Calorie Calculations on MFP incorrect?

I was wondering if MFP ever changes goals without the user making changes. My goal is usually 1200 calories per day, but today it is 1569. I went to my goals and tried to change it back, but in my goals, it is 1200. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Deva1026
    Deva1026 Posts: 29 Member
    Did you log any work outs ( calories burned)?
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Your workouts will add to your calorie goal.
  • loriannmartin
    loriannmartin Posts: 209 Member
    did you exercise today?
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    did you enter in your exercise for the day? with MFP it takes all your weight loss from your calories. so if you exercise then you can eat more. which means if you are normally 1200 calories and burned 369 calories running you get to eat 1569.... because in reality if you eat 1569-369(exercise) you are still only consuming your 1200... does that make sense?
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Yes... I worked out today. In the past, it would not add to my goal. The goal would remain at 1200, but the remaining calories would increase. Today my goal changed?
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Your goal has always changed - you just might not have realized it. It has as long as I have been on here - well over a year - maybe pushing over two.
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    OK... I guess I never realized that the goal changed. Alzheimers... Thanks for your quick responses.
  • radio_flyer
    Huh, well, you just didn't notice it before -- At first I didn't either because I worked out at the end of the day when I was done logging. The first time I worked out earlier and logged it I about freaked too .... Then I didn't know if I should eat the extra or not. You don't necessarily have to "eat" them all -- unless you're really hungry. Just eat the norm and think of the rest as a bonus.
  • radio_flyer
    OK... I guess I never realized that the goal changed. Alzheimers... Thanks for your quick responses.

    We all have that!!
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks for asking this...I was wondering the same thing myself! :smile: