
Is 1650 calories an okay amount to consume in order to lose weight while breastfeeding? I don't want to negatively impact my supply.


  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    edited March 2016
    Your baby is going to require about 500 calories per day, and you personally will need at least 1200, so that's 1700 right there. That's the lowest anyone should go (1200), that's why it's MFP's default minimum. And it may be too low for you personally. What are your stats, activity level and your goal?
  • cbhutton
    cbhutton Posts: 53 Member
    How far pp are you? What is your current height/weight?
    I'm 5'10" and was about 180 immediately pp, with a goal of about 140. I ate about 2000-2200 for the first 3 months (in other words, not really watching it that hard), and then went to about 1800. That got me to about 150 over the course of a year. After being stuck at 145-150, I've dropped to 1600-1650 now at 18mo or so.
    And we are still BF! We were EBF to 6 mo. I've never had supply issues.
    Good luck mama!
  • cbhutton
    cbhutton Posts: 53 Member
    (I should add that since he was born, I've been tweaking on a thyroid thing, and I suspect that has impacted my ability to reach a goal weight.)
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    2-5 mo pp, I've been losing steadily on 1820 (plus eating back most of my exercise cals). When I've dropped much below that, baby has seemed ravenous. Baby is gaining well and seems happy and I'm losing when I'm around 1800 or a bit more, so that's our sweet spot.

    Much lower than that and you may affect supply and may find yourself exhausted. Start around 2000 (esp if baby is very young) and go from there.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Great, well researched advice/answers on bf'ing here--

    Bottom line--1500-1800 at least.
  • stephanie20314
    stephanie20314 Posts: 81 Member
    You should consult with your doctor and possibly get a referral to a diet specialist due to the thyroid issue.