6 weeks in and not the result I was hoping for...



  • roseannestephens
    roseannestephens Posts: 11 Member
    So I did my measurement and I lost 7 inches overall and 2% body fat. I don't feel like I can see a difference so I took those awful bikini pictures to see how the next 6 week go. I'm not giving up!!
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    You didn't give us your stats, but the less you have to lose the slower it will come off because your deficit is closer to your maintenance. Also, if you are short to begin with, your maintenance calories may be less than you think.

    When I decided to lose weight, I joined a gym, hired a personal trainer and did resistance training and cardio. It took me 7 months to lose 15 pounds (although I had lost five inches just off my hips). Once I started tracking and weighing all my food (every bite), I lost 45 more pounds in the next six months. The food scale really does make a difference. I'd also double check that the entries you're using are correct.

    This part about the scale is exactly what I needed to read!
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    So I did my measurement and I lost 7 inches overall and 2% body fat. I don't feel like I can see a difference so I took those awful bikini pictures to see how the next 6 week go. I'm not giving up!!

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Ok...so I am not a healthy person...I love chocolate and candy! BUT, I did decide to try a bootcamp close to my house and really give it my all. I love it! I love the workouts, trainers, all of it...until I did my 6 week assessment. I wanted to cry! I have done everything right, my protein, fat, calories...all of it! And I lost 1 lb. Super discouraged...all Noone else out there have a slow start?? Tell me it gets better!!

    @roseannestephens welcome to MFP forums and congratulations on your very successful first six weeks. I did not lose even one pound (weight was unchanged) my first 6 weeks being off of most all sugars and off all forms of grains but I did lose some inches. While I was obese I hoping for some muscle/point pain relief which came in only 30 days. 1.5 years later the pain and weight is still managed well on this WOE and I plan to keep up this Way Of Eating for life.

    Keep up your good work and be thankful you did not wait until you were 63 like I did. The years add up and so did my weight from yo yo dieting for the prior 40 years which wrecked my health. We are all different so just keep working to fine the WOE that works for you and stay with it until you see a need to change.
  • roseannestephens
    roseannestephens Posts: 11 Member
    Ok so I guess my big area to improve is getting a food scale. I didn't want to be too obsessive over food but maybe to see if that makes a difference. I don't have much to lose...I'm 5'7" with a bmi of 21 and body fat of 25 so I'm in a healthy range, I just want to tone up and improve...turning 40 soon!!!
  • torrilmiller
    torrilmiller Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not a big person but I have areas that need work! I've never been one to exercise so I kinda thought this huge transformation would show big...

    I completely understand! I just started doing insanity a couple weeks ago and the numbers are falling at a very slow rate! I also eat right all that good stuff, but also what you have to understand is that since you haven't been active you body is changing in the inside and adjusting to this healthier lifestyle. I say give yourself 2-3 months to really start noticing some changes, physically. But in the meantime focus on how your clothes are fitting and the increase in your energy level. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Tbh you may not be eating enough boot camp is high impact burns lots calories
  • revolucia78
    revolucia78 Posts: 196 Member
    MyBoyG wrote: »
    I would double check your daily calorie intake, make sure you're drinking enough water and realize if you're building muscle, it weighs more than fat. Healthy weight loss is .5 - 1# a week. Although, IF you're caloric intake dropped dramatically when you began your tracking, many people lose 3-5# the first week. If you're using The Biggest Loser as a an example of typical weight loss, don't. It's unrealistic. I'd start by revisiting what your daily calories should be.

    The bolded part - it doesn't weigh more than fat. A pound of fat is a pound and a pound of muscle is a pound. Muscle is denser so a pound of muscle will look smaller than a pound of fat.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'm not a big person but I have areas that need work! I've never been one to exercise so I kinda thought this huge transformation would show big...

    In 6 weeks? Forget it.

    Tighten up your logging, keep exercising regularly and keep going. You will see improvements but it will take time.
  • caprihana
    caprihana Posts: 38 Member
    mkakids wrote: »

    Brilliant example. I used a 'cup' of breadcrumbs in my Christmas pudding last year (big mistake). One cup of 'fine' breadcrumbs is probably double the amount in a cup of chunky crumbs. Turned out okay in the end though as it was so dry we didn't eat it :-) Throw out your cups!
  • Cindy01Louisiana
    Cindy01Louisiana Posts: 302 Member
    I am right there with you -- well sort of. I am about three weeks in and actually gained a pound! :(
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ok so I guess my big area to improve is getting a food scale. I didn't want to be too obsessive over food but maybe to see if that makes a difference. I don't have much to lose...I'm 5'7" with a bmi of 21 and body fat of 25 so I'm in a healthy range, I just want to tone up and improve...turning 40 soon!!!

    Keep in mind that if you're in a healthy range for BF%, dropping is going to be very slow...you don't have the fat stores for rapid weight loss...so it's not going to happen. As far as "toning" goes...this is what I was talking about before...developing a fitness body takes months and years...yes, you make progress as you go, but re-comping your body takes a ton of time and a dedication to fitness over the long term.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited March 2016
    I think after you've gotten your calorie counts sorted out you may want to reassess the 1200. At 5'7" and your weight (I guessed around 135-140?)and doing boot camps on 1200 you will be horrible hungry and in danger of using up muscle instead of fat.

    By the way, you cannot build muscle in such a deficit.

    It's clear you've been eating a bit more than you think, you've been retaining water for repair from the boot camps, and I think you haven't given your fat cells long enough time to release the fluid they've been holding to replace the lost fat.

    Patience, and kindness to your body. You could end up doing more harm than good.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    with your height and weight range, you should be eating more. Im 5'6 1/2 and right now Im 168 and I was giving 1560 calories a day at .5 lbs a week loss. I only have 15-25 lbs to lose. since you are already in a healthy BMI range and a healthy weight range. I would do a body recomp. you dont need to lose anymore and if you are that active and burning a lot of calories you definitely need more than 1200 calories.you need to fuel your workouts.
  • courtneynix86
    courtneynix86 Posts: 6 Member
    I have also had this happen to me. Did intense cardio and my scale or my measurements would not budge. I have had success with the low carb diet only because I was thinking I was staying within my calories I should be fine, what I wasnt paying attention to is the carbs I was eating. Once I got the taken care I seen results within a week just from eating I was not even exercising. I am a firm believer of staying off the scale and go off how you feel. Ask yourself do I feel good? Is there a difference in the pants Im wearing? All of these things matter do not get discourage just keep going and make sure you are checking on how many carbs you are eating it makes the difference.
  • Brutalism
    Brutalism Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, Roseanne! I didn't read all the comments but by the look of it noone mentioned the following: in the process of weight loss not only you burn fat but also you build muscle (I mean if you are training in the process and as I read you do). So the scale is not everything. It can't measure your body fat before and after you started your journey (except you go to a specialist or do it yourself, there are a few methods out there). You can look A LOT different at the same weight. Remember not wanting to have a body like this girl, or that girl and so on. Every body is different. There's no perfect weight. But there is a moment you can be satisfied by how you look no matter what is your weight. Also there's aways a little bit of delay in the beginning when you decide to start a new regime. Your body needs to figure out what are you doing and what you want from it. It wants to adjust to the new way of life. So don't be harsh on you. The changes will come. You just need to be consistent and not lose faith. If your food is right, if your training is right there's nothing to worry about. Give yourself more time and believe in yourself. The things will come naturally. Wish you best of luck!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Brutalism wrote: »
    Hello, Roseanne! I didn't read all the comments but by the look of it noone mentioned the following: in the process of weight loss not only you burn fat but also you build muscle (I mean if you are training in the process and as I read you do). So the scale is not everything. It can't measure your body fat before and after you started your journey (except you go to a specialist or do it yourself, there are a few methods out there). You can look A LOT different at the same weight. Remember not wanting to have a body like this girl, or that girl and so on. Every body is different. There's no perfect weight. But there is a moment you can be satisfied by how you look no matter what is your weight. Also there's aways a little bit of delay in the beginning when you decide to start a new regime. Your body needs to figure out what are you doing and what you want from it. It wants to adjust to the new way of life. So don't be harsh on you. The changes will come. You just need to be consistent and not lose faith. If your food is right, if your training is right there's nothing to worry about. Give yourself more time and believe in yourself. The things will come naturally. Wish you best of luck!

    well if she is in a deficit she is not going to be gaining much if any muscle,while losing weight and she is female so building muscle will take a lot longer to do even in a surplus.
  • DeLaFat
    DeLaFat Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Rose, i really feel for you, i had the same problems and wasn't making any progress.

    No matter what i tried it just didn't work.

    Until i found Mr. Boyle.

    i took his advice and it changed my life.

    Maybe it will do the same for you too :)
  • spamslamtaco
    spamslamtaco Posts: 1 Member
    I started going to the gym every day, 60 min a day of cardio (sometimes 30 min cardio, 30 min of weights), and I haven't lost pounds or inches. In fact, I've gained 1/2" around the waist. When I try to cut calories, I get too hungry during the day and too weak/not motivated to exercise more. So I'm in a slump, much like you are.

    I don't weigh my food using a scale, so maybe that's something I should try too. I am also going to focus on drinking more water.

    It is very discouraging to be working so hard and not see any physical changes :( But I do notice my strength and stamina have improved a lot! So I FEEL better, generally. Just not LOOK better :p (in my opinion, of course!)