Motivating yourself to exercise?



  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I was in the exact same position you are in about 3 weeks ago. Checks out my profile for my commitments to exercise. I am now on week 3.5 and I've gotta tell you, I am really starting to look forward to my nightly walk/ runs. Tonight I went running in my neighborhood ALONE (no dogs and no child) and it was so nice to finally let go, relax and push myself. You just have to commit to yourself.

    My main reason is that I reached my goal weight and still did not like the person I saw in the mirror. I knew that exercise was the only thing that was going to get me there. So, here I am. And I am really enjoying it.
  • blm625
    blm625 Posts: 33
    tell your self "I have to work out for at least 10 minutes" Once your up and going you might as well keep going :) or you can allways break it up into three small 10 minute work outs! ALSO I think about how good it feels after I work out. Working out is the best mood lifter and gives you more engergy!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I think of working out as my chance to "get away". I get to go brain dead and not think about anything. I look forward to it everyday now. I found the first 3 weeks really difficult but "they" say that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit. If you can push through those 3 weeks and work out consistently, you might find that it becomes part of your life and it won't be as hard. One thing that helped is that my good friend and I made a plan. We promised each other that we would complete the Couch to 5K and Podrunner First day to 5K. We got on the same schedule with it and started texting each other before and after our runs so we were held accountable. It helped a lot. Now we just do our workouts.
  • AlyBelden
    AlyBelden Posts: 45
    If I don't feel like working out, I tell myself I'll just go to the gym for 10 minutes. Once I'm there and get started I'm usually fine to keep going for at least 30 minutes. There have been a few times that I got there and still didn't want to do it after 5 or 10 minutes, so I'd either do an easy walk or just leave... but typically just getting there is the battle for me, once I'm there I'm good to go.

    Also, since the beginning of this year when I started tracking my calories, I discovered I can and should eat my exercise calories. So knowing I can have an extra snack or a little more at lunch or dinner will often get me moving.

    Finally, now that I've gotten into more of a routine of working out, I realize what people are talking about that they feel better when they work out. When I miss several days I start to feel down, cranky, sad, etc. One day back in the gym and I start turning around.

  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Finding an exercise activity or routine that you actually enjoy helps motivate you to actually do it. You will get to the point where you can't wait to do it. If exercise is always a chore, it is a heck of a lot harder to get yourself to do it. Find something you enjoy that gets your heart rate up and then try to do that as much as you can.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I try to do it in the morning before work. And days when I skip (like today... oops) the time just DRAGS because I don't have that early morning energy boost. I feel like I've been here for hours and hours and it's only halfway through the day...
  • cupcakecarnivore
    I also do it first thing in the morning.....I have a friend that I meet up with every morning, so I sort of have to go lol! It definitely helps to know she is waiting for me:) Its definitely tough since Im not a morning person, but sooo worth it once its done!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    tonight was rough...if I didn't eat over my calories by 116, I wouldn't have went...but when I know I'm over I go and bust my *kitten* until I'm under my calories again
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Don't wait to be motivated or you'll never do it.
    Plan it into your schedule and get your workout gear on and just go! Like you would for a dentist appointment or pap smear - we don't want to do that either but we know we need to, so we do it.

    awesome answer
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I never want to go, but when I do, I like it because I get to go on Facebook on my ipod, and listen to music videos, and even watch Greys Anatomy on my netflix ipod app!!
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    I don't allow myself excuses and just tell myself to do it plain and simple!
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90
    I think of this quote:

    "You won't regret exercising, but you WILL regret not exercising."
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Whatever you feel like not doing the most, do it first.

    That thought works for me. :)
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    My husband and child are the ones that keep me going. When I call and tell them I'm coming home, they immediately say no go to the gym. Get a buddy to push you.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I used to hate working out until I found Turbo Jam. You just need to find something you like so it wouldn't seem like a chore. There are days when I would rather sit on my couch and watch my favorite soap. But I know the longer I put off my workout the easier it gets to keep putting it off.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I made a bet with myself. For every day I work out for at least 45 minutes, I put a dollar in a jar on my dresser. At the end of the year, if I have $100 I can spend it on whatever I want (probably shopping or a massage) if I don't have a hundred dollars, the money stays in the jar and the bet starts over.

    This is really motivating for me because I'm close to my weight goal, but I need to work out to achieve the look I want.
  • Sierraislegit
    Just think of how far you'll come and how good you'll feel after the work out. I never feel like getting exercise, but once I push myself to do it, it really feels amazing. When you get to the point where you really don't want to, think of your goals. Think of the exercising as one step closer to your goal.

    You can do it. (: