iPhone Step Counter and the Calorie estimate accurate?

Firstly hello all, I'm new here and to all this healthy eating/exercising but I've been doing it around a month now and am already feeling the benefit. anyway on the my question.

I've been using my iphone to track steps, to my astonishment I walk around 11,000 a day, this number is a mixture of my walk to work, wondering around my building and finally around the house. it's a plausible figure however MFP is giving my some larger calories burned from this on average around 500. In my first week I ignored this and did not eat the calories generated from walking and I lost 5lbs (I feel this may be an error in weighing mind), in my second week I ate the calories and lost 1lbs (my goal is to lose 1.5lbs a week).

In short how accurate is the iPhone as a step counter? Should I be eating the calories generated from walking?


  • sybabe35
    sybabe35 Posts: 99 Member
    You should never rely on those things 100%. Every device is only an estimate. Right now, you seem to be hitting it pretty accurately. If you want to lose more than 1lb a week, I would definitely try not eating ALL your exercise calories back.