getting discouraged

The weight seems to be coming off so slow, I know that this is the best way but I get discouraged. I try to stay positive but its hard.


  • Irishsugar
    Irishsugar Posts: 117 Member
    It is a slow process... But as long as you are making great food choices and exercising it will continue to fall off. And if you lose a pound a week, after a month that's 4 pounds... In 5 months that's TWENTY! It adds up and if you keep going it all adds up. Getting healthier is worth waiting for... You can do it!!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    Just keep at it...if the weight is coming off than you are doing great!!! This is the right place to come to stay positive. We all have our moments when we are discouraged and motivation is what keeps us going!!!!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Week to week I get a little discouraged too, but I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary with MFP and I've lost 43 lbs! Hang in there, and the bigger picture will start to come in view. Losing weight at a nice slow, healthy pace is NOT hard. Starving & depriving yourself for big numbers is hard! Just keep it up, and stay busy & distracted :)
  • babsandi
    babsandi Posts: 17 Member
    I want yo thank everyone for your encouragement. I feel better and more positive. Thanks everyone
  • hina2398
    hina2398 Posts: 27 Member
    I just lost 7 pounds which is a feat for a normal weight person. I'm supposed to be in the 110lbs-130lbs for my height. I used to be 126 and now I'm 119. The only problem is, I don't see those results anywhere! My stomach fat still hasn't decreased, I still have arm fat, and I still have chicken legs! I feel discouraged after seeing the numbers but not the image
  • babsandi
    babsandi Posts: 17 Member
    please don't be discouraged! please don't be mad at me for saying this could it be possible that your just very hard on yourself and your body image.. I know there was a time when I was actually a little under weight and I still felt fat. The doctors said that I had something called body dysmorphic . Again please don't be mad, I'm not saying you have that I just wonder if maybe your too hard on yourself. Just hang in there.
  • Awesomechic64
    Awesomechic64 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Talk about has taken me 2 years to get and keep off 44 pounds. I am within 20 pounds of my goal and it has slowed down even more. Lately I am not really losing on the scale but am losing pant size and have been getting a ton of compliments. It is soooo worth the time it has taken to get "healthier". Hang in there!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    hina2398, are you doing toning exercises? Not strength training, not running, but toning. A google search will produce numerous examples.
  • hannah19632016
    hannah19632016 Posts: 19 Member
    Keep going and you will get there....I find of you eat more protein and limit your carbs you lose weight faster :)