Pleasant Prairie Pork Chops

I bought a box of frozen, seasoned pork chops under the brand name "Pleasant Prairie Pork". It says it's best to cook from frozen, but the only instructions are to place in pan, turn early and often, let rest once fully cooked. It never mentions about how long this should take. Has anyone here made these before? I'm wondering about how long they will cook, so I can time my vegetables correctly. Also how do you know when it's done? I have a meat thermometer, but don't want to let all the juices out or anything. I appreciate any wisdom you have on this!


  • smketchum
    smketchum Posts: 94 Member
    Hmmmm that is odd that they don't give you thorough instructions. To be on the safe side if it were me I would just thaw them before cooking and then cook them on the George Foreman Grill (how much do I love this machine!!!) according to the instructions for pork, according to the appropriate thickness. Maybe someone else has some more sound advice :)
  • kellyw74
    kellyw74 Posts: 9
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Obviously I know how to use Google, but since this specific brand of pork chops was in the mfp nutrition facts, I assumed someone here already makes these. You know how pork chops are - if you're not careful they dry out fast. Anyway, thanks for the brilliant suggestion to use Google.
  • cmaksimik
    cmaksimik Posts: 13 Member
    These came from Calumet Meats in Pleasant prairie. Best if thawed, rinsed, breaded and baked(covered) at 475 until the chops are at 160 inside.