Fat thighs

msmud Posts: 16 Member
Hi! Can you really get rid of fat thighs with dimples and cellulite? I'm so discouraged when I look in the mirror. Has anyone had good success in toning ugly jiggly wiggly thighs? If so, please share with me how you did it! I've tried walking/jogging with little success. I'm not over weight but I have horrible thighs!! Please help!!


  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Two options:

    1) lose more fat
    2) see a plastic surgeon

    Wish I had something better for you. And me too. :D
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    "Not overweight" doesn't really mean much because you can certainly be overfat while still in what is considered to be a healthy weight range. It sounds like you are overfat if your thighs are jiggly wiggly. For that I would suggest losing fat. You can go about that two ways--eat in a caloric deficit or eat at maintenance while doing progressive resistance. You can lose fat eating in a deficit without progressive resistance (lifting weights, bodyweight training, etc.) but keep in mind that doing that will not help you maintain any existing muscle mass, which is what you want to keep in order to minimize the jiggle and wiggle. If you go the "eating maintenance" route you have to do progressive resistance. This is called a recomp and is the process of maintaining weight while burning fat and building muscle. It is a longer process than straight up eating in a deficit and progressive resistance but different people prefer doing things different ways.

    Beyond losing fat, cellulite is genetic. Many women, even at their leanest, have visible cellulite. Here's an article on that:

  • amclain93
    amclain93 Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly, you're probably iust going to have to get used to it. It's genetic, not a sign of being fat or unhealthy, and whatever you do to minimize it will not get rid of it completely. That's why celebrities with easy access to personal trainers and plastic surgeons are constantly being 'caught' by magazines with cellulite-y thighs and butts.
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Read about wheat belly. I know it's your thighs, but it's the same principal. I have lost more in my jiggly areas when I dropped wheat.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Hit the weights to build muscle, ride the stationary bike or get outdoors on your bike to work those quads.
  • Cellulite is genetic and is not determined by your weight. Gaining weight might make it more prominent, but the look of it is caused by connective tissue, called fascia. Cellulite is not the fat itself.

    You might want to check out the Fascia Blaster and its benefits. https://www.fasciablaster.com/
    I am considering buying one for myself.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Fairly rock solid thighs with cellulite here. Don't give a rat's *kitten* because my legs are strong enough to do what I love and therefore they are awesome.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Lift weights! Heavy ones.
  • heatherwartanyan
    heatherwartanyan Posts: 66 Member
    You actually can reduce the visibility of cellulite. You need to consume more gelatin. Either through bone broths or getting powdered gelatin and mixing into drinks. This will help to repair the saggy elasticity not only in your thighs but your whole body.
  • smlibk
    smlibk Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have done cupping massage in the shower so I don't forget and I actually do it--you can buy inexpensive cups on amazon, I use an oil mixture of oregano, grapefruit, coconut on my skin first, you can google what cupping massage is. I also have done dry brushing. I have been in shape/fit and overweight I am a believer that cellulite is a genetic or just an attribute that some woman have vs others not so much. I do take collagen as of recently and I am not 100% as if it has really done anything yet. I am a 41 year woman 5'1" 135lbs, I do crossfit 3-4 times a week as of the last 7 months and that seems to be the real motivating factor in firming up for me :)
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Burn fat to get rid of the jiggle, the leaner you are the less noticeable it will be. The appearance of cellulite is not necessarily the fat itself but the membranes between the fat cells themselves loosing elasticity and becoming more rigid while causing the fat cell to pucker up against the skin. The skin between the fat cells don't move while the skin covering the cells expand out causing a puckering appearance. Two ways to fix it, loose fat thus lessening the puckering or different techniques to break up the cell membranes (which can be painful or cause tenderness). There truly is no way to completely get rid of it once it's there, just lessen the appearance. Many people believe it's genetic. The only true prevention is to never gain excess fat to begin with but we all know that's not going to happen or why would we all be here.