I want YOUR stats & your YOUR answers.. tell me about YOU to

bayabaya Posts: 52
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Ladiess.. I just started to incorporate weight lifting into my workouts. I am 5'5 female 122 lbs and 21 years old. I no longer want to lose pounds but i DO want to tone up and lose the extra chub around my belly/love handles. I have lost 30 pounds in the past year from just dieting and cardio. But i have came to a plateau for the past few months and i think its bc i am at a good weight for my height.. so this is why iv started to lift weights but i need to know how much i need to be eating etc.. noww.. i really would like to know some of your answers and opinions..and what you do.

1) Are you losing weight or maintaining?

2) What and how do you weight lift? how many reps, how long in terms of time, what muscles do you work?

3) How many calories do you eat a day?

4) What are your STATS? sex/age/height/weight


  • 1) I am losing weight. I am in the verrrrry begining of my journey.

    2) I use 2 10-pound dumbells and i do bicep and tricep curls. I do 3 reps of 15, but i am not sure if that is too much or too little. I really don't do strength training a lot.

    3) I try to eat 1200 a day

    4) female / 20 / 5'4' '/ 166
  • dlrandolph
    dlrandolph Posts: 30
    1. Now maintaining after losing 22 lbs.
    2. I do not lift weights
    3. 1200-1500 calories per day
    4. Female, 33, 5'9", 162 lbs
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 30/F/5'6" 130-132lbs. I'm basically maintaining within a couple of pounds goal is 130. I also lost my 20+ pounds with pure cardio and needed to tone up but have never really lifted SO I got some 2 and 5 pound dumbells and have been doing the 30 day shred. Will finish it up on Saturday and have some amazing results. Can't wait to measure. After that, I'm not sure so curious to see what everyone else is doing.

    ***Edited to add in that I try to NET 1200 calories a day.
  • bayabaya
    bayabaya Posts: 52
    Dkev-- what do you do with the weights? what types of lifting? just using you arms?
  • elphalba
    elphalba Posts: 3 Member
    I want to mention the Body for Life work out method. Four kids ago, I was able to maintain a weight of 125 at 5'5 and much older than you doing his program. I did not use the food regimen, only the work out.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    1. I'm losing weight, although slowly.
    2. I lift 3 days a week, 10 different lifts, 5 sets of 5 reps each. I also do supersets. I work every major muscle group and also do a few small lifts as well.
    3. I net out at 1600 per day
    4. I'm 22, 5'7, 162lbs, female

    I have a pretty set schedule with my workouts and would love to give you some tips on it if you'd like. I'm currently lifting in a manner that will produce small, strong muscles. It's not what most women do, but I've been doing it for only a month and I've already notice a HUGE difference already, despite the fact that I had been doing the normal 3 sets of 12 reps that most women do for over a year. Let me know if you want any tips or advice!
  • 1) Attempting to lose weight -- although I'm not very good at it. (I have a chocolate issue)

    2) Right now I am doing arm stuff like bicep curls, tricep kick backs, shoulder work while I'm doing the free step on my Wii Fit program. 3 times a week and I alternate between 3 and 5 pounds. I'm only going to be doing this for about another week -- and then I'm starting with a personal trainer to kick my workout up a notch.

    3) I'm eating 1300 because at 1200 I wasn't losing anything. I was on MFP for 2 months and just gained and lost the same 2 pounds. So I went to talk to the trainer at my gym (gave her a copy of my diary) and she thought I wasn't eating enough for my workout ... that my body was "holding" my calories instead of burning them. So I went to 1300. I've only been doing it 2 weeks and haven't seen any significant change.

    4) Female, 45, H: 5'7, 192.

    I'm off during the summer so I stay up late, sleep in and go to the gym in the afternoon. I get more sleep now that during the school year. I'm also more active in the summer. Walking the dogs, projects around the house. etc. I'm single and live with "roommates".
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Dkev-- what do you do with the weights? what types of lifting? just using you arms?

    I'm doing the 30 day shred with them. All kinds of things on there for the arms, back and shoulders incorporated with lower body movements such as squats and lunges. Definitely recommend it if you've not checked it out.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    1) Losing weight

    2) I use 2 5 lb weights. (I just started lifting and I'm weak.) I do 2 sets of 15 and take my time. I always work my legs, abs, and arms. (I know I need to add some back exercises.) I switch up my exercises each training session and pick 6. Ex: Backwards lunges, crunches, bicep curls, squats, supermans, and triceps.

    3) 1200-1350

    4) Female/22/5'3"/120
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    1) I'm somewhere between losing and maintaining. Not sure if this is where I need to be or if I need to lose a little more...
    2) I lift 3 days a week. I'm following the work-outs in Lou Schuler's book, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" - $10 on Amazon.com. Awesome book. Workouts include things like one-leg Romanian lift, lots of squats, lunges with barbell or dumbells, lat pulldowns, seated rows, etc.... basically a full body, butt kicking strength training program - pleased with my progress so far. Right now I have 50 lbs added on the bar and I use 20 lb dumbbells in each hand for most exercises (for exercises that say use a "light" dumbbell I use 8 lbs and for a "very light dumbbell" I use 5 lbs) Right now I do 3 sets with 6 reps, I rest 60-75 seconds between sets. It's all laid out clearly in the book.
    3) I try to eat at least 1500 calories a day. Sometimes I eat as much as 1700-1900/day. My macros are set at 40/30/30.
    4) I'm 30, 5'5", 129 lbs.

    I want a flat stomach... almost there...
  • cmaurer4
    cmaurer4 Posts: 33 Member
    1) I have reached my goal after 12.5 weeks with MFP and am adjusting it to lose another 5 lbs or so.

    2) I have literally JUST started using free weights. 5 lbs (although I think I need to purchase 8 -10 lbs for some of the exercises): bicep curls, tricep curls, and some interesting exercises with the weights that I found in a Prevention Walking magazine this month to strengthen my shoulders and back. I also just got a large size exercise ball to do some strength training and ab/core exercises on. Love it so far!

    3) About 1200, give or take if I work out that day.

    4) Female/28/5'4''/136 lbs
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    1) Are you losing weight or maintaining?


    2) What and how do you weight lift? how many reps, how long in terms of time, what muscles do you work?

    All muscle groups, Legs 220 pounds, shoulders and arms 50 pounds 2-3 times a week and I run 5K 2-3 times a week

    3) How many calories do you eat a day?

    1350 a day before exercice

    4) What are your STATS? sex/age/height/weight

    F, 37, 5', 125pounds
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    1) Losing weight. I've got seven pounds left to lose before my first major "goal weight" where I will reassess whether I want to continue losing or if I want to maintain.

    2) I belong to a gym, so I rarely use free weights; I make use of almost every machine there. Three days a week, I do about a 45 minute whole-body weight training session. The book Weight Training for Dummies has been instrumental in teaching me how to lift (I just starting weight training about four weeks ago; before that I was doing cardio only). So I work out my chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, glutes, thighs, calves, abdominals, and lower back. 3 sets of 12 reps for each exercise with varying weights.

    These are my exercises...

    Chest: Incline Chest Press (Machine): 15 pounds

    Butt: Glute (Machine): 20 pounds, Leg Press (Machine): 75 pounds

    Back: Lat Pulldown (Pulley Machine): 30 pounds, Cable Row (Pulley Machine): 40 pounds

    Thighs: Leg Curls (Machine): 20 pounds, Leg Extension (Machine): 30 pounds

    Shoulders: Shoulder Press (Machine): 10 pounds

    Calves: Standing Calf Raises (Using Step): Body Weight

    Biceps: Arm Curl Machine (Machine): 10 pounds

    Triceps: Triceps Pushdown (Pulley Machine): 30 pounds

    Wrists: Wrist Curl: 5 pounds, Reverse Wrist Curl: 5 pounds

    Abdominals: Crunches, Reverse Crunches, Hanging Leg Lifts (using Bars)

    Lower Back: Back Extensions (on mat)

    3) My net calories per day are 1370. I eat back my exercise calories, so on weight training days, I eat less because weight training doesn't burn a whole lot--usually I eat around 1570. On my cardio days, I burn a ton because I'm running, so I can eat up to 1800 on those days sometimes.

    4) Female, 20 years old, 5'7.5", and this morning the scale said 150 pounds. Official weigh-in on Thursday, though.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Great post. Am enjoying the replies!

    I am a 35 yo F, 5'6", 125lbs.

    I eat between 1700-2000 cals per day to maintain my weight.

    I want to get into real strength training to kick up the definition a notch, but I do not want to go to a gym or invest in a large free-weight system at home. I'm thinking of giving bodyrocktv a try here when I feel ready. I think I can modify her exercise equipment to come up with something that will work without spending a fortune. But I'm not sure I'm quite to that level yet.

    Currently I'm running 3x per week and doing Jillian Michaels DVD's on 3x per week and adding in some "strength training" workouts I've found at Women's Health magazine on FB. I do have definition in my arms and legs...it's that darn middle that gives me the problems!
  • krizstyling
    krizstyling Posts: 40 Member
    1) Are you losing weight or maintaining? - I am trying to lose the last 18 pounds or so.

    2) What and how do you weight lift? how many reps, how long in terms of time, what muscles do you work? I lift heavy. When I started out I started with 5lbs then raised it to 8lbs and now I realize I get more bang for my buck (really more bang for my time) by using heavier weights. I use just about every machine at the gym but my favorites are tricep pushdown and anything that works my back and also calf raises using 35lbs. I usually alternate between 35-55lbs 3x with reps of 12.

    3) How many calories do you eat a day? 1200 unless I do a lot of strength training then I up it to around 300-500 but I have to at least have done 400 calories worth of cardio

    4) What are your STATS? sex/age/height/weight: Female/29/ 5'4 and I weigh 154
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Ladiess.. I just started to incorporate weight lifting into my workouts. I am 5'5 female 122 lbs and 21 years old. I no longer want to lose pounds but i DO want to tone up and lose the extra chub around my belly/love handles. I have lost 30 pounds in the past year from just dieting and cardio. But i have came to a plateau for the past few months and i think its bc i am at a good weight for my height.. so this is why iv started to lift weights but i need to know how much i need to be eating etc.. noww.. i really would like to know some of your answers and opinions..and what you do.

    1) Are you losing weight or maintaining?

    2) What and how do you weight lift? how many reps, how long in terms of time, what muscles do you work?

    3) How many calories do you eat a day?

    4) What are your STATS? sex/age/height/weight

    1. I am losing body fat while maintaining my lean muscle mass. Losing weight...
    2. Weight training is the core of my exercise regimen. I don't believe doing hours of cardio will get me to where I want to be. I lift as heavy as I possibly can stand for every exercise I do. I have done many different kinds of routines for weight training. Currently I am doing Tom Venuto's "The New Bodybuilding" routines which are 4 routines utilizing a 2 day split (upper body one day, lower on the next). I do 3 sets of each exercise reaching around 8 reps each time. If I can do 9, I increase my weight. If I can't get to 8, I lower it. I am also preparing a program utilizing Charles Staley's Escalating Density Training for my next rotation, as I change routines every couple of months or so to avoid a plateau.
    3. I calorie and carb cycle, but I average 1550 calories a day in any given week. I do 3 days of lower carb around 1500 cals, and then 1 day of higher carb around 1800 calories, and repeat. I don't do "cheat meals" or certainly no "cheat days." If I am craving something, I work it in to my calorie goal and ratios without stressing about it.
    4. female, 32 years young, 5'5", currently around 138 pounds with a goal of 115 pounds @ 17% body fat (I started at 191 pounds and nearly 50% body fat...ticker at the bottom is a "new" thing I started recently)
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Great job on losing 30 pounds! I'm also working on toning up as well and I've found that my body responds really quickly to weight lifting.

    1) losing weight

    2) I use 5-15 pound weights depending on the exercise. I like to work my shoulders and arms the most, but I work my whole body using P90X. Weights every other day for 60 mins.

    3) 1200-1500 depending on my workouts

    4) Female/25/5'0"/115-118lbs
  • bayabaya
    bayabaya Posts: 52
    wow alot of you eat alot less than i thought.. I eat 2,000 cals a day. i was expecting bigger numbers for the weight lifters. hmm maybe i need to lower my calorie intake.
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    ) Are you losing weight or maintaining?
    2) What and how do you weight lift? how many reps, how long in terms of time, what muscles do you work?
    I don't really lift right now, unless I do body weight exercises. I run 5x's a week for a mile or two. I work my abs and legs at will.

    3) How many calories do you eat a day? I eat between 1000 and 1200, I know I need to eat more, I'm just not there yet

    4) What are your STATS? sex/age/height/weight
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