Working out daily intake

Can someone please help me work out a good daily cal intake. My TDEE is around 2279 based on my desk job but working out intensely an hour a day 6 days a week and my BMR is 1479.
I am 5ft 4, 33 yrs, female and weigh 172 and want to be 140.
I just don't know where to start with daily intake.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Take 20% off your TDEE.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    For TDEE ( total daily energy expenditure) Go to fitness frog and enter your stats including exercise.
    Take 250 cals off to lose .5 lbs a week,
    Take 500cals off to lose 1 lbs a week.


    Use the MFP NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) method. Enter your stats into MFP eat those calories, which include your deficit. Also log and eat back 50-75% of your exercise calories.
    MFP is set up for exercise calories to be eaten on top of your basic calories.
    The TDEE method includes your exercise calories in your deficit.

    Cheers, h.
  • kate0707
    kate0707 Posts: 13 Member
    Why do i mentally feel that anything above 1300Kcal just feels to much. I don't lose weight easily. On non work out days should i stick to my BMR?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you could just use MFP as intended, set it to sedentary (desk job) and 1 or 0.5 lbs/week then log your exercise and eat back half the additional calories from logged exercise.

    If your BMR is 1479 you should get ~1275 cals/day without exercise using 1 lb/week or ~1525 at 0.5 lb/week
  • kate0707
    kate0707 Posts: 13 Member
    thanks, is MFP calculations pretty good and accurate?
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    I think you are confusing BMR with TDEE. BMR is the calories needed to keep you breathing in a coma. Depending on your weight, it isn't something you should dip below too often (unless you are obese. Then the body has fat storage to use). TDEE is your daily expenditure including all movement. So if you have found that your TDEE is consistently 2279, then it would be 2279 - 500 = 1779 a day for a 1lb loss a week.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    kate0707 wrote: »
    Why do i mentally feel that anything above 1300Kcal just feels to much. I don't lose weight easily. On non work out days should i stick to my BMR?

    It may be that you are associate losing weight with "dieting" and extreme eating plans and starving yourself. It may be that a diet of 1300 calories of real food is a lot more in volume, nutrition and satiety than 1300 calories of junk food. It may be that you feel that you should be "punished" for the overindulgence that made you overweight. I'm just guessing here.

    You will struggle losing weight if you restrict so much that you feel sluggish, hungry, hangry, deprived, crave, give in, give up, start again, do the same again and again. Just guessing some more. I find losing weight quite easy.

    You can eat at your BMR some days, but never, never go under.
  • kate0707
    kate0707 Posts: 13 Member
    thank you so much, i was getting very confused and now understand more. I think for years I have been brain washed with a 1200 Kcal diet to loss weight! I have never tried eating a few more healthy calories in conjunction wth my training. I am going to try this and see how it goes.