I use my depression to drive me I literally talk out loud to myself and talk almost like I'm talking to my depression like it's a person , I also talk to God not as much as I should but I ask him for strength each day and I kid you not as soon as I started praying I woke up with the energy to take on the day and workout ive been working out for 2 weeks now and don't get me wrong I still cry at night sometimes but I wake up every morning in this routine of working out and knowing if I don't I will not get anywhere and I also look in the mirror as much as possible it motivates me to keep working out until I like what I see in the mirror , you can do this I promise you ! just gave faith and find excersise you actually enjoy foods you actually like and do it ! no excuses you can do it
  • pakat1416
    pakat1416 Posts: 4 Member
    Omg, you sound just like me. ...I struggle everyday and I don't want to get on Meds for it cause its my wieght that causes my depression and anxiety, I want to look good and feel good and when I'm having an off day it's a OFF day let me tell ya, I think my eyes see more fat then what's really there but that's all stuff I gotta battle with on my own....I feel off the diet over the wkend and low and behold I feel awful today so tomorrow back to the gym
  • hazelgoddess
    hazelgoddess Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there, I'm currently in treatment for depression & anxiety, I'm currently taking wellbutrin and is the best thing I've done for myself and since starting my weight loss journey, while I'm only down 8 lbs right now I'm super proud of myself I have days I don't want to do anything but my meds give me just that little spark I need to get going .. I'm 5'3" and 155 lbs right now my next goal is 150lbs.. I find setting small goals helps because it's not as big of a disappointment if I don't make it in the time frame I wanted. . I still eat a lot of the stuff I used to but now I choose healthier options or smaller portions... just try to stay in your calorie range..we all slip up but don't punish yourself for it, tomorrow is another day to figure things out. . Plus if you need a friend to help, I know I could feel free to add me!
  • chloedmoss
    chloedmoss Posts: 4 Member
    Like many I struggle with anxiety and depression and what I've realized is that one of the main factors of my mood is my diet and exercise. Good luck on your journey! ❤️
  • intheskinimin
    intheskinimin Posts: 13 Member
    I also struggle with both, which causes my up and down motivation. It's caused other health concerns i really need to pay attention too. High cholesterol, and a fatty liver just to start. I started again today on my journey and will try my best to stick to it. My goal is to establish the habit of a healthy lifestyle which will in turn boost my mood and give me positive things to focus on, my health. Good luck to us all!
  • arizonanewbedford
    arizonanewbedford Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! Thanks for sharing ☺️ I have a similar situation at the moment.. Only I was on Prozac for a few years and it caused massive weight gain for me.. 60lbs.. I used to be 155 :(. Then I went on lexapro which I am still on but have no energy so they just added Wellbutrin. I have been losing weight for the last few months but am hoping the Wellbutrin will give me more energy to work out and help my anxiety. How are you liking it so far? Do you have any side effects?