Any new mama's trying to lose baby weight!?

CeeCee972015 Posts: 33 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
Add me! Or comment and I will add you! l just had a baby boy I'm September! And I'm trying to lose all that baby weight plus some! I got 70lbs to get to my goal weight!


  • HisRedAngel
    HisRedAngel Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Courtneycade3! I'm on my second child! I will also be trying to get back to my strawweight size. I would love to assist you in this process if you need help. I'm already half way through my second child and have a steady gain of 8 healthy pounds. I hope your weight loss journey is successful!
  • CeeCee972015
    CeeCee972015 Posts: 33 Member
    Congrats on the little one! So lucky to only have gained 8 lbs I gained 50! And in trying to lose 70!
  • sharnut751
    sharnut751 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Courtney. I had a baby boy in June and am trying to lose about 50 pounds (most pre-baby weight, yeesh). Perhaps we could motivate each other!
  • camillasmith1987
    camillasmith1987 Posts: 21 Member
    I have 20lbs of baby weight left to lose. I had my little girl in November. I am still ebf so have to account for that with calories. I am just ready to be back to normal already!!!!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi! Had baby #3 in September. I am 15 pounds down since Christmas, 47 from my highest ever, still about 35 from goal. Feel free to add me.
  • mecooke17
    mecooke17 Posts: 7 Member
    I just had a baby in Decmeber and I'm still 25 pounds up from my normal weight. We're thinking about trying for another baby later this year and I'm standing my ground on not trying until I've lost all this weight!
  • bewickfree
    bewickfree Posts: 23 Member
    August baby (#3) here! 20 lbs until I'm pre-baby (first goal), then 15 to my second goal. I've never lost while BF, and I just stopped last week. So I'm ready to get this weight off!
  • zany4you
    zany4you Posts: 2 Member
    Had a baby in September too. My second and I'm trying to lose 70+ lbs too. Just started on MFP 2 days ago and waiting to get my elliptical Thursday. So excited and so done with all this extra fat on me.
  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    i had a baby in september, my third and last (tubes are tied YAY !!!) . have 35 pounds to go, feel free to add me :)
  • amoods05
    amoods05 Posts: 32 Member
    Had my first a month ago. So far I've lost 24 of the 55 pounds I gained during pregnancy. Haven't been working out yet besides walking but I've been tracking all my food and it seems to be working!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Had my 2nd child July 7, 2015. She just turned 8 months old. I was overweight before I got pregnant due to never losing my baby weight from my son who is now 9. I ate extremely healthy while pregnant due to gestational diabetes. I only gained 5 pounds while pregnant. After I had her I ebf until she was 5 months old. The weight fell off due to continuing to eat right and breastfeeding. I am currently 32 pounds under pre pregnancy weight. I still have about 30-35 pounds left to go to reach my ultimate goal. I know the struggles of parenting/working out/eating right along with working a full time job. I hope we can all motivate each other to do the best we can. Even if I can't get in a workout for a few days in a row, I at least try to eat right. We're all in this together.
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    Wow... Never been happier to come across a thread like this. had baby in November '15. Determined to lose weight and I have a different mindset this time around. Been walking 2-3 times though I am aiming for 4 times a week. The struggle is real is all I can say...happy yo get advice and new friends..
  • khemory
    khemory Posts: 47 Member
    feel free to add me! Losing after baby also
  • ASummerMommy
    ASummerMommy Posts: 1 Member
    Just had baby #4 last week but I need to get my eating on track! Everyone likes to bring us cookies and pasta and since I didn't have to cook it, I'm thankful and gobbling it up! But I need to eat right to keep up my energy for chasing 4 kiddos now so please add me!
  • amazonqueen29
    amazonqueen29 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey girl I had my baby in September too!! A little girl! I had lost 117 lbs prior to getting pregnant and gained a lot of it back. I'm down 50 lbs so far since November. It's definitely been a tough battle with having a newborn and not wanting to eat everything in site haha!!! We got this!
  • jrazbury1
    jrazbury1 Posts: 2 Member
    I've lost half the baby weight and still have half way to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • honey_c
    honey_c Posts: 61 Member
    I have two children and am trying to loose baby weight sad part is my child is 7 smh :neutral: lol never too late to start tho right ladies. Im determined and every bit of support helps :blush:
  • alawiz23
    alawiz23 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I had my baby in July. Now I'm the heaviest I have ever been also looking for motivation and support. Gained only 5 lbs for my entire pregnancy then all the weight came after strange considering I'm breastfeeding all tips and tricks are welcome :smile:
  • audram
    audram Posts: 5 Member
    I had twins in July and have only lost about 6 pounds since.
  • Christygogo
    Christygogo Posts: 47 Member
    I just posted this in the "introduce yourself" section. I have an 11 month old, gained about 50 lbs, and have about 20 left to lose. Finally stopped breastfeeding so I can count calories again! I'll send you an add, any mommas please feel free to add me too!